Crime Crisis in Jamaica | TVJ Midday News- April 8 2022

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  1. Jamaica cannot continue with this high crime crisis problem, Jamaica must use more stringent actions to flush away these viruses called gun crimes and violence in Jamaica. These young men must stop these wicked acts of murder of people in Jamaica land we love.

  2. Please God help Jamaica 🇯🇲 land we love stop killing each other pray pray prayer changes things 🙏 ❤

  3. Be careful with what you are saying Mr.Mackenzie?,same thing could and can be said about your party.🤣🤣lol.

  4. Very hypocritical statement when everyone that has sense know that both sides are the same,all a bunch of liars,Mckenzie

  5. The jamaican government insists on approaching the crime situation similar to how first world countries do in terms of the intensity with which they fight crime. The fact is thatjamaica is a small developing state with a very fragile international dependent economy and does not have thebluxury of time to deal with the crime situation delicately. Laws need to be implemented urgently to adress the situation in an expeditious manner in order to protect this very fragile economy…and one has to keep in mind that these laws could very well be unpopular among the populous and international interests alike but a great leader who loves his country would press on full speed ahead because he knows it will be beneficial for the country in the long run……VOTE UIC….

  6. PM, get your head out the intellectual darkness. The SOE cannot be used to combat crime. You would be lying to Jamaicans when you use this as fhe best choice.
    What is needed sir is a mobiised security force, equipped with adequate numbers of vehicles to rapidly respond to criminals and their activities. Where in the world has there been a security force with a lack of vehicles to combat crime?
    The PM, Min of Nat Security and the JCF’s Commisioner are talking nonsense about combatting crime.
    Does any Jamaican believe that criminals are scared of the SOE?. Why would they be, when the three aforementioned guardians give heads up to these criminals about their intended plans. Crime fighting must never be information to criminals about how, when and where the security forces will operate.
    So let me give the PM a simple suggestion. Purchase adequate and effective vehicles, so that there can be a State Of mobile Emergency(SOME) 24/7, that gives the criminals no chance to do their deeds with impunity. A SOME is as far as east is from west, compared to the current SOE.
    Both political parties have feathered the political nests of criminals by soothing talks. For example, embolding them with this chatter of the. JCF shortfall in personnel. Well, vehicular mobility is an effective way to put huge dentin this shortfall.
    Comon sense is not common, and the criminals have seen this in the much touted SOE.
    NO more SOE checkpoints.
    Rewrite the laws for members of the security force to do mobile checkpoints.

  7. Soe cannot fight, what Soe does is move the criminals around. We all know that there are criminal elements within the police force and the JDF that tip off the criminal. There is not sufficient man power to chase these criminals from one end of the island to the next.
    You need to secure your ports to stop guns coming in you need to provide training to the young one coming up, provide jobs, things that make them feel like humans, provide proper homes for them yo live in.

  8. Anju a unu never put serious laws in place, going to prison is like going to sting. Both Pnp and jlp failed badly

  9. All the Jamaica government selling the people is promised, and no action. The government is like a barking dog that doesn’t bite, they talking about the high rate of crime, but refuse to implement tougher laws to tackle crime.

  10. Anju yuh always talk about the high crime but ignore the high corruption. Yuh only reshuffle your thieving friends

  11. In El Salvador the president has taken up 6000 gang members of the streets we need to pick up about 10,000 of them

  12. Sooner rather than later they will also find a way around soe as long as the people cant feed themselves are their families theys no way to stop crime

  13. He needs to resign

    You can’t manage it step away
    Talk talk talk

    It’s not all about money
    Putting up building on mess

  14. It’s too bad for the folks like me and others who are yearning to return…but out of fear for our lives will never never come home..(oh -so- sad)

  15. Jamaica needs to be mindful of the movies and violent music video stop glamorisin these things tv shows need to be regulated

  16. Andrew too much preaching and lecturing and no effective actions just bagga mouth 🙄 and fail to deliver on promises

  17. PM is a joke he should be ashamed of what going on in the country, in my opinion to stop crime and corruption, first we the Jamaican citizens have to get rid of both political parties PNP and JLP they are all failures, i full support the (UIC) for Change .

  18. Mr Andrew in the west but sir even if you go to the east or the north mankind alone cannot do this you have to put God in it put him first before yall plans he’s a mighty God. And see how he fight your battles.🙏🏼🙇🏽‍♀️📖

  19. When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.(Christian Bible: Proverbs 29 vs 2)

  20. There needs to be a reorganization of the Jamaican government. Nothing gets done, just the blame game. It seems like they talk about financing a project but the money disappears or was never dispersed to get the project done. If they control the crime problems although there is much more than that, expats will feel confident to come back and visit and infuse money in the local economy.

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