Congressman and former Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw speaks on heroism on the third night of the Republican National Convention.
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#RNC #GOPConvention #Crenshaw
Oh yeah. Do you love me?

Hero 17 year old in kenosha defending his city vs evil joe biden voters
This has to be a joke, you can’t be serious
@Ethan Rogers — nope dipsticks like him breed even…like roaches.
@Ethan Rogers dead serious
@Matthew 123456 The only thing I can say to you is that I’m genuinely disgusted by your disregard for human life. What that guy did and the actions of police is one of the most obvious demonstrations of white privilege ever. The protests were sparked as a result of the shooting of a black man by police due to the suspicion that he MAY have been reaching for a weapon. But this guy walks down the street having shot 3 people with a gun strapped to his chest and police wave him off and allow him to leave. If you don’t see this as a problem you aren’t an American. America is for everyone and the fact that one group of people can carry rifles and shoot people and police don’t react and another group can be shot 7 times in the back under the SUSPICION that he MAY have a weapon is disturbing, wrong, and anti American.
@Ethan Rogers I wouldn’t bother spending your time trying to reason with this waste of oxygen here. He is clearly a sociopath like the orange faced clown he apparently worships. I just marvel at how so many people like him become so devoid of any basic human empathy and completely disconnected from reality.
Low energy.
Hahaha! Explains the rage shown by Trump for 4 years. And Kimberly Guilfoyle last night. She has a excuse. She sleeps with it …
@Fitness Junkie Trumpwads are the leaders in “ignorant comments”……
He’s a honorable man and he’s very brave rest in peace
U need a mask around ur mouth not ur eye
Damn that’s rude
1:21 cool
Using the USS Texas as a political prop is utterly disgraceful and something that you would expect a Navy veteran like Dan Crenshaw to know. Doing this dishonors those men that fought and died in that ship. The USN would never give him permission to use a currently warship for this purpose, and neither the fact that the battleship USS Texas is now decommissioned, or Crenshaw former military service, makes this acceptable.
This entire speech was for all instances the pot calling the kettle black.