Mayor of Cranford, New Jersey, Kathleen Miller Prunty, joined Stephanie Ruhle to discuss what she's hearing from residents in her town after Hurricane Ida's remnants hit the region with flash flooding. She explains what Cranford needs to recover from the storm and says that help from the government must be long-term.
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Cranford Mayor In Wake Of Ida: 'We Need Help Immediately'
Good luck
Move. Does that help?
Move ? Nope doesn’t help if u don’t understand why hopefully you will be for your first Flash flood
@Jaak Savat What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
@Flow Rob Really? A flash flood and not a hurricane?
Property taxes in Cranford, NJ are $10,000-$20,000 or more. They’ve also been sticking new homes, apartments and condos all over the town knowing very well that Cranford has had flooding issues for over 100 years. This mayor has nerve asking for permanent government help……..
@Jaak Savat the answer to “why?” is:
_because the area you live in will inevitably be uninhabitable_
“The members of Congress know, from their colleagues in Congress that, uh, you know, the, looks like a tornado, they don’t call them that anymore, that hit the crops and wetlands in the middle of the country, in Iowa and Nevada. It’s just across the board.” – Joe Biden
Well I’m sick and tired of smart guys! – Joe Biden,Democrat
@Geff Joldblum when in doubt, jump to suspected troll’s home page and check Discussion comments (always sort by newest – they often try to hide the negative comments)
@Lee q1
Do you understand what a comma is?
@Diane K. Kovacs I do, but Joe doesn’t.
“I will visit New Jersey. But I won’t be answering any questions. They told me not to.
I don’t know why. If I can’t answer questions, I probably shouldn’t ask questions either.”
– _illegitimate_ President Joe “you ain’t SockPuppet” Biden
when in doubt, jump to suspected troll’s home page and check Discussion comments (always sort by newest – they often try to hide the negative comments)
@MJL Discussion comments – which I don’t bother to read. Plenty of opportunities to expose the deranged ideology of Leftists in threads like this one.
“Poll numbers ? Who cares ? They’re not polling Xerox machines, which is what got me elected. Screw your polls.”
– _illegitimate_ President Joe “you ain’t Fraudulent” Biden
Yer doing a heckava job Joey…
when in doubt, jump to suspected troll’s home page and check Discussion comments (always sort by newest – they often try to hide the negative comments)
What’s the NJ governor doing?
Last seen vacationing in Europe….
@Name Here maybe he’s on a fact finding mission.
@Di&Ce Snaggletooth the Goldman Sachs King? Going to his villa in Italy.
No money for disaster reconstruction but plenty for defense contractors.
Interesting that the people think they can rely on certain ones. When those certain ones, even betray their own.
Things happen that are out of are control .thoughts and prayers.
You need to build water infrastructure! Long ago!
Oh no this is bad and it keeps happening more frequently
I’ve lived in Cranford for the past 14 years, and in that time I’ve lost two cars, and three times I had to throw away all my possessions that were in my basement and my first floor, all due to flooding with NO reimbursement for the losses. We need disaster relief now, and we need infrastructure funds ASAP!
You need to move is what you need to do.
You’re in a zone that will inevitably be completely uninhabitable.
We need to give you relocation funding and assistance. You should not be allowed to rebuild, I’m sorry, it’s over.
@Ugh, the humanity! yes, thank you, as I stated in my comment I did move to the higher side of town a few years ago so I did not get flooded this time, so I actually don’t need any funds, but thanks for the offer. My next move is out of New Jersey completely, wish me luck!
@Dickerson Designs Move to at least 12 hundred feet elevation. I live about a hundred miles west of you. Almost 2000 feet up, we have zero flooding.
@AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL! Thx, sounds like a plan!
@Dickerson Designs Yes do it.
I know Cranford very-very well….here’s the REAL problem. First off, this town has had flooding for decades and decades…….a lot of homes are built around rivers and water. Second, this town’s property taxes are $20,000 in most cases or more……ZERO money put into flood management. Third, they are sticking condos and apartments wherever they please and in areas prone to flooding. “Long term help from the government” is a pure waste…..this place will flood again like it has for over 100 years. Climate change isn’t the issue…….overdevelopment allowed by greedy mayors is your answer. It’s time for Cranford-ites to move.
Sounds like an unaffordable place to live.
@AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL! It’s expensive. Any home is from $500,000-$1,000,000 plus. A 1 bedroom condo to own is around $250,000 or more. Then your property taxes are $10,000-$20,000 or more on top of whatever your mortgage is.
@Mr. White A hundred miles west of there. Average home price $150,000, taxes $3000, ZERO flooding, little crime, cleaner air and water.
Homes worth $200k or less in most states going for $600k+ in this shithole.
Along the coast of NJ it’s going to start flooding all the time. If you live on the coast or near a stream or river, you need to move before your property value collapses, or then you won’t be able to sell your home.
when in doubt, jump to suspected troll’s home page and check Discussion comments (always sort by newest – they often try to hide the negative comments)
Shout out to George Floyd on sixteen months of sobriety. It took some tough love but he did it. Say his name liberals!
Americans are requesting that Biden and his voters abstain from 9/11 ceremonies, due to their disrespect of the fallen by surrendering to the Taliban.
Good job i n t e l l e c t w e b s
Good job i n t e l l e c t w e b s
Let’s be real this isn’t the first time Cranford has flooded.
$19k in property taxes a year and the local government can’t allocate funds properly?
I wonder why that is….
You could try listening to the video and learn.
thoughts and prayers?