A cluster of 31 positive COVID-19 cases all linked back to one party in August. CTV Windsor's Rich Garton reports.
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Sooo…. how many are deathly ill or dead?
@john doe – I give up. How many.
@Marc Brode well i’ll throw a question back at you, is the threat big enough to justify the current measures being put in place on the global populace?
john doe – Yes.
@Marc Brode No, it is not. If you still believe this virus is dangerous and the global response was appropriate, after 6 months and with all the data that we have now, you’re just willfully ignorant. Enjoy the coming tyranny, endless lockdowns and “new normal”.
Albert – You’re in denial. You’ll come to your senses by Christmas.
Positive doesn’t mean anything.
Nonsense, and anyone who believes this is easily fooled. This is a sell job for contact traceing.
Did probably all got the cold
False positive -> contact tracing and testing -> more false positive -> “out break”
95% of ALL cases ASYMPTOMATIC to mild.
Of the 5% that are fatal, 96% had 2 or more co morbidity factors
Of those 91% were over the age of 70
If you are under 60 the Flu is THREE TIMES MORE DEADLY than Covid.
If you are under 60 & catch covid & have no morbidity factors, you have a 99.94% chance of survival
The Flu kills 0.2% from ALL ages
Covid under 60 only 0.06%
Flu doesn’t leave you with brain and heart damage either though.
This isn’t the flu guys…..
must not be too serious just listen to the end of the report.
Everybody eventually will come down with a cold just be healthy to fight it off
How many got sick?
The test is useless.
Maybe the flights from China should of been cut off like Trump did, instead of closing the boarder for American election interference. But we all know this is propaganda. Yall keep pushing fear and towing the broken company line. What a joke.
They won’t enforce common sense because it’s raaaaacist.
@SaturdayNightSlamMaster1980 so basically its convenient.
Why are you not reporting the latest CDC report stating that 94% of COVID deaths had an average of 2.6 comorbidities and were near or above the average life expectancy?
Convid 19
They will blame “parties” for when they lock down again this winter.
Look at the Spanish Flu records, this covid-19 is eerily similar to it. Total of 3 waves before it ran out of steam. 20 to 100 million dead world wide, and before plane travel.
OMG they were living their lives, quick jail them and fine them. *insert eye roll…
Better start preparing agian for what’s gonna happen qhen you start coughing nmin September.. wake up windsor wake up
Don’t u think its funny that all the positive tests are coming from international flights. Right here into windsor??? Not a party or tim hortons
It must suck to be single and in the dating scene these days. Seems like they just wanted to live and enjoy life not knowing this would happen.