Crews managed to move the cargo ship, Ever Given, 30 yards. The ship has been blocking Egypt’s Suez Canal for 6 days.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Crews Manage To Move Cargo Ship Stuck in Suez Canal 30 Yards | MSNBC
This is a perfect metaphor for Evergreen college
@Ming Mongo I know serval Evergreen graduates personally . Are you PNWYLF or another affiliated group ? No civilian uses the word “CHUD”
@Ming Mongo Your not very smart are you. Lmao
@Oceania 23 – In your use of that thought-killing banality coined by white nationalist, white separatist, Holocaust denying neo-Nazi Kevin Alfred Strom — namely, “To find out who is in power, find out who you can’t criticize” — your (and his) main rhetorical gambit seems to be hoping people confuse “can’t” with “oughtn’t.”
For instance, anyone with a sense of decency knows one _oughtn’t_ criticize a powerless person… yet by your neo-Nazi friend’s formulation, because one oughtn’t heap further misery upon the downtrodden — ta-dah! — suddenly the powerless are in power!
Certainly the dumb phrase explains a lot about neo-Nazi topsy-turvy land, where political prisoners, disenfranchised minorities, the stateless, the hungry, the poor, and the downtrodden in general, are all cast as the oppressors of your “master race.”
Yet interestingly, the downtrodden one oughtn’t hinder, but ought rather to help, clearly _can_ be criticized… as your racist friend Kevin’s sh*tty National Vanguard fliers quite frequently and viciously did!! Unfairly, deludedly, and using complete lies… but “criticize” anyone outside of their little dumdum club, the neo-Nazis most certainly do, and with demented zeal. “Oughtn’t” vs. “can’t,” is what your neo-Nazi friend would rather deflect attention away from.
It would take a special kind of person to find “truth” in such an empty dime store phrase, without examining reality to determine whether a facile phrasing points to the truth or instead — as in this case — obscures it.
Hopefully your critics in this comments thread aren’t such imbeciles, but someone quoting Kevin Alfred Storm very much likely is.
@Ricky Tenderkiss You need an editor, slim this down and I’ll read it.
“ok ralph”
sounded like a disappointed mother
@Alex Xander @1:16
@59seank lol
lmao step ship im stuck
I feel so dirty for getting that reference..
Lmao people are literally Rule 34ing a cargo ship mishap Biden Staffer tries to block Cruz from filming migrant facility. News MSNBC won’t report..
New name for the ship: THE FILIBUSTER!!

I hope it breaks
@NoComment What are you talking about?
@Ricardo Barcenas trump living rent free in your head lol
@Suzy Q56 The politicians who are currently vilifying the Filibuster were also staunch supporters for decades, calling it a vital tool to preserving democracy. The news conveniently glosses over this though and purposely misinforms the public on the matter.
Imagine having this on your resume lol
WhatsApp him
@Carleton Rutherford He must have a relative that works there, or maybe Bill or Hillary made a call.
soon the captain will be asking if you like fries with that
@Carleton Rutherford where did you get that info? Because last time I checked the crews were indian and not that guy, and he is also in jail.
@Carleton Rutherford actually no, the capt of costa concordia turned s capt Sam Pecota in the vessel
For all those who are confused, Evergreen is the name of the company who owns the ship. Ever given is the ship’s name.
Evergreen being Hillary Clinton’s code name….hmmm what is on that ship Biden Staffer tries to block Cruz from filming migrant facility. News MSNBC won’t report..
But wouldn’t it be great if this was a PR stunt and they pronounced the name wrong 10 times
@Dream No, there isn’t a ship in the world cable of dead pulling 220,000 metric tons off the bank the Ever Given is grounded on. Even if there was, dead pulling it in any direction is liable to tear the ship in half. Any damage done to the ship is just going to prolong the salvage effort.
This is the most important comment
The evergreen is now the Everstuck
@Amadeus Reignald Evergreen is the company. Evergiven is the ship. Your joke fell flat because you got that wrong.
