Dr. Feranmi Okanlami and Dr. Leana Wen join Morning Joe to discuss the amplified impact of coronavirus on Americans with disabilities, and the CDC guidance for reopening schools in the fall. Aired on 07/24/2020.
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Covid-19 Deaths Higher In Those With Disabilities | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Donald Trump and the GOP are actively engaged in genocide of the American people under cover of COVID-19. What we are witnessing is criminal behavior on an epic scale in every conceivable way. VOTE BLUE at every level of government, and never trust Trump and the GOP ever, again!
Are you delusional man? It is obvious to anyone with even half a brain that it is everywhere there is a leftist Marxist democrat with a mayor or governor that the towns are burning to the ground. It is the leftist Marxists who are demanding people have their lives destroyed to stop a virus that has killed less than the seasonal flu from previous years. But more people are dying from being locked away in their homes and drowned in the fear and paranoia of the leftist Marxist main stream media.
Wow it seems like anyone can put a political stamp on all of this and seems to be. How about hovering above the issues to get a little bit more of a conceptualized view vs being a bi-partisan programmed, “fact” spitting robot?
@Cory Rich There is a “political stamp” on all of this – put there by Donald Trump and the GOP. Trump and the GOP are STILL pretending that the science around COVID-19 is “fake news” and their response, what little response there has been, has only made the situation worse, rather than better. All any of them had to do is LISTEN to the scientists and medical experts about COVID-19 and COPY the response that other countries who have been more successful than we have been, and as many as 100,000, or more, people would STILL be alive today!
Richard Owens I think maybe you misinterpreted my response I was referring to the last /right wing rhetoric. I know there is a political stamp on it b/c unfortunately we’ve let a bunch of idiots hold too much power for way to long. It’s the divisiveness that comes with pointing fingers at different aisles of Congress or different people with political power. There needs to be a moral compass test everyday with politicians….. ALL of them.
@Dmitri Fukov Can you read, Fukov Dmitri?

The poor, weak, disadvantaged, and the disabled always are the ones to get hit the hardest in any crisis.
@Lilac Lizard no it wont help overworked..what i was refering too is as you probably more than know, not all our population or half our goverment has had a plan or ppe.
As for working with humans in facilities , i have no experience.
I have, however worked lead in the isolation and quarantine in both vetranary hospitals and wild animal resue facilities…we wore them all the time there. The goal was not to let anything in those rooms escape..amoungst other concerns of course. Glad that Australia has done and is doing good …i pray it stays that way for you all..have a wanderful Australian day !!!
@Thia wolf ah, ok
I get you
Kinda sad you have to say that re a mask, but I get where you’re coming from 
When you look at the NY deaths in care homes, people blame the governor for putting recovering covid patients into them, but the FAR bigger issue was staff were working in multiple facilities & without proper PPE, so they’d get infected & then take it into the staff room at every care home they worked at & so infect the lot. We’ve had that here a little, so the government is addressing it by now paying casual staff extra while restricting them to only be allowed to work in a single facility to fix this spread issue. It’s easier here of course, cause we only have the virus in one state, so ample staff available total if needed, we’re just importing them from other states
& which wild animals? I’m a sort of wildlife rescuer here in Oz
Not really very active anymore due to disability limits, still do some lizards, but previously used to do a whole range, very little strict quarantine need in what I did though, if they needed that, they were mostly going to be euthinased instead :'( I guess it’s best we don’t do that to people though huh lol & obviously there’s some animals with different needs, but I was doing local native animals, to be released back into local areas once recovered. If they escaped, they’d mostly just get documented as a “soft release” lol anyway what animals do you do? Any interesting ones?
@Lilac Lizard oh sweetie , theres alot of things SAD right now in america…but it does make many of us happy to know that the whole world is doing good..AND NOT FOLLOWING OUR EXAMPLE…
Bless you…
@Lilac Lizard and yes, i also did alot of care and release..those are the best endings..when they can go back to their natural homes and live free..
