Dr. Theresa Tam and Dr. Njoo share what steps Canadians can take to protect themselves amid a spike in different viruses.
#covid19 #Maskmandate #Triplevirus #Flu #RSV
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Oh enough already…. don’t think it’s going to work this time around LOL
Well 90% of society bought it, hook lined and sinker. They will believe and comply with whatever the talking box tells them.
There is tons of ppl in my city of niagara falls that have never stopped wearing masks.. it will continue to work on them
I would like to know how we eradicated the flu for the last 2 years ?
@Perry Jones didn’t moneypox do that too?

_I would like to know how we eradicated the flu for the last 2 years ?_
The flu was around, just at a much lower level than usual.
Wearing masks, washing hands, being more careful about staying home when sick
@C you win
@Rosemary Bell if you believe that you are part of the problem. Yeah for 100 years we never tried any of those things to eradicate the flu. That takes a special kind of ignorance to rationalize that. If only there was medical and legal precedent to prove you are wrong…..oh wait there is
This dude is worse then the drug dealers I grew up around in Montreal. They could learn a lot from him though.
Why on earth absolutely NO MENTION of those who have fought off C0V1D and have natural immunity??? Is this a HEALTH announcement, or is it just a pharma ad??
childless persons she is..her opinion is meaningless..she has no vested interest in the future is why
As long as you quarantined yourself when you had it, then enjoy your immunity for that variant. Others out there will not fight it off as well. This leads to death and overloading the health care system.
@CraZY pRIME You do know, don’t you, that COVID has a IFR that is now actually BELOW that of plain old flu, right? You do look at that data for yourself, don’t you? Or are you one of those poor misguided souls who get their information from the talking heads on the six o’clock news?
@Primmakin Sofis Bet you don’t get an answer!
So after 5 rounds of injectables we’re in worse shape than ever
Hold the line Patriots !!! Dont give up !!! Stayed Strong !!
@Ninja Weretiger You ain’t patriotic if you support failed draconian government policies.
@Ninja Weretiger You obviously don’t care about others.
Always will

@Ninja Weretiger we don’t care about you,that’s for sure
@Ninja Weretiger I don’t care about you.
Alberta just fired their “top doctor” time the feds did the same.
Tam is doing everything Trudeau wants, she’s not going anywhere unfortunately
Seems very trust worthy and He is a Doctor so he knows what he is talking about.
Bhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaah. Ya and we should trust law enforcement too at the same time hahaha
You’re being sarcastic right …
It’s a she
@Adrian look a flying pig!!!
@Sun Moon 4774 you are mistaken
Funny how all of a sudden this is coming back into the news headlines. Dear government; we are not amused, and we will not comply.
Fak yes !!!
grow up already.

@Sara Lee Get Informed ALREADY

Boost immunity-eat healthy and exercise
And make sure you are up to date with your shots!
Speak up for your human rights
What human rights? The whites have been spreading so much hate since the beginning of times. There are no human rights!
@Ninja Weretiger I’m Metis too and you strike me as a professional victim. Grow up, get a job, TRY to be responsible for your own life and toss that chip on your shoulder. It didn’t happen to me, didn’t happen to you, so stop crying. Learn from the past but don’t live there. Only a child’s mindset can blame the present for the past
@Joe Balser
Ninja wisdom
@Ninja Weretiger your family history ought to tell you we’re on your side, the government is not….
It keeps getting bigger and more powerful daily, and it should concern all Canadians of all creeds
@A H Nah. I’ve had harassment. Those saying they don’t care if you disagree. Abusive foster siblings saying they’re conservatives. Why would I like that?
I love seeing the Healthcare system under strain. It means my tax dollars are being put to use.
I couldn’t agree more!
It shouldn’t be under strain, that means it’s under funded, low on medical supplies and over capacity lol
I will not Stand by in the presence of Evil.
Whoever wants to wear of mask, go ahead. I for one, WILL NOT be forced to do so again.
Just ignore what it says. It has no soul . It’s eyes says it all.
“Let’s put truth and justice back into public life and restore trust in the experts we rely on”
MP Kruger UK
I hope Dr. Tam is getting her boosters and wearing a mask.
So my kids have no protection against anything anymore because of all those lockdown. So what happened is that my youngest kid got a respiratory virus and passed a week in hospital. They need, we need to get sick with the small stuff so we can fight the strong one. It’s a necessity.
This is unreal. What did they honestly think was going to happen this year, especially with children who have undeveloped immune systems?
Bringing back mask mandates does nothing to fix the systemic issues that have existed for decades in the healthcare system.
Parents don’t even have access to basic over the counter medication for their sick kids during cold and flu season. This whole situation is disgraceful
Never before have I seen an “expert” be wrong and change it’s story as many times as Dr. Tam. Bravo.