Results from the 2020 presidential election as Americans vote in races for the presidency, 11 governorships, 35 Senate seats and all 435 House seats.
Final polls show the race between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden has tightened since mid-October, both nationally and in battleground states.
Biden's lead in USA TODAY's average of averages, which is based on data from RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight, reached double-digits on Oct. 12, but has since fallen back to a 7.5-percentage point lead. That leaves him back roughly in the same position USA TODAY found him in its first poll roundup on Sept. 28, when his polling average lead over Trump was 7.2 points.
Beyond the presidency, Tuesday's election may result in changes in Congress, where Democrats want to regain control of the Republican-led Senate and Democrats hope to expand their advantage in the House.
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#ElectionResults #Election2020 #Election
“We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organisation in the history of American politics” (Quote of Joe Biden)
And the world will always bare in mind consciously when Biden and his cohorts appears, ” they cheated”.
Count all the vote.
@Sofi Sofi No, count all legal votes.
@Runenbuch your orange boy lost, get over it.
Biden is winning Georgia
Maybe now the US Congress can get the FULLY UNREDACTED Mueller Report!
Hi ich wünsche mir leichte auch dass der gewinnt joe biden
@C M They are re counting it now
The police and the army must definitely intervene! Soros sects, special services and corrupt officials under their control, criminals and informers must be neutralized! The strongest survives!
2:44 Beautiful
love u

Love you

Another bot
Brothers and sisters: inform yourself regarding Soweto Necklaces and Byzantine Maces!
The swamp is backing their boy really hard
You got it brother!! I hope biden harris win !!
Pls add volume
Biden lets goo brother!!!! Take that menace out of office!!! Trump your fired!!!
This PROVES to me, That standing in line to vote, Is UNNECESSARY
You can either stand in line to vote, or you can mail it in. This isn’t rocket science grandma.
Maybe now the US Congress can get the FULLY UNREDACTED Mueller Report!
is it change something when trump won or biden ! ı dont thing because the control of usa not in trumps hand or biden
رب اعوذبك من همزات الشياطين واعوذبك رب ان يحضرون
رب اعوذبك من همزات الشياطين واعوذبك رب ان يحضرون
Japanese spies who were preparing for war, who had been active in the United States for decades, The US media and bureaucrats undertaken by the Japanese spies made the election of an 80-eaten old president through manipulation of public opinion and public power. The president has created a king who does not listen to Americans and acts on the instructions of the staff. There is no liberal democracy for those who are deceived by the press.
Ich wünsche mir auch joe biden das der USA Bundeskanzler wird
Fraud USA presidential election
They are cheaters and we know it from Canada to Australia and around the world