COVID-19 pandemic: Recorded cases are just ‘the tip of the iceberg’, warns Toronto’s top doctor

Toronto's Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa warned that the recorded surge of COVID-19 cases is just 'the tip of the iceberg.'

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COVID-19 pandemic: Recorded cases are just 'the tip of the iceberg', warns Toronto's top doctor


  1. Albert Einstein: World is a dangerous place, no because of poeple do evil. But the poeple who see evil but don’t do anything.

    1. @George Friesen Test less and the numbers go down…It’s funny they actually went up and the positive rate also did with more restrictions. It’s like they are trying to control the numbers and failing miserably.

  2. “Tip of the iceberg” actually means something positive… if there are 1 million cases in Canada, and only 36 in ICU, that would be even better.

    Yet this is portrayed as if it is a negative.

    1. @For Posterity Now add in the fact that COVID deaths in Ontario are almost certainly overstated. The province uses a definition of a COVID death that is so broad as to be patently absurd.

    2. “Tip of the iceberg” does mean something bad. It implies that we can only see a small part of a much larger thing; the rest of iceberg we can not see, as it is under the water.

    1. @Cate7451 No she’s just worried about her own neck . She’s a passive aggressive Nurse Ratchet type personality .

    1. @m M Considering the alternative is a permanent shutdown of society, yes I do believe that restricting society is the wisest course of action. Kind of like how when you have a sprained ankle you restrict movement so you don’t permanently damage yourself.

    2. @Leon Fury but the alternative is not a permanent shutdown of society…? dude are you payed to spew nonsense in youtube comments or something? your analogy makes no sense, we don’t have a sprained ankle, we have a tiny scratch at worst. I’ll fix it for you : you have a scratch and the school nurse forces you to spend the rest of your life in the hospital.

  3. Well of this isn’t blatant fearmongering.
    “You should assume Covid-19 is everywhere”
    I wonder what effect that’s gonna have on people’s mental health.

    But I’m no doctor so what do I know huh.
    That’s right kids, you should assume there are monsters under every bed…

    1. “You should assume COVID-19 is everywhere” isn’t fearmongering. It’s like walking in a war zone and being told “hey you can get hit anytime, be warned”, and calling that fearmongering. She’s just saying to we should take precautions to protect ourselves in all settings. What’s wrong with that?

      I understand it may be distressful to some who feel like NOTHING is safe anymore, but it only feels like that since no one bothers with prevention measures since it’s not fatal. Is it really that difficult to be more careful for your own, and others, safety?

    1. I hear you , young university students drinking outside when the temperature has dropped , alcohol like many other drugs deprives the power of sensation until you are already sick with cold / flue symptoms .

    1. @MultiAxian if there was 1000x more of them it still wouldn’t justify the mass murder the lockdowns and economic collapse are producing.

    2. Covid-19 Mortality rates (as per CDC):
      0-19 years: 0.00003 (that’s a 99.99997% clear rate)
      20-49 years: 0.0002 (that’s a 99.9998% clear rate)
      50-69 years: 0.005 (that’s a 99.995% clear rate)
      70+ years: 0.054 (that’s a 99.956% clear rate)

    1. I can’t believe anyone would consider her. Even most Canadian wildlife animals are sexually more attractive than her.

    2. That means she was able to find 5 men who were willing to marry her. Her bio says both her parents are doctors and are Filipino. Born in 1969 and has 3 children.

  4. Again, SARS-coV-2 is simply everywhere, is highly contagious, and can pass through masks, but if you get infected, you are not being diligent enough. If numbers go down, you can praise your leaders and tiktok nurses.

    1. It tests positive even for cold/flu symptoms, so it would be a false positive… Ppl still die from flu/colds, but it’s usually the elderly.

  5. Why is this person in charge of my life? I never voted for her, I cannot find her accountable for any bad decisions effecting my life. Does she even have the authority to dictate anything to me? Where is the proof that she has any power to enforce anything?

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