Kids under the age of 12 who can't be vaccinated might know more than you think about COVID-19 and the vaccine.
RELATED: Olympians describe how not having their families at the Olympics will impact them.
File this under 'kids say the darndest things': When we asked children their thoughts about COVID-19, and here are some of their interesting responses.
Mark Jackson was one of the children interviewed and he said, "It changed the rest of my second grade year and my whole third grade year because we went virtual and had to wear masks everywhere like to the grocery store and all that."
"So I wasn't able to go outside the house for a very very very long time."
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#COVID-19 #vaccinations #children
Leave our kids alone you creeps. They have a 99.995% of survival. GTFO!
السلام عليكم أنا من غزة محتاجه مساعده اطعم اولادى جوزى مريض نفسي اقسم بالله بترجاكم ساعدونا يارب..
C-SPAN swamp Democrat operatives from top to bottom
C-SPAN Washington Journal democrat-controlled from top to bottom
They know whatever crap propaganda they were spoon fed mostly.
Kids *know* nothing. They just parrot whatever propaganda they hear their parents and teachers say.
What in the world was the point of this video?
Support Legislation in the U.S. to BAN COURT ORDERED RAPE
Hello Mrs Stella, I’ll like to know more about you, where are you from..?
Fantastic video
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The diversity of children is amazing
Experiment on children… Sickos