@R/ S the ship name is everstuck
Oh, ever clever.
No, no, you’re all wrong. It’s the N-EverGiven-Up.
GPS say go right
that’s my friends is what happened when send you captain to (S W I F T) driving academy, LOL
ha, after working in shipping and receiving i know where you’re coming from.
Bonehead captains.
Oh no not swift lol
Nice one !
If Tom Hanks was the captain of that ship this never would have happened…
@Cameron Wojie No. It’s not a joke.
@Suzy Q56
If it’s that offensive I’ll remove it. Sorry.
If it were Tom Hanks I would suspect there would be children being trafficked on boat Biden Staffer tries to block Cruz from filming migrant facility. News MSNBC won’t report..
If Kevin spacey were captain that ship would have already been back before bedtime so he could be up bright and early to begin his wrestling camp for young boys
“enormous containers” D’uh… no they are standard size containers.
Oh I’m agreeing with you but look at the so called reporter he’s what a 20 something might not have worked in his life but didn’t do the research let’s just sensationalize the problem, gets them better ratings.
He never said they weren’t standard size you stupid smelly boomer. The standard size shipping container, 8ft x 8ft x 40ft is quite large – you could say “enormous”.
Unless you are very stupid (which you may well be) you would know
@Shawn Heaps cringe
The world is constipated by a huge ship.
It should be rechristened “The Donald”…
And soon will come the huge release…aaahhhh
Define ” world “
They should use a 4th Gen FUSION nuke to turn it to dust just like they did on 9/11.
The world need a mega dose of Ex-Lax.
Captain was like, “No officer. What is the legal limit, anyhow?”
A ship´s name is on the stern {always} and company names are put midship
on port and starboard sides {some times} as per maritime law.
Great advertising too.
It’s crazy how this is getting more coverage than the boarder crisis on YT.
@Gabe Dudley See the WHAT ?
@schoon111 The world does not care about your “boarder,” who or what ever that may be.
@schoon111 exaclty. As if it doesnt even exist now that its under the old admin. At 700 times worse
@Gabe Dudley Where were you the previous 4 yrs or the previous 60 yrs?
Are you telling us the GOP senators are going to fly back to DC and immediately pass a Bill sending emergency funding to the Border Patrol to help control the “crisis” at the border?
If they send more than $10 I will send you a $1,000…. How can I make that claim…. cuz I live at the border and know the GOP is ALL TALK…
@Pancho Villa where have you been? Bidens executive orders did this. You trying to keep the political divide going blaming it on a gop? Or are you indoctrinated into the leftest cult? Where your not allowed to think with logic. Where you cant even say certian things or you will get deleted from social media by the big tech you support. Things were 700 times better before Biden. Sorry there isnt an orange man you can blame now. Im sure they will create a new boogie man for you. Tell me what excactly you stand for.
Me: thank god this year i can actually buy toilet paper without people buying it out.
Evergiven: UNO-REVERSE<
I know 4 crackheads that will dig this ship out with a broom in 3 hours.
How can we have a roaring twenties like comeback with a drug war still going?
When do we start?
Is one of them hunter biden???
Something tells me he knows a lot more than 4.
“Gee, I wonder how we can raise the price of oil.”
All OPEC had to do is just agree to slow production, ya know. Gas and oil companies slow some refinery season conversions. This is just an accident.
Demented Joe started that process the first day he was appointed President, when he shut down the pipeline.
1:17 “Yeah ok Ralph” she sounds really happy to be here and listening to this guy
Classic Ralph Story
Just send sound though the hull and make it vibrate, the sand it’s stuck in will become like water.
I wonder how that ship was EVER GIVEN permission to enter the canal.
money exchanged hands
Someone bribed someone
All ships are this huge nowadays. People want cheaper shipping costs, even free shipping. Well, that’s how it is done.
Next time a large vehicle has a accident on the highway, make a comment wondering how it was ever given permission to enter the highway