1. Most belief systems demand that you be completely obedient, without questioning or doubting. “Lean not on your own understanding” and all that.

    2. @John Francis McGovern Scientific concensus says you’re a moron, meaning peer-reviewed tests have shown the efficacy of the vaccines and the safety of them compared to covid infections

      Good luck with covid brain

  1. “All lies & jests, still a man hears what he wants to hear & disregards the rest.”” Paul Simon. Humans can be such masters of self-deception..

    1. Americans are too stoopido to live. Just look at our corporate politicians that belong in a museum, mental institution or jail or nursing home. Mission accomplished. I approve this message. Dubya shrub, thanks Scalia. Just get over it.

    1. @Daphne Wilson no they are made with metal ink so they are 5g antenna for free wyfi.

  2. Our cultures/society doesn’t teach how manipulative people are. Sadly we have to learn that by experience. Some never learn.

    1. Correct, its because teaching you that also teaches you that most religions with a so called “god” knows that thats bullshit. The values are there, but claiming a book has the meaning of life to make the shitty moments in life make any sense to you is rediculous. People need to form their own opinion, learn the world from their own perspective and be kind to one another, not push ur ‘faith or other BS’ on an ignorant soul.

    2. @Middle Guy that is not at all what I mean, sorry if I wasn’t clear. I am a firm believer that people need to take a step back and think. How does this (insert thought) make any sense? Why do I feel like this, am I scared or is there more to my thought. Make decisions based on what YOU want, not on what some random guru or whatever figure you choose to believe in. Its this childs fault that he chose to go, but next to that I think there was a chance this could’ve been prevented if only the child had learned to think for himself.

  3. Hate to say it but the parents are living in delusion, he’s gone man, he jumped in the middle of the damn Pacific ocean where tf do you think he is, like come on, use you Brain and come to grips with reality he’s not just gonna stroll through the door one day and say hey mom hey dad, you have to let hope go and face the truth… 💯

  4. A guy with forehead tribal tattoos talking about others having the mark of the beast is hilarious 😂

    1. It has been that way throughout human history, I don’t see why it would change now. While I respect everyone’s right to believe in whatever the eff they want, religion (whichever it may be), is one of the most harmful aspects of human culture. It is mind boggling that the large majority of humans choose to believe in imaginary friends rather than observable and measurable data.

  5. My brother chose to believe in anti science conspiracy theories and died from Covid. He made a decision that killed him. Believe me when I say watching a loved one slowly choke to death is incredibly painful. Please listen to your family doctor or responsible medical professionals.

    1. @Neo X I know you think you’re super edgy and know secretive info but you’re just a moron who’s been tricked by smarter people with their own agenda

      Science proves this statement, indisputably

  6. I laughed loud and choked on my Tea when the dude said they jumped overboard because they were scared of the Covid tests😆😆

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