With much of the country under lockdown for the past number of weeks due to COVID-19, there has been a beneficial side effect that has been helping Canada's air quality and the climate.
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Right on
Please stop posting on YouTube
U 2
My prayers with all humanity. I hope this virus soon vanish from earth.
I hav℮ just plac℮d one purchase on g℮tadealf𝐎r .c𝐎m(google it) f𝐎r n95. th℮y hav℮ enought st𝐎ck.full d℮tails 𝐎n my vid℮𝐎
یہ آج سے کام کر رہا ہے جس میں ایک عظیم حل ہے
It’s a sham wake up
Interesting.! ~
Ha, more viruses
Propaganda news
Nothing has changed for me……maybe that’s the lesson city folk need to learn. Need, not want….and do it yourself instead of paying someone else
Nothing change for me either the government came through for me very generously cannot complain……………
loved it
China is not polluting do much. However the plants will suffer with the lower c02
It’s always baffled me how society would wake up at the same time every weekday and drive to work at the same time and then for the most part everybody would finish work and all drive home at the same time.
Yeah you likely don’t work
Best Spring in 20 years!
Cooler, and the right amount of rain. Fewer cars! Yay!
except, the financial trouble everyone now goes throught…
Research geo engineering or weather modification…the conspiracy term is chem trails…the blue skys without chemicals is nice