@Thia wolf what species? & yup, totally the best
especailly if you get updates on them months or years later 
She called me up & invited me over for a twilight drink on her balcony, to watch the possums come out as it got dark & into the tree for their night’s adventures, before returning to their new home again at dawn, as they did every night. She got to enjoy them from her balcony every night after that, but not have to worry about the mess in her BBQ anymore
Ones like that are great too
Same with the lizards & scared people who learn to love them & make them their “pets”, I have so many of those stories :))
Actually one of my best wasn’t a care & release, but rather a pair of ringtail possum twins determined to live in a poor old lady’s BBQ. I spent a couple of months on that one, alongside her, she was lovely & so determined & bought the pot plant holders to become the new drey for them & everything & I went around & hung over the balcony railing 3 stories up to attach it to a tree & after a LOT of vinegar & ammonia to the BBQ & even more patients, FINALLY they moved
I can’t decide whether Trump is a puppet for Russia,
or a puppet for the Coronavirus.
@frictionRx9 The only people deranged about Trump are the one who support the monster.
@ruth depew um o.k. and you think that putin or his oligarchs are wanting america to suceed in beating covid ? I am not being sarcastic . i guess am just not understanding your response to my joke ? Although i am happy for the russian people its moving down the scale. I wish no counties people harm. Their leaders might be another story..
Death rate now avg 0.02% of 320 Mill people = 46,000 and dropping. Same death rate as many leading causes of death in America. We don’t LOCK DOWN for the FLU, Cancer, heart disease, etc.! Time to #walkaway
@Pam Deshane I don’t know of anyone who transmits from person to person heart disease or cancer! The flu is not nearly as contagious as this coronavirus is. Time to wear a mask, maintain social, or if it makes you feel better “personal,” distance and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. That’s the American thing to do now!
40% of Americans don’t want to defeat COVID-19
It’s the best free ride since unemployment benefits started
After the Spanish Flu, there was over 30,000 orphans! They sent kid’s to school and came home and spread it to their family and care takers!
A German research group, led by top virologist Christian Drosten, found that children who tested positive for corona carry as many virus particles in their nose and throat mucosa as adults. This could mean that children are as contagious as adults, because they think the amount of virus is a good indicator of contagion. They therefore warn against opening schools and childcare.
And, its not just kids being asked to go back to school. The administrators, teachers, teachers aides, the lunch crew, janitors, librarians, secretaries, any parent that volunteers or has to go in to sign paperwork, they will all be exposed.
@panthera50 schools & childcare centres have been open at least in some capacity in almost every country in the world through the pandemic, so there’s ample evidence your claim is just not factual.
4 cases in 4 separate schools in NSW Australia today, 1 in a childcare centre & 1 in a school yesterday. Every single case in NSW Australia is being identified, so watch for yourself over the next 14 days & see how many infections there are as a result of those 6 schools & childcare centres. For reference, all these cases were caused by a single adult case on the 2nd July that infected 14 other adults. Watch & see if the 6 kids at different schools manage to infect 14 people each. I’ll bet they infect 0 or 1! The track record to date during the whole pandemic has been 1 infection from over 1000 school close contacts
How about providing some extra financial assistance to people with disabilities or on Social Security disability then? We offer them poverty level benefits.
