1. All I know is I hear someone desperately looking for their loved one. “WHERE ARE YOU? COOPER WHERE ARE YOU?” That’s all I was hearing. So sad.

  2. Ridiculous! Can’t live without this crossing your mind no matter where you go- work, school, shopping, gas station!

  3. We were at a Christmas parade in Dayton, Ohio, when a fight broke out, someone pulled out a gun and shot into the air. The panic was terrifying. People ran out of their shoes. We found cover and hid for 30 minutes until an all clear. This is the terror of America today.

    1. Probably the good guy with a gun.
      Or.. I guess the good guy with a gun didn’t start shooting back because that would have helped in a crowd.

      Sorry you had to experience that.

    1. They kinda ruin the neighborhood, lowering property values, making unholy noises, playing with nail guns working their way to that third-hand gun show special semi-auto…

  4. This is how young people live now and I for one can’t believe we’ve allowed this to happen. Gun reform now!

  5. Absolutely horrendous for these people, especially if you have kids with you. How can you not get experts to analyse all gun data and come up with a cross party consensus to try and reduced the horrible fear of guns

  6. The sad reality is that this is America in the 2020’s. How did we get here? How do we get back to a sense of normalcy? ???

    1. I slouch before you as a failed fiction writer, and one of my would-be stories involved an alliance of countries cutting the United States from the rest of the world, as it had become simply too self-destructively apocalyptic—and even unwritten truth isn’t as strange or savage as reality!

  7. You can blame the Governor for the gun problems throughout Texas. He receives a TON of money from the National Rifle Association. Now ANYONE in Texas can legally carry any firearm they want to.

  8. How many of them came back with guns trying to fight the shooter? Good people with guns, it’s your time to shine!

  9. Dear US kids, parents, companies,
    While your leaders are debating the gun control laws, regular drills for shelter in place and evacuation should be done regularly. No other way and no other choice.
    Hope for the best.

  10. People online keep saying don’t body shame folks. Now look at your big asses running at the speed of nowhere. People get healthy and be able to physically help yourself.

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