Amy Lee Pacholk and James Lewis, two medical professionals with Stony Brook University Hospital, join to discuss the challenges facing medical workers on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic. Aired on 03/18/2020.
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Critical Care Nurse: Lack Of COVID-19 Supplies Causing 'Fear And Insecurity' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Wanna make America great again?
Let’s start with prioritizing the health care workers on the front line risking their lives to save lives.
A lot of highly trained scientists, very smart people, are saying Trump and Pence deserve to catch the Coronavirus and swiftly die because they have both been criminally negligent in their bungled response to this pandemic. Believe me. Very smart people are saying this; some would call them super geniuses.
@Rapacious Interloper I’d call them very stable geniuses, who use very big words, the best words!
@Freedom Toast “Uh. No If you don’t like your job. Quit. I don’t show up to work without a hammer and a tape
Measure. Get your own masks . We need to work too.” -Freedom Toast 2020, synopsis of a moron’s perspective before he justly died in the plague
“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
― Thomas Paine, The Crisis
The true character of a person will always be revealed when they are faced with a crisis or adversity. And the eternal question will always be, when it truly mattered, did they do the right thing? So far, Trump has failed. And Trump has never failed to fail, because failing has always been the easiest thing for him to do.
“I think, importantly, what Obama did leave Trump is a global health infrastructure that we had set up informed by the lessons of the Ebola outbreak,” Ben Rhodes said before pointing to a National Security Council (NSC) pandemic directorate that was dismantled by the Trump administration in 2018.
And what we did is set up, in the White House, … an office that was responsible for managing pandemics, managing global health threats that was shut down two years ago by President Trump.
And when you don’t have an office like that, you don’t have dedicated people inside the White House who are ensuring that information is acted upon. When you see an outbreak in a place like Wuhan, China, you want people in the White House who are thinking about what needs to be done right away so that you don’t get behind the curve, which is what happened in this White House.
You need a president who’s willing to hear bad news, willing to understand that they’re going to have to focus on something that they may have not intended to focus on. President trump clearly did not want to hear that bad news when he heard about the outbreak in coronavirus,”
–Ben Rhodes, Former Deputy National Security Adviser under President Obama
America elected a man whose only thought is personal gain. Whose only reason for living is for self promotion and self grandization. This man has no capacity for human empathy or reciprocal emotion. In every breath he takes, every thought he develops is created and arranged in a illusionary and deluded manner. A delusional processes where the needs of his ego and psyche supersede any other entity even his own family! Habitual lying is a character flaw that protects him from experiencing failure and shame. He has learned that failure is not an option. However if people refuse to accept obvious failures they become disconnected from reality.
This can be a good trait in times of wealth and economic prosperity. This is good when manipulating the market to do what you want. The problem is in a crisis like a pandemic where lives hang in the balance. You have a delusional man, only making self preserving decisions, without any empathy or concern for the nation he controls. This is a recipe for disaster! God help us all!!
David J


This is outrageous. It turns out that the only hoax was Trump’s empty rhetoric about making American great again.
trump is a low life traitor he called it a hoax now people die he said it was a dem hoax people will die!
We are trying to make it great again, got to eliminate ppl like you first -
@Sick Samuel Hahaha and you should be the second right. Enjoy your greatness in the sick bed.
At least his “KAG” acronym is accurate! …sadly, it doesn’t stand for “Keep America Great,” though. In truth, it stands for “Killing Americans Greedily.”
@Sick Samuel If this is the result of you making America great again, it’s pathetic! We’ll see how much of hoax COVID-19 is when Trump’s cult followers wind up in the hospital. One of Trump’s “followers” is dead and another is in the ICU because they listened to Trump’s idiotic comments on a medicine he “felt good about” possibly curing COVID-19. Everyone needs to ignore Trump, he’s a narcissistic know-nothing and liar. Listen to the medical professionals!
America elected a man whose only thought is personal gain. Whose only reason for living is for self promotion and self grandization. This man has no capacity for human empathy or reciprocal emotion. In every breath he takes, every thought he develops is created and arranged in a illusionary and deluded manner. A delusional processes where the needs of his ego and psyche supersede any other entity even his own family! Habitual lying is a character flaw that protects him from experiencing failure and shame. He has learned that failure is not an option. However if people refuse to accept obvious failures they become disconnected from reality.
This can be a good trait in times of wealth and economic prosperity. This is good when manipulating the market to do what you want. The problem is in a crisis like a pandemic where lives hang in the balance. You have a delusional man, only making self preserving decisions, without any empathy or concern for the nation he controls. This is a recipe for disaster! God help us all!!
@Paul G. It’s not coming out of his pocket silly. Wow he finally gave something back to the poor and middle class how generous of him during a forced lock down where most people won’t be able to work, and therefor would starve to death without help. You do realize the president is suppose to work for the people?
