CNN's Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon react to a video of two people painting over a California community's Black Lives Matter mural. The two people in the video are now facing a hate crime charge.
#CNN #News
CNN's Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon react to a video of two people painting over a California community's Black Lives Matter mural. The two people in the video are now facing a hate crime charge.
#CNN #News
The lies that cnn tells to divide America is one i think they forgot
Just shut up boys, you blew it already.
If Biden wins, CNN will say new report says people can go about their businesses and in 1 week, you will see that new cases have become zero.
You are learning lol or they’ll say WE FOUND THE VACCINE! It’s all bullshit
This has nothing to do with presidents, this will not end until everyone has been vaccinated and the New World Order is ushered in. Boy are you in for a shock when reality hits you.
**Day after election**
@MrReddy64 BIDEN 2020
Im surprised lame lemon didnt start crying
I didn’t think that I could despise Chris’ man D. Lemon any more than I already did until I watched him interview Terry Crews.
You realize there just triggering you on purpose right cnn is like tekashi 69
Crews made him look like a fool!
@Donna Adamsyes he did, not hard to do! He’s an idiot.
Want to hear a joke?
I used to think CNN was news
Two self proclaimed journalists walk into a bar
Dolly Joseph Trump is a troll not a joke.
Don’t feel bad. Most of us thought that too once upon a time
@Tommy Truth BIDEN 2020
Don Lemon undermining the murder of black children is unforgivable!
scowned bro is disgusting
Don Lemon 2013
Hey all those statues you guys destroyed had permits to be there too CUMo
Luke Schriever When did I say that I was a Democrat? And how does racism within the Democratic Party’s history justify the Confederacy’s racism? Your logic is absurd.
Luke Schriever So by your rationale, we should go ahead and erect statues honoring Nazis for the sake of “historical learning.” The Confederate statues are intended to glorify the Confederacy, plain and simple. Furthermore, most of them were erected during the Jim Crow era to antagonize Black people advocating against racial segregation.
Danika Lewis Thanks for the kind words

@Evan Neal twice as many whites are killed by police, versus blacks.. facts
@Khalil Freeman no its glorifying a organization that has burned down peoples property, Attacked people for the color of their skin.blm is about superiority not equality
“Vandalizing” murals. And graffiti, burning down businesses, and taking down history illegally categorizing you as a peaceful protester. That’s some logic there lol
property isnt as important as lives
efs 1066 It’s literally history.. Just like nazi artifacts sitting in museums and pyramids that were built by slaves. Destroying history just because you don’t like it is not something civilized, 1st world countries do. That’s something Isis and the CCP did.
@Terry Michaels wow I never knew anybody could be that stupid. Or are you just a liar?
Don Lemon 2013
Jake S And D Lemon doesn’t care about either. Until it fits his agenda.
I think is hilarious that they think crime rising is such a bad thing to talk about.
They think knowing the truth is bad and makes u racist
”my man D lemon” .. IN DA HOUSE criiiiiinge lmfao! how out of touch are these ppl
As out of touch as someone who has an extra house in the Hamptons
@Chuck Kuhn BIDEN 2020
Well, as Don stated, “ONLY SOME BLACK LIVES MATTER.”
@WAKE UP JEFF That won’t work… didn’t you hear?? His skin…. Tough as an armadillo..

2013 Throw Back
Build the wall!! Lol
@efs 1066, yep lots of gated communities, just not in Wakanda.
You mean biden
The hypocrisy is insane coming from CNN
2013 Don Lemon
The literal DREGS of what some creeps consider news
Biden 2020
The Monroe presidency is when the US sent African slaves back to Africa. They created Liberia whose capital is Monrovia because of James Monroe.
These two barely know anything about American history. It hurts my brain to hear these 2 make so many factual errors.
Teddy Roosevelt was a president during the late 1800s, 125 years after founding.
This and virtually ALL Liberal CNN type Left Wing Nazi Propaganda as news for Liberalism: it’s just “Gilligan’s Island” 50 years later. 50 years of Entertainment TV experience of what grabs someone to watch their programming…that later, the Entertainment Industry (see the logo who “owns” CNN – takes control of your news and hires clowns to tell you what your news is and viewpoint is and should be. It’s hilarious. Liberal Meltdown so just lie.
Weedy Lints Nazi propaganda?
Its DISGUSTING to watch these guys sit there and lie with straight faces!
E P , they’re just uniformed, don’t realize what they are saying…..and they love each other. Real news with Dr steve Turley ANTIFA Terrorists and BLM Activists ARRESTED by FEDS as Trump STOMPS the Far Left!!! LMAO
And yet these idiots make me feel very supreme.
Like trump does daily? Over 12000 documented lies
Don Lemon & Chris Cuomo is a perfect example of the phrase: “Liberalism is a Sickness”.
Half of the voters going for Biden aren’t even liberals or a fan of Joe. Its anti-trump vs bunker boy.
@guitarhaus Agree!
@Jack OA Trades BIDEN 2020
@Valley Mountain BIDEN 2020
Hey Don Lemon…. JESUS was and IS PERFECT! You really need to apologize to Christians for that one. Bad!!!
I blasted him on Twitter he has yet to respond to me. He is a blasphemer
I am looking for don lemons saying “Jesus admitted he wasn’t perfect” . Can’t find it on here
I can’t either