CT Gov: ‘Nobody’ Happy With Federal COVID Response | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont is with Ayman Mohyeldin discussing how his state is responding to the Coronavirus crisis. Lamont says the Federal government was "a little slow off the draw" but are now catching up on their responsibility to fight the virus. Aired on 4/7/2020.
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CT Gov: 'Nobody' Happy With Federal COVID Response | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

CT Gov: 'Nobody' Happy With Federal COVID Response | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC


  1. Trumps strategy is to go on tv and repeat him self over and over and over so his followers will believe him. Lol joke is on them.

    1. @Brandon Crabtree You STILL haven’t answered the question, now you’re going to attack me? What is your problem??

    2. No it’s the idiots u watch for news, CNN and msnbs asking same questions day in day out…2 term trump for sure

    3. d2.r76.421 Obviously you’re personal obsession with blaming every single thing on earth as Trump’s fault is distorted truths , stop politicizing the pandemic , he’s handling it perfectly

    4. @Wes Bernard The handling of the coronavirus crisis is not “every single thing on earth”, quit being a drama queen. It is this one thing only. Haven’t blamed him for anything else, just his disastrous handling of the crisis, his downplaying of it for several critical weeks that we needed to be ramping things up quickly. Stop acting like legitimate criticism is ‘politicizing’.

    5. @I am george You do realize that if they’re asking those questions it’s because their readers and viewers want those questions asked, don’t you?

    1. @H H
      The Gov of California wants stuff from the federal government. Everybody learns to make the Trump child happy if you don’t want him to throw a tantrum.

  2. Ugh, the American people have had enough “winning”. Get Trump out before he burns our country to the ground!!

    1. @Gregg Senile old man versus demented old narcissist who doesn’t care about this country and it’s a easy choice.

    2. @Michelle Neville You guys always say Trump doesn’t care about the country. The fact is he ran for president because he does care about the country and the direction it was going under the Democrats. He was on easy street before this. That’s the difference between him and say Clinton or Biden. They got into politics to gain wealth, Trump didn’t. Forbes says he’s probably lost 31% of his net-worth since becoming president.

    3. Gregg People who truly care about our country don’t ask for or accept help from the Russians, and before you say he was exonerated, he was not. Mueller made it very clear that he could not exonerate Trump. If trump were really that rich, he would have sent everyone of us a copy of his taxes, but instead, he’s hiding it. The other option is that he’s hiding the money earned from laundering Russian blood money but People who brag about having money don’t have money. I men, he used to call Forbes, and using the name of John Barron, would tell the journalists there about all the money trump had and why he hound be on their lit of richest people. How pathetic is that? I am sorry, I mean fake news. He just sent an emergency order in for $45,000.00 for golf carts, that’s 3 or 4 years salary for some people. He ran for president so that he could make a buck off of it, and to erase everything Obama did, that’s it, that’s what he’s about. The problem is that he fired the epidemic response team and failed to maintain the stockpiles of emergency supplies. And here we are.

    4. @Michelle Neville Any liberal that still brings up RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA has lost it. The Weissmann rag clearly stated there was no collusion with Russia by Trump or anyone on his team despite the illegal attempts by the DOJ to set him up. It also wasn’t Mueller’s job to exonerate anyone. That was a nice little caveat they threw in there to fuel the TDS fire. When Durham releases his report you will find out who really colluded with the Russians in regards to the DNC funding the infamous dirty dossier. Russian blood money! You are aware when Clinton set up the deal to sell Russia 20% of US uranium and signed off on it, the Clinton pay-for-play Foundation received 145M from Russian oligarchs. She is supposed to reveal sources of funds to the Clinton Foundation and refused. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. Of course Trump is undoing what Obama did, he sold out the country and handcuffed industry with all his regulations. What a coincidence when Trump started getting rid of the regulations the economy started to churn. He also didn’t fire the pandemic response team. He got rid of the head of it and restructured it. Fake news. He also didn’t cut CDC funding, in fact, Obama is the one who did it. Trump has twice increased it by nearly a total of 1B. You are obviously lost if you are still sticking to your Russia BS.

    5. @Gregg All you guys do is blame Obama Obama Obama and Hillary Hillary Hillary but you still get triggered by Trump’s Russian collusion. Hypocrites.

  3. Who is the head of the Federal Government? tRump that’s who! He is virulently dangerous & only when he is out of office am I come out of hibernation & putting my commentary down!

    1. Jean Bryant : I second your motion & emotion. Lock up tRump! Lock the bastardo up & throw away the key!

    2. John Woody aka The Russian ; No Sponge Bobbo Square Panties, Bob Dah Builder, Simpleton Simpsons & Ruskie Matryoshka Doll within a Doll here Bobbo or Igor!