@D Holloway Actually that was a well thought out and highly articulate description of your dear leader. You know the stable genius with the best words, the guy that people of low education can relate to and understand? Yeah him.
@Paul G. Nah. It’s socialism, nothing more.
Your assessment is spot on. I’ll sum up Trump in a word: psychopath.
Hes doing this to save the economy aka save his money! moron!
Another failure for Trump
and also a for profit healthcare industry
Lol. This reminds me a guys saying “US have the most advanced healthcare system”, I think it was Trump. Yeah the most advanced
monpoly monies
I don’t like him, but the whole world has this problem.
If we have enough money for war
Then we have enough money for
Unfortunately, Trump keeps proving that he is too incompetent to be president. Our brave and dedicated medical workers deserve so much more.
US can make the best Fighter Jets,Aircraft careers and Bombs but when it comes to healthcare they are nowhere near the top. SMH
As an American who has lived in HK and Japan the past 10 years, you can really see a massive difference in how governments have or have not mobilized. We like to think of ourselves as the best at everything, sadly we are woefully behind on anything that requires a longer term outlook (infra, healthcare, pandemic response). This pandemic will serve as a case study in how various governments have succeeded or failed to deliver decisive leadership to safeguard populations. We have two successful containment models to refer to in China and Korea and we still can’t find a way forward.
Yeah he was too busy for the first couple months spreading fake news about a democratic hoax, he couldn’t have done anything or it would have seemed like he was lying. Then instead of using the prepared test kits from other countries he stalled to make some American company rich. Now without test kits and important medical supplies I wonder just how many deaths will be because of his inaction. So sad, so stupid.
They need to call the guy in Tennessee who’s hoarding the 17,700 bottles of hand sanitizer that Amazon banned him from selling online!!
pfft… big winner there
He already donated them
@Umbra Yeah I heard that he did, I hope he lost a lot of money on that deal, same as a bunch of other low lives.
So sad
i’m tired of talking. WHERE IS THE ACTION? WHERE ARE THE TESTS???
This is where the billions for the military should really have gone. Also, produce heaps of medals for these people.
Where did I say they would get the medals now??? Stop making ignorant comments.
@Elaniago “Where did I say they would get the medals now???” The same place I said they never deserved them.
“Stop making ignorant comments.
” You could easily follow your own advise.
You obviously have problems comprehending basic sentences. Just don’t post anything, fool.
@Elaniago As do you, so again you could follow your own advise, but I suspect you will not….
Pathetic kindergarten comments.
~ January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” Taken from a Trump interview with CNBC.
~ February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” Taken from an interview with Fox News.
~ February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” Taken from Trump’s Twitter.
~ February 25: “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.” Taken from Trump’s Twitter.
~ February 25: “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away.” Taken from a press conference Trump delivered in India.
~ February 26: “The 15 [US COVID-19 cases] within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero”; “We’re going very substantially down, not up.” Taken from a press conference led by Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
~ February 27: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” Taken from remarks Trump gave during an event commemorating Black History Month.
~ February 28: “We’re ordering a lot of supplies. We’re ordering a lot of — a lot of elements that, frankly, we wouldn’t be ordering unless it was something like this. But we’re ordering a lot of different elements of medical.” Taken from remarks Trump made to reporters.
“We’re ordering a lot of supplies. We’re ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn’t be ordering unless it was something like this. But we’re ordering a lot of different elements of medical.”
~ March 2: “You take a solid flu vaccine, you don’t think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?”; “And we’re going to be very successful. A lot of things are happening. A lot of very exciting things are happening, and they’re happening very rapidly.” Trump made these remarks during a public meeting with leaders from pharmaceutical companies.
~ March 4: “If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.” Taken from another Trump interview with Fox News.
~ March 5: “I never said people that are feeling sick should go to work.” Taken from Trump’s Twitter.
~ March 6: “I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down … a tremendous job at keeping it down”; “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there”; “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it”; I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.” Taken from a press conference Trump gave at the Centers for Disease Control.
~ March 8: “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus.” Taken from Trump’s Twitter.
~ March 9: “This blindsided the world.” Taken from Trump’s remarks at a press conference.
~ On March 17 2020, a journalists asked Trump why his tone had shifted so quickly and dramatically regarding the epidemic. He told reporters:
“I’ve always known this is a real — this is a pandemic.
I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic. I’ve always viewed it as very serious.”
LOL gotta love a Private Health System – all profit zero contingency planning.
Because they don’t actually care. There is a huge difference between a government Health CARE Plan and a Private Health System.
This admin is so unprepared and inept.. so sad..
What happens when a con artist is placed into a position of authority and has no idea how to surround himself with experts because of his insecurities..
The GOP and fox conspiracy channel are just as awful.
The only good thing about this is it exposes trump and the gop for what they are, but the cost is way to high.
She’s so pretty wow