Hey that’s not true I’m on disability because I had to relearn how to walk again after multiple pelvic fractures, I am generously given $1,200 a month to live on which is plenty as long as you don’t spend any money on food, do laundry in the bathtub and let little things like car inspections be on average around 6 months late.. sure you have to steal food once in awhile but that just adds to excitement in life, plus if I go to prison I get three meals a day and have a free roof over my head
Oh and by the way I had that money because I have worked since I was 15 years old, it was my own money I put into it no, not coming from anyone else. I was such a workaholic I left my own graduation party early while everyone was still there so I could go to work. When I got in my car accident that was because I was working an additional 30 to 35 hours hours private duty nursing on top of working part-time as the charge registered nurse on a dementia unit. I hated being out of work and went back without restrictions which further damaged my body. I then had a child naturally and believe it or not metal does not expand and very-well. When finishing up my bachelor’s in nursing I was put back on pain meds to endure sitting through classes as the ball of my hip does not fit appropriately and the man-made socket of metal. There’s literally no comfortable position. Because I did not want to be dependent on opiates or have the negative stigma I told my doctors I didn’t want to take them anymore. It seemed a little hypocritical for me to take pain meds to be able to work as a RN while I’m trying to tell other people how to be healthy. Unfortunately, I actually am in a severe amount of pain which didn’t go away because of structural damage and so even though I don’t take opiates to control my pain my quality of life kind of sucks since I stopped.
Independent Insurance Agents it hurts bcz they didn’t “put in” per se… to the xtra $600 per week on top! That was being handed out! I knew someone who used that money to pay off illegally acquired Social security debt! Free pass much?
@Independent Insurance Agents maybe you should go explain that to the “pro-lifers” huh? Those mothers didn’t choose to bring a disabled baby into the world did they! If you force her to, then guess what? You’re responsible for paying for that baby for it’s whole life!
@Joanne Fitzpatrick This makes me so angry. We need to rethink how we have conflated Democracy and Capitalism to create this terrible income inequality. And we need to act NOW. Vote BLUE.
People whom survived the Covid 19 are often become disabled themselves. The problem with disabilities is that were suffered long before the pandemic.
That’s why I wear a mask and eye protection.
Make sure you wash the eye protection. I wash my glasses after each outing like my hands.
United States Needs To Be Locked Down Until This Pandemic Is Officially Over.
@Adam Parisi Lol – keyboard John Wayne…
@Andy Griffith no the dishonest reporting and DOMESTIC terrorism is hurting the economy
@David Gainey yeah f— old people, they don’t deserve to live anyway
@David Gainey What about the other 77,000, all in nursing homes in liberal states? Whether it’s a joke depends on what you find funny.
Death rate now avg 0.02% of 320 Mill people = 46,000 and dropping. Same death rate as many leading causes of death in America. We don’t LOCK DOWN for the FLU, Cancer, heart disease, etc.! Time to #walkaway
November 3!
@ala ska No oxygen, like an anaerobic life form, quite far down the food chain then.
@P H You LOSE a lot to us Dummies. Look at the misery on the Left. I’m quite sure my Quality of Life far exceeds yours.
@ala ska
Philly block party with thousands and no masks cops join in. But you cant go to church or a funeral or school or work or a wedding or the gas station without a mask and distancinh ! Different laws for the Democrat marxist blm racists.
Queens new york
Same sh** different day. No masks no distancing. Do you see where this marxist agenda is going ?
@American Pie I saw this in 1981.
Philly block party with thousands and no masks cops join in. But you cant go to church or a funeral or school or work or a wedding or the gas station without a mask and distancinh ! Different laws for the Democrat marxist blm racists.
Queens new york
Same sh** different day. No masks no distancing. Do you see where this marxist agenda is going ?
Shud dup you fakes. Posers..
That minorities and disabled are disproportioned effected makes Trumps lack of covid-19 strategy category genocide
Because minorities and the disabled are disproportionately affected, Trump’s lack of a COVID-19 strategy is categorical genocide. This bot requires a grammar and spell checker. I have one on GitHub. Go get it. Oh, and it appears that at least some minorities are disproportionately affected not because of racial injustice, but because of Vitamin D deficiency. (Biesalski HK. Vitamin D deficiency and co-morbidities in COVID-19 patients – A fatal relationship?. NFS Journal. 2020;20:10-21. doi:10.1016/j.nfs.2020.06.001)
Not that that matters at all in the attention economy.
