Steve Kornacki breaks down the changes to the Iowa caucus in 2020, and explains how the system works.
‘Crash Course In Chaos’: Steve Kornacki Explains The Iowa Caucuses | MSNBC

Steve Kornacki breaks down the changes to the Iowa caucus in 2020, and explains how the system works.
We have always had structural failure in the Senate, and the White House.
As a result, we are having polarized failures in both parties, making our democracy even more unstable.
*1) Abolish the electoral college, 2) Remove plurality for rank choice voting, 3) Remove Senators for impartial scholars*
Zeno of Citium ,
Great to know I’m not alone to believe adamently about this. Thanks
Zeno of Citium , we really need to eliminate the bulk of power held at the Federal level
Dont forget about term limits
Iowa = needy attention lovers
All I know is Hillary is a spoilt brat who has never lived in the real world go Bernie
John Jones , Hillary not running. I voted for her because the alternative was trump. I take it we are in this nightmare because what… you don’t like women. Get over it. Says Mick
30% of the vote will shift after the 1st count , and its unknown how much Bernie support is clustered around Colleges.
American’s political system is so dumb on so many levels…
This 58 year old grandma says, Go Bernie!!
Kim can I ask you this and answer it honestly if Bernie isn’t the nominee are you going to stay at home on election night and not vote or are you going to vote for whoever is the nominee
Bernie/Tulsi 2020

@Kosh 963 Polls are rigged. Bernie is a Russian asset. Page 23 of the Mueller Report.
Andrew Yang 2020. He is gonna be a great president.
I suppose Ranked Choice Voting would be just too logical.
kornacki is so obviously anti progressive
The fat cats upstairs need the litter box changed. Cry rich boy cry.
Dems are a mess
Go joe…
Join Me On My Live Iowa Caucuses Coverage!!!
Bernie/Tulsi 2020

Does he have a brother?