  4. Let’s be honest. Between t’rump’s laziness, incompetence, and lack of leadership, is it any surprise that the federal response has been anything but a disaster? I mean, the dude went bankrupt 6 times and was a reality tv show host for most of his “career.” It’s not like he had a track record of getting things done. **cough** wall **cough** 😄😅😂

    1. Penny O He will be the one to profit the most from this pandemic. And that is what he came for.

    2. Trump was not a reality tv show host for most of his career……….it was canceled by the network. He’s no Kim Kardasian !

    3. So many comments from uneducated bozos who think they know all about trum and whatever he does, they can do beter. None of you are worthy of carrying Trump’s bedpan.

    4. @Marjorie Caldwell Oh so THAT is where that smell is coming from. Trumpie still uses a bedpan ? Please tell him this 2020 and he should use a flushing toilet. (Hope he can find some TP Margie !)

    5. Marjorie Caldwell Bedpans were used during slavery, that would explain you and Trumps views and beliefs. It is 2020, no more slavery and no more bedpans. Get back in your time machine and go back to where your views were acceptable.

  5. Trump completely bungled the response to COVID-19. The result, so far, is 10,000+ American deaths and 10 million+ unemployment claims. And it will get much worse. Remember in November.

    1. @Perry Good 12,000 died from H1N1 yes – out of 57 million cases according to CDC figures.


      Now there are already over 12,000 dead so far out of 390,000 known cases, and we are not even close to the maximum death or infected toll yet – what we see now in places like NY and LA is just peak population transmission at work due to the density of people in those cities and areas, just like the fast spread in Wuhan was due to its population density.

      Wait till you see the how bad it hits the hick states like Georgia where governors are only just now issuing stay at home orders – it’s gonna be a bloodbath in those states, no question about it.

      Also Obama had literally been in office a mere 3-4 months when H1N1 started up in the US – Trump has had more than 3 years, the situations are not even close to equal.

      You do the math and see which response is going to be worse in the history books.

    2. @Kenny Hill Also anyone with a calculator will realize that 12,000 dead out of 60 million is….
      0.02% and COVID has a 3.84% death rate. So if 60 million people get COVID that means that…………………………….
      2,304,000 would die from COVID.

      (For all the Trumpers trying to keep up, 2.3 million is MORE than 12,000… like bigly more… like ugely bigly more).

    3. @Susan Iru Trump : It’s a Democrat hoax.
      There are 15 cases, and soon it’ll be none.
      I take no responsibility.

      Trump said on Twitter that the President is always responsible.
      Obviously, that was when President Obama was in charge.

    1. @Optim He didn’t say the virus was a hoax, he said the accusations made up by the MSM against were a hoax.
      Glad to clear that up for you, its always best to fact check

    2. @Jim Lewandowsky how is it Trump’s fault when those states that were competing all agreed to reduce their medical supplies before Trump was even elected? Man Trump is amazing he was the cause of state incompetence before he was even elected!
      And yes he got the memo in January and restricted travel to China and got called a racist xenophobe over it, I know. What could he have done in January? Tell me, mr foresight user. Had he invoked defense acts and shut down the economy he’d get eaten alive for over reacting, because the MSM and Democrats were stating it was just a mild flu at that point.

    3. @Free Speech you literally are agreeing with me and thanks for admitting NBC straight up lies about the hoax comments. You’re one step closer to thinking for yourself.

    4. @Sabrina Tschäß just the news coverage was a hoax
      Discredit the news discredit the judiciary discredit those who disagree. Mussolini once said you pluck s chicken one feather at a time. He just fired the person responsible for oversight of the billions just appropriated…hired by George w

  6. Trump doest care about fixing it …he just likes being on TV everyday…notice you dont see Dr. Fouci anymore!

    1. @Ed Rowland Tell me,are you aware how many times you have used the word ‘happy’,or forms of that word,in your comments?
      Happiness,joy,elation – these are always brief moments,..not what people should consider a constant state of mind. Addicts have that state of mind. Seek contentment – not constant joy.
      That advice comes from a genius that I admire – not from me,Ed,..I’m just exceedingly charming.
      Although I’ve already stated that I wish you well – I just can’t get past the fact that you would even consider golfing all year. It just makes my blood boil,Ed.

    2. steel celt I do golf all year and go on my yacht all year and I am HAPPY because my life is filled with people I like or live who feel the same about me. I have a GREAT life. GREAT is a word Trump uses you should know and agree with that one but HAPPY is not a Trump word. Because he is not happy and does not want his followers to be HAPPY. Hate is his thing.

    3. steel celt Trump uses GREAT but not HAPPY, because if you are selling hate, racism and fear the word HAPPY does not work. And Trump is not a HAPPY person, just like you. Good luck. I wish you HAPPINESS.