@Bacon Press sometimes it is easier to talk about form,grammatics and so on then about the essence of the message
The essence is that the government knows covid-19 effects minorities and disabled more then others not only because of genetic circumstances but also cultural or social circumstances.Bigger families,more generations together,forced to continue job if get infected because they can not afford loosing job,income
Bad circumstances at workingplace,lack of ventilation,employers who dont take the right measures to be garanteed covid free
These administration is racist they dont care about minorities and disabled in carehomes cost a lot of money,homeless living in the streets no hygiene and no or bad food means no protection to diseases and infections…it is all connected that makes the lack of taking the right measures…ppe’s,mask mandate,financial support,foodstamps etcetera …genocide
By the way youtube is available all over the world,not only in the US which means that a part of the people who react on youtubeclips speak other languages and they might not always spell correctly…in my case I live in spain but speak and write 5 languages,english,german,french,spanish and dutch…not all correct but good enough…how many do you speak? Most americans only speak english but love to complain about others who are only trying to communicate with another part of the world especially if they want to ignore the essence of the message because it is not convenient enough for them …thank you
But that makes no sense. It cant be disproportioned. The virus doesn’t discriminate. Most Black Nations in Africa and the Caribbean have very low mortality rates with this virus. Some have single digits. If this was the case, they should all have it or be dead. America loves to separate. Blacks are made up of African, Caribbean, African Americans and Blacks from UK and Europe in America. So which group are they talking about, because we are not all one group here in America.
@Independent Insurance Agents there is a relationship between bad housing,homelessness,unemployment,lack of healthcare/insurance,unhealthy food,poverty,bigger families,more generations living together and resistance to infections/virusses
Hold him responsible… the careless creep.
A German research group, led by top virologist Christian Drosten, found that children who tested positive for corona carry as many virus particles in their nose and throat mucosa as adults. This could mean that children are as contagious as adults, because they think the amount of virus is a good indicator of contagion. They therefore warn against opening schools and childcare.
@panthera50 schools & childcare centres have been open at least in some capacity in almost every country in the world through the pandemic, so there’s ample evidence your claim is just not factual.
4 cases in 4 separate schools in NSW Australia today (24/7/20), 1 in a childcare centre & 1 in a school yesterday. Every single case in NSW Australia is being identified, so watch for yourself over the next 14 days & see how many infections there are as a result of those 6 schools & childcare centres. For reference, all these cases were caused by a single adult case on the 2nd July that infected 14 other adults. Watch & see if the 6 kids at different schools manage to infect 14 people each. I’ll bet they infect 0 or 1! The track record to date during the whole pandemic has been 1 infection from over 1000 school close contacts
God he never left college. All those degrees and positions he’s well accomplished.
God never left College?
Trump intends on making America great again by getting rid of a lot of the expenses in the healthcare system like people with disabilities.
Don’t forget the elderly! When we talk about the Health Care burden what we really are saying is what the heck do we do with all these old people?
@Joanne Fitzpatrick feed them to the hungry?
What is wrong with you? I should be eaten, because I can’t contribute to your needs? You both dropped your dignity.
@Jenni Kaeder Soylent Green
Trump’s & the Republicans’ eugenics initiative.
Whoa!! Dr. Feranmi Okanlami and Dr. Leana Wen are typical examples of how immigration empowers us as a nation. Whether 1st generation or not.
What a blessing they are to us…!
Death rate now avg 0.02% of 320 Mill people = 46,000 and dropping. Same death rate as many leading causes of death in America. We don’t LOCK DOWN for the FLU, Cancer, heart disease, etc.! Time to #walkaway
It’s higher for everyone because no one is in perfect health.
We saw Trump making fun of people with disabilities in a campaign “speech” on November 25, 2015. He is a sick puppy.
*Trump is to blame for all this ‘Mask Vs No Mask’ mess during a public health pandemic.*
Remember when all those people said they’d rather Die than vote for Hillary ???
Well Folks, HERE WE ARE!
Hillary is running?