Nightcap’s Jon Sarlin talks to CNN’s Allison Morrow about the collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried’s empire and how it threatens the entire crypto industry. Plus, Insider’s Aki Ito on why a recruiter who embraced “quiet quitting” is now back to working 50 hours a week. And Timothy Schultz, who won a $28M Powerball jackpot in 1999, describes the biggest mistake a lottery winner can make. To get the day’s business headlines sent directly to your inbox, sign up for the Nightcap newsletter:
00:00 – Welcome to "Nightcap"
00:26 – Sam Bankman-Fried's fall from grace
06:14 – Is quiet quitting over?
10:25 – Advice from a $28M Powerball winner
The lottery needs to have winners in all states to remain anonymous. This Will protect the winners from being harassed from strangers
Wow very useful information for when I win the power ball.
The future of the industry is the same guy that some love to criticize , and where this guy my very likely have been saved had he acted when it was still possible….However no one is going to loan 8 billion to catch a falling knife….lol
Win lottery jackpot, hire an attorney and open a blind trust. Make smart investments and don’t spend more than your yearly interest
Thanks for watching I have something new for you


This is a brilliant format from CNN. Love it
Yet a few lottery winners have been swindled by ‘financial advisers’ and ‘wealth managers’.
8:25 Gotta call out the disconnect. The labor force is screaming for bodies to work…in every sector except ones that rely on other people making the money. Big tech suffers from the problem of being a parasite lux industry requiring other people making money to thrive and grow in order to thrive and grow. The workforce has been hit with an opioid epidemic, a meth epidemic, a pandemic, and now a fentynal epidemic to the point that overall GDP is down from 5 years ago. Also, that list is only the social reasons, we have climate refugees now too.
No such thing as “opioid epidemic” or “meth epidemic”. Nobody is forcing others to consume drugs.
But climate refugees are real. Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is real and serious.
@The Ultimate Reductionist no such thing as a meth epidemic?? Really?? Please, come visit my city…may change your mind…
I loudly quit BEST BUY in 2017, in still retired at 44 , and I make more money then ever before .. lately jobs sucks , there is no balance .. the only problem is that I’m bored , and can’t find an easy job to socialize … And do some work but not slave at it
Sounds like plain simple FRAUD, he is a billionaire and yet nobody else can get their money??
Sorry can we get some more substantive information? What happens to client accounts? Are they given private keys? Or do they piggy back on the exchange’s private key? Are all client crypto gone? Why would you ever trust an exchange with your private key?????

. Isn’t the whole point of crypto you manage your own security???!! And how do you cash out? Does the exchange guarantee
??? He used client funds to trade? If it was dollars it would be a clear crime. But it’s crypto currency, so is that even considered an asset or property???
??? Is there anything tangible to claim??? Sorry for the stupid questions 
Golden Boy or Pyrite Boy … not all that shines is gold
Crypto is a scam.
unregulated made up money ,how could any thing go wrong ?
Co-mingling funds is clearly against the law.
Wow! Another billionaire losing his fortune. But why are the journalist having a happy undertone?
Warren Buffett says crypto is crap (zero utilitarian value) and whoever speculated about this reckless child being WB’s protégé needs a slapping. I will never own crypto.
Let’s talk

Crypto = scam for suckers!
Yes, it is quite shameful to pretend to be financial media and to spread such terminology.
smart move listen to Warren Buffet !! what I believe also
Awesome video man! Do you suggest copy trading as good approach for beginner to start with trading or should I just invest long term while I learn things on how day trading works?? Thank you!
@Rodney Allen Hi, where can I find traders to copy?
@Dorothy Betty I usually go with registered representatives to avoid getting scammed. *Tina Renee Zemba* . for example has the best performance history imo (5 years track record) and does offers 1v1 consultation to her copiers which I think is amazing. I don’t know how many traders like that are there honestly
@Rodney Allen I took a look at your advisor and she looks quite the part, I have always thought advisors overrated but taking a look at yours she gives off some confidence, might as well see what advice she has for me.
S P A M !
I need crypto advice, have cash to move immediately, please honest people only.
“There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” -Ray Goforth
It has been awesome, really crypto is very frustrating.. I was astonishing how I made $71,380 with $14k as a Novice. I got to put in some $$$ in it tho.
These are what beginners do think, I used to think the same way… Thank God I met Mrs Annie Lily … she helped me in trading and inculcate how the market works..
Mrs Annie Lily is my professional assistant, I have been trading with her for 8 months now… I’ve really made over $200,000 from her strategies in trading of cryptocurrencies.
I remember when I just got into crypto back in 2017 but later in 2018 I ended up selling it because I was dumb and I didn’t understand it. I studied and learned and now I know how it works. Got back into crypto early in 2021 and looks like we have the same mentality, I admit that seeing a -50% hurts but it’s not a realized loss until you sell. Now I buy and just trade and I’m super picky who I listen too for crypto analysis..with Florence Osborn in few weeks, I have made over 22btc with Florence Osborn Signal in few weeks, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish.
I lost so much money trading on my own, I think I’m motivated to trading again but this time with she thanks for sharing her contact.
Everyone needs more than than a Basic Income to be Financially Secured in this present time that there’s an Economic Decline.
Even when Bitcoin is looking bearish with the market sentiment swinging low. But she kept us grounded with her real analysis, just the facts in the charts.
This is an opportunity for newbies to capitalize on, It’s quite a shame people Can’t see this, tradng is everything right now
I just texted her, i can see she got good stuff going on. Earnlng while learnlng. I cant wait to hit it big,