Despite none of the prophesies coming to be, many followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory still believe the absurd and false allegations about a cabal of Democrats who are cannabalistic pedophiles. MSNBC's Brian Williams discusses with Clint Watts.
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#MSNBC #GOP #BrianWilliams
Low iIQ
I wonder if Georgia Governor Brian “CCP” Kemp, GA Lt. Governor Geoffrey “Globalist Boy” Duncan, and GA Secretary of State Brad “Jordy” Raffensperger have retained the services of a really good criminal defense attorney yet?
In my opinion, if they have not done so yet, they should.
@charles brugger you must be a Q adherent given the stupidity of your comment.
When you lose half your IQ, all you’re left with is Q.
The gop won’t investigate Jan 6th but they’re all about looking for traces of bamboo in AZ.
@Ver Coda wow now I see why my ancestors came to America, you sir have been propagandized.
@toy bonnie the bunny lol…
@Matt O …
Classic Naxi
….and citing his own propaganda sources
@Super Star yeah I’m not you can Google it yourself kiddo. Again as I pointed out earlier Nazism is a far right nationalist idealolgy. Don’t use terms that your tiny conservative brain doesn’t understand.
@Matt O …
Google??? The Democrat steered search engine? That is your source??
And you don’t understand the irony?
There are some real crackpots out there……
Not if you use superglue
Xenu is Q. Welcome to the new Galactic Confederacy!
Tom Cruise will be so happy to hear that…
All praise Lord Xenu!
Melania is Q
trump** { : < Q } WAAAAA !!!
Q is clearly John de Lancie, and Picard’s greatest adversary
If you dont want us to make fun of your beliefs. DON’T HAVE SUCH SILLY BELIEFS.
“It’s not getting any smarter out there.”
— Frank Zappa
“Dumb all over. A little ugly on the side.” Frank Zappa.
@Robert Jordan
True true
All you guys are making me want to jam to some Zappa this morning. LOL…
@Robert Jordan: “My friends are so laid back they formed a heap”. Frank Zappa
“Cigarettes are like food to me and tobacco is my favorite vegetable”.
The Ole George Costanza line from Seinfeld ‘It’s not a lie if you believe it’
Just add a little bass solo.
Too funny and true
“If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon’s but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other. -Grant (if we ever had a 2nd civil war)
@iron tongue I’m afraid you have that backwards. You have cities that can’t even keep fresh drinking water for their citizens. Where do you think your food comes from, where do you think the oilfields for your gas are located. Rural Americans can grow all the food they want, drink all the fresh water from wells that they need. Turn a few valves and you get no heat, no electricity in the cities.
I thought I would add the most important thing that he said in that speech.
Let us all
labor to add all needful guarantees for the more
perfect security of Free Thought, Free Speech, a
Free Press, Pure Morals*, unfettered Religious
Sentiment, and of Equal Rights and Privileges to all. I will add:
Dictators don’t get censored!
Dictators censor other people!
I can’t believe anybody with more than two brain cells doesn’t understand what is going on in our country right now.
@Rusty Key the cities face those struggles (food and heat) now and still they grow stronger, as to the well water it’s illegal to dig your own well but once fighting starts that will change, oil is worthless without the refinery’s located near urban centers. Just look at every nation on earth and show me one example where the people haven’t won this same battle, there really isn’t one. As far as the rural community living off the land is concerned there will be some people that get deep into the woods that will survive but not enough to make a difference in a war and as Sun Tzu said it’s nothing a little fire can’t fix.
@iron tongue I think you’re misunderstanding rural for, “out in the country.” When I say big city. I mean a pop. of at least 2 million people and really that’s not even a big city.
I still don’t know what you mean by growing stronger.
@iron tongue by the way, I don’t know about where you live but where I live it’s not illegal to dig your own well. Around here they wouldn’t have to dig any wells. There are plenty of wells the farmers use to water their crops. We already have thousands of water wells in our area. I know people who live in towns that have water wells in their backyard.
It’s a symptom, the disease is a party that has no interest in its people, unless the person has a certain clout.
Crazy clout.
“Information rebellion on steroids.” Well said!
I agree!
The GOP party is looking like QAon,aka Gilead everyday…

Maybe when someone is brainwashed to believe non sense religious ideas at a young age, it will be easier for cult leaders to recruit them.
Sadly true.
Beware people, now with social media everyone has a voice. The 21st century is going to be a battle against the stupid..
Bet on stupid.
@Chris McGinnis If you talk the talk do walk the walk. Why criticize Robert’s rights to free speech by talking about the right to free speech? It just make you look stupid.
“Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe”—-Albert Einstein
Q Pride lol
Well Put!
So correct.
Because when you keep opening your door to crazies ,eventually they move in.
The fbi should work on outing who the Q source is. Once people could see that it’s someone like Ron Watkins, it would make believing in this craziness much less palatable.

When you lose half of your IQ, all you’re left with, is Q.
Blue hair?
HaaaaaHaaaaHaaaa! I like that.
I love that this narrative is finally hitting MSM.
Partially true, the elite need to be removed from the control of this government and the monetary system!
“Q”…the ultimate TROLL
As Grandma used to say, back in the day: “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop!”