    4. steel celt Trump plays golf, he is not very good but he plays and cheats. All of his friends and even Tiger Woods who played only 1 time with Trump says he cheats. There is even a book about Trump cheating at golf called COMMANDER AND CHEAT. Trump goes so far at cheating that at his resorts he puts his name on the plaque as Club Champion for tournaments he did not even play in, he was not even there on that day. He has done this so many times it is impossible to keep records. This is the president who lies about his score, each hole and tournaments. No wonder he lies about everything all the time. This is what a delusional narcissist does. And you have respect for a delusional narcissist?

    1. @Wes Bernard like I’ve said before, how tRump is responding to this pandemic “is his fault.”
      Now, it’s come to light..
      tRump adm. is using our taxdollars to buy up needed supplies and NOT Dispersing the supplies to medical centers. If you are not outraged, you are part of the problem.

    2. Michelle Maher now you’re being ridiculous , of course he’s using tax dollars (like any President would)

    3. @Wes Bernard
      tRump is using our taxdollars to buy up needed supplies… then REFUSING to send these supplies to areas that are asking for help.
      Gov’s have been complaining about the lack of help, while tRump repeatedly LIES to the Nation, he’s doing wonderful work… great work.
      Re: tRump tells the US he takes No responsibility for his chaotic mess.
      Are you really being this obtuse?

    4. Wes Bernard, tRump Republikkkans have STOPPED Funding for Virus Testing during a pandemic. Outrage??

  7. Trump’s strategy: 1) bragging about the economy; 2) blaming others when bad things happen. No exception.

    1. StepinFetchit Perhaps Mike is a recovering alcoholic and is learning to read The Wall Street Journal.😂😂😂

  8. Well when you have a pathologically lying traitor squatting in the WH instead of a legitimate president, what do you expect?…..

    1. @Gregg “under attack from MSM from day 1″…if that’s what sells papers for their particular audience, that’s what they should write about.
      “MSM leans heavily left”…news agencies sell advertising. They do that by writing articles and finding readers. If there’s a lot of left-leaning papers it’s because there’s a lot of left-leaning readers.
      “promoting their identity politics and narratives”…so? don’t buy that paper.
      “lies”…false, they don’t print lies.

      And you’re *’for’* the first amendment?? Sure sounds *’against’* to me!

    2. @Gregg I’m really scratching my head on this one…you’re against the free press but for the 1st amendment…not sure how that works.

    3. @Gregg Oh, dear lord, project veritas? that’s what you think is good news? Gotcha’ journalism?

    4. @d2.r76.421 Well we are talking about the MSM and what drives them. I’m not against the free press at all and I don’t watch very much of MSM. They have a right to do what they want as I have a right to ignore them. Here’s the problem with them, they stopped reporting on the news a long time ago and took it upon themselves to create the news. They all edit out their videos in order to present their own narratives, it’s deceptive and presents what really goes on out of context. Fake news. That’s one reason CNN has such poor ratings. People are sick and tired of it.

    5. @Gregg No, the news does not create the news. The news is not out to get trump. The people are out to get trump. The news is just covering it, putting out stories that their readers want to read. People who are sick of it *should go find a different news agency* . That has always been the solution, now trump and his supporters come along and say ‘not good enough, report it the way we want’. Sorry, it just doesn’t work that way. If those news agencies weren’t there to report from a liberal point-of-view, then there would be a gap in coverage that people would want…that ‘liberal bias’ that you want to go away…if they don’t do it then people start getting their news from someone who does. That’s why CNN does NOT have poor ratings. It’s why they’re doing incredibly well. Sorry YOUR people don’t like it, but we have this thing called the first amendment….

  9. Except for the cultists who are happy with everything don trump does, because he hates who they hate. Even if their family die from his inaction.

    1. @David berman Are you following social distancing, wearing a face mask or using hand sanitizer? Bet you’re not.

  10. USA number 1. So much winning. Tune in later for Don’s daily show, with all the usual one liners and WWE bluster while 1,000s die. That’s why MAGA love him. AntiChrist death cult.

  11. “I spoke with all the governors, they’re all happy, everything is perfect, everything is wonderful, everything is beautiful, everything is fantastic, everything is magnificent, everything is incredible, it’s all incredible it was a perfect phone call..”

  12. My daughter’s mom is a nurse in Connecticut They need help THEY NEED HELP.😔 We need help Please Please 🙏
    Stay safe please everyone!

  13. Trump’s base is perfectly happy with this. They’ve got church to turn to instead of medicine, yes?

    1. @Cat VanSancina oh, I’m sure some do, but Republicans historically run higher rates of religiosity. They especially run higher rates of militant/radicalized religious groups.

  14. Trump : “We’re not shipping clerks.” or “We’re not going to stand on the street corner giving COVID tests.” The reporter should say. “Yes you should be. That is exactly your job.” SMH

    1. He thinks he’s a genius cuz his uncle taught at MIT knowledge by osmosis but can’t read a 30 word prepared statement.

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