Italy is considering whether to use a Covid-19 antibody test that takes 8 minutes and costs $20 to help decide when they should reopen their county. CNN's Ben Wedeman took the test and reports on the dependability of an any antibody test.
Covid-19 antibody test takes 8 minutes. But does it work?

Peace, Love, and Good Health to everyone reading this❣ Stay strong and stay safe❣
most sensible thing I’ve read on this page. Thank you Spade
Practicing your virtue signaling I see. I’m going to let you in on a secret. No one gives a ratsAss about your good wishes.
@Lucius Kiirus wrong again.
@Jay Tea no, really, no one cares about you. You know I am correct, that is why you are virtue signalling on YT. you are looking to feel good. There are a lot of incel losers just like you. You are a product of the public school system.
@Lucius Kiirus People who have gotten the new coronavirus and recovered can get it again in the future, health authorities say — the body does not become immune after infection.
CNN Repeatedly Downplays Coronavirus Danger:
Coronavirus: Unclear if recovered coronavirus patients are immune to second infection, WHO says
They survived the coronavirus. Then they tested positive again. Why?
COVID-19: 51 recovered patients tested positive again in South Korea
COVID-19: Concerns in South Korea over recovered patients who test positive again
Coronavirus: Question of COVID-19 immunity and re-infection rates ‘concerning’ | 7NEWS
Researchers-Virus Damages Body/Attacks T-Cells The Same Way HIV Does:
Threat of long-term damage looms after patients recover from coronavirus, experts say
Heart, Liver, Kidney, Lung, Intestinal, Blood and Nerve Damage And More:
Clinicians around world have seen evidence Covid-19 is also causing heart inflammation, acute kidney disease, neurological malfunction, blood clots, intestinal damage and liver problems:
Coronavirus patients who recover can be left with damaged lungs and may struggle to breathe when they walk, researchers claim:
Three distinct strains of Covid-19 have been identified by Dr. Peter Forster, a geneticist at the University of Cambridge. Two are very life-threatening.
Coronavirus reinfections:
Mimi D YouTube comment from last link above: “I was sick from 11th of March until just a few days ago. I was tested for flu it was negative. The Dr said it was bronchitis first. But we all know our own bodies, I know, I have had pnumonia yrs ago and was in hospital for a week and I felt very bad BUT THIS sickness I had recently, put it to shame… It was the worst I’ve ever had in my life! from shortness of breath, intestinal problems, diarrhea, cough, runny nose, body aches, severe headache & a slight fever I just wanted to sleep. I thought I would die on March 23rd. It was so horrible. I am almost positive I had this Corona virus. Thank God I am now feeling way better but still have headaches along with short of breath when I walk a short distance.”
Blue: “My little one and I was sick Feb 28 (just 2 days after Ash Wednesday when the priests touched everyone’s foreheads… We had ALL symptoms… Fevers, chills, breathing issues, chest pain, G.I. issues, severe dehydration even drinking 4.5L or MORE everyday! But could not get tested back then… My little one and I got better, but we both still have pain in our upper right quadrant, issues staying hydrated, and I get winded just walking around the house.”
Lingering Chest Problems:
Healthy Patient Age 59 – Extensive Lung Damage Cat Scan:
Doctor With COVID-19 Describes Symptoms As ‘Pain Everywhere’
YouTube comments from video above…
Chris A “My experience was literally identical to his: 103 fever, agonizing, stabbing pain in arms and legs, and overwhelming fatigue. Fortunately, there was no respiratory involvement. I recovered at home with the use of acetaminophen, elderberry and every vitamin and herb that I hoped would turn out to be beneficial. For the record, I’m 67 years old and reside in NJ.”
cocacola7845 “I’m 27 with covid-19 and it’s awful! It feels like I’ve just come in from a run and am waiting to catch my breath but, it doesn’t return fully. Take this serious everyone! Stay home- stay safe”
Celina Chalela “In Ecuador my country children and young people are dying, don’t believe that only the elder die.”
John Lee “I am 39, and I am in really good shape. I had shingle like muscle cramps, 102 fever, extreme body aches, nausea, severe head aches, slight cough, all which lasted for about 10 days. I was tested, and I am waiting on the results. I’ve been sick but nothing, nothing like this. There’s nothing going around that match those symptoms other than the C19. Word on the street is that after a week of that nonsense your body will choose to get better, or decline and that’s when pneumonia starts in. Stay safe out there guys.”
Samuel Cooper “This was going around in November/December, and I had it. I had ALL the symptoms, (Sore throat, Constant fever especially at night, terrible headaches, muscle aches, and a really bad cough) I thought it was the flu, but I went to the doctor and they said it was upper respiratory, and that’s what the Coronavirus is.” (NOTE: Many are saying the same thing.)
