A British COVID-19 patient has issued a stark warning from her hospital bed, warning others to not take any chances.
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Wish you well Tara…
Perfect example that even a younger person can be infected by this virus.
Hometheaterguy yes but unlike a 70+ years old she’s not likely to die.
Hometheaterguy perfect propaganda
approx 80% of deaths are 70+ !! The old dies and replaces with new ! life cycle
Ummmm, why wasn”t she wearing a mask when she was in the ICU?
Evy Darling production crew messed up
@Lovein meeh Babie wrong I was in icu two weeks ago. You can have your phone. Your in a room by yourself.
You know there is a shortage of masks right?
Why didn’t she cover her mouth when coughing? Also if she couldn’t breathe on her own then she couldn’t cough
Lovein meeh Babie you most definitely can have a phone in icu. I’ve had my phone with my before
Btw… where’s the ‘graphic content’?
The coughs were graphic
I wish you get well!!! Friend from Italia
So the hospital she’s staying at is alright with her coughing everywhere and getting germs on her smart phone?
Probably mask shortage and “HER” smartphone doesn’t matter if she already has the virus, as long as no one else touch it without gloves or forget to wash hands
Christofer Brock bingo
Yup let’s spread this even further. Hasn’t even learned basic concepts of coughing into elbow. This, this is how it spreads so quickly.
Unfortunately, other countries don’t have the same Infection Prevention & Control protocols like in Canada. Any inpatient who has been hospitalized outside of Canada within 12 months, has to be isolated here within hospitals – Healthcare worker.
Umm you could have a phone in our local ICU rooms and each room is isolated from other patients rooms too.
Sending love
get well soon
So a chain smoker with damaged lungs caught a respiratory illness and needs oxygenation? Truly terrifying.
She’s not on isolation. You can see the curtain behind her. No masks. No intubation. Light oxygen given to her so the nurses could shut up her up. She’s talking just fine, not out of breath, simple cough here and there. Her IV was was NOT sewn into her artery. They clearly put IV secure tape on her wrist to hold the line down.
Your going to need an anti inflammatory for your lungs ( alcohol or something of that nature and your going to need a stimulant (cocaine or something else similar) it sounds strange but I know what I’m talking about , that’s how I beat swine flu ,judge me if you want to and don’t listen ,it’s your funeral
Doctor…”You need urgent medical care for your health condition!!”
Patient…”Let me just post on my Instagram real quick!!”
She said that she was getting better at the time of posting that.
Nonetheless your post was pretty funny.
This lady is a heroine to do that right on her bed!!!
John Dulewich right!
Anyone who smokes wont be allowed if they are in ICU and infected with covid 19. Plus she would have a mask on or a drape shield around her. I don’t think she is even talking about covid 19 and is dealing with lung issues do to smoking.
drape shield, is that like a dog cone?
get well a
Believers, look up – the angels are nearer than you think Billy Graham
*Coughs dramatically*
anything for the ‘gram
The CCP is responsible for all these.
Another moron.
OMG, how I hate this evil virus!
how much did they pay her to make this video
Thank for the info.Keep fighting!