Public Safety Minister Mendicino calls on the CPC to 'reverse their position' and support Canada's new gun bill to help protect Canadians.
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Lier lier over again and again Marco Medichino
I guess I’ll just vote for the other guy next time
Let’s pass
“Let’s pass this bill c 21 so we END gun violence once and for all”
safety Monster !!!!
Marco is just a fat cheeseburger eating copy of heinrich himmler.
He can’t even bring actual number to support his non-sense
@Say The truth Government lawyer so we know now why governments have passed so many idiotic bills and why this country is so f****d up. A law degree is becoming more and more like a licence to commit crime in this sad country especially watching government lawyers during the EMA inquiry.
Yeah. Ban guns, drugs, cancer, recession, and COVID-19. If they did that then we wouldn’t have any problems ever again. And give everyone a big bag of money. Burn all the science books and delete StatsCan so we will believe the liberals have a clue. Oh and let’s forget about the $54,000,000 arrive can app, plus the emergencies act. And the WE, and the SNC, and blackface, and the pipeline, and the environment acts. And everything else the liberals touched…
They are completely clueless about this, its not about safety its about control. It always has been. A disarmed society will become a compliant and obedient one
“Let’s pass this bill C21 so we end gun violence once and for all against the government when we come to destroy your lives”. Fixed that for you.
I’m offended by how this government and this particular minister has portrayed legal gun owners.
divide and conquer my friend.
I will vote for Pierre but I am curious what would he do to improve our health care that is in shambles or will it stay the same
Health care is a Provincial responsibility but the Federal contribute money Not enough
Hopefully hed cut the excess spending and add more to the healthcare system
Given his history under Manning and Harper of voting for cutting taxes for the rich, cutting healthcare and anti-labour laws, you would be voting for the wrong person.
I’m willing to find out right NOW
We need to fix Ottawa once and for all
its a horrible piece of legislation that serves political interests and not public interests
The issue is simple, stop guns from coming into the country and be tougher on crime
Theatre for mind blind .
All talk , all the time .
Zero Action .
Do not forget to mention the Airsoft Ban that is included in Bill-21, I hope the provinces ignore this Liberal government “Gun Grab” – something Alberta is already mentioned that I cannot enforce this bill. Just going after legal gun owners again, for political gain.
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, The Yukon, and I believe New Brunswick (if i remember correctly) are all of that opinion. As every province & territory should be.
So when are the gov handing in their firearms ?
Trudeau’s security detail too .
Oh please let that happen…
“Go after the criminals who have been terrorizing our communities.”
So is he referring to lawful firearms owners or referencing those who are smuggling and using smuggled firearms in antisocial ways? Either meaning admits bill c-21’s is not at all about either of those things. Lawful firearms owners are not terrorizing their communities and the bill takes away and prohibits only those who obey the law. WTF!?
“Support these measures so we can go after criminals who have been terrorizing communities” So, apparently, legal firearms owners are now criminals. Got it
The Minister for public safety belongs in jail.
Did Mendocino just conflate law abiding gun owners with the criminals committing acts of violence on city streets? Did I hear that wrong?
No you heard that right.
Pinocchio at it again
Tonight on Freemason theatre

“Let’s ban legal marijuana so we can end the illegal drug trade once and for all!”
— Parallel Universe Public Safety Minister
“Let’s ban playing cards, poker chips, gambling casinos and lotteries, so we can end illegal gambling once and for all!”
— Other Other Parallel Universe Public Safety Minister
Macon the stunned lieing goon