Adolfo Orellana “The last week of December 2019 I got sick with symptoms like the one you described in the video, it started with sore throat, then fever, cough, headache, body pain, but not runny nose. The last time I got sick like that was 18 years ago. I get sick with flu-like symptoms every 2 or 3 years, I’m 48. By December 2019 nobody talked about the Coronavirus and there were no tests for that.”
Reek Z “I was sick like this in January deathly ill for two weeks. It passed and I’m good. No health insurance so I never went to a doctor or hospital.” (Many people in comments saying this too)
Georgina Centeno “I have being fighting it for 34 days and is up and down.”
For reasons scientists don’t understand, about 20 percent of people with symptoms get severely ill. After four days of raging fever and feeling sore all over, you realize that you’re sicker than you’ve ever been in your life. You’ve got a dry cough that shakes you so hard that your back hurts.
So there’s no a clear answer to this. Just tell it.
But can it detect how many Thetans I have?
Let’s do our best from Japan 🇯🇵
Actually go back to anime
Amen, same, Massachusetts✌🏽💥
We could use at least a million of those units to reopen the economy in the US.
Ralph Boyd uuummmm….
You didn’t catch that these machines are made in fucking CHINA??????????? SMMFH
Don Hardcastle Why do you care? Get the test out there and save all of us!
Fully agree Ralph. We are flying blind currently.
Richard Shansky even your demi-god Cooper here says the results are not accurate…
False positives…
We can’t trust these bastards!
@Don Hardcastle
uuummmm. . .
So is most Medical Equipment and likely whatever you’re using to connect to the Internet.
Who cares when nothing was done in the month of February
On February 3rd World Health Organization was on MSM news worldwide saying to take every precaution you could because of what was happening in China… I quarantine myself on the 4th of February after picking up a Year’s worth of dry food at Sam’s… And our psycho president was telling everyone on March 28th it was a democratic hoax!
William H Music 2020 Trump allowed 40,000 Chinese into the United States after he close the border to China… you are as psychotic As Trump is.. By the way have you found your gay boyfriend yet?
mo mo – Some enlightenment, should you choose to open your mind to facts:
S EE – Check out the attached MSM/Trump/dems timeline, then come back and rant if you dare:
S EE – Ok, once more because we know you democrats are a little slow in comprehension: Trump’s actual comment was “The politicization of the coronavirus by congressional democrats is a hoax”. You’re whining about a CNN audio splice they sold to you as an actual quote.
I dont see dummies protesting in the streets there and prolonging the pain!
This is An observation of truth. The negative comments are ridiculous.
@Joementia Biden : LMFAO. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
The Stupid Mentally Unstable Snowflake CNN FAKE TROLLS ….
@Can’t Quit Weed : Because You’re A Severely Mentally Unstable Snowflake FAKE CNN TROLL .
@Can’t Quit Weed they will be spreading it for two weeks then infect nurses and doctors when they are dieing.
To all the people that are leaving these heartfelt comments. I love you all. Thank you for slowly building my faith in humanity with something as simple as a YouTube comment. You guys are awesome. We got this. We will overcome this virus.
so it sings me a song when printing?
Elizabeth Holmes?
Hell, we can’t even get a test to find out if we have it unless on your death bed.
@Diana D that’s right the governor of each state should have had a huge stockpile to test for a virus that didn’t exist in country a few months ago. No shortage of swabs in Massachusetts why is that.we have the third highest infection in the country and it’s still going up. My sister is a nurse in the local hospital and they have plenty of masks gloves ppe and swabs the biggest problem right now is not enough labs and not enough chemicals to run the tests. thanks to Clinton and Obama all that stuff is made in China.Clinton and Obama crushed our manufacturing sold out to China and Americans lost their jobs. Trump will bring it all back watch and see
The average joe can’t get it, yet they bump up the numbers of positive cases in deaths and label them as covid-19. You can have it, but never develop symptoms. You should really only get tested if you show symptoms, but who knows.
@eagleslfootball I’m below average Joe. Nice to make your acquaintance.
No chance if you’re old, sick, poor, stray, jobless, dumb, idiot, test are reserved for the elite, rich, highly educated.
I live in Az. What is testing..
When in doubt science baby
Global Warming, cuz SCIENCE!!!
@MADE IN CHINA go buy some miami beach front moron.
He was kinda bummed he didn’t have the antibodies
Investigate Maryland’s governor
QUESTION: Since the COVID-19 keeps mutating, those of us with it today, will we be immune if these immunities today occur?
“A Chinese made antibody test….” – Nah, I’m straight 😂
Most people get it and only think it is a cold.