Julia and Kevin Garratt share their experiences being detained by China on espionage claims for six months and two years respectively.
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Why would anybody go to China?
@Dillon Crampton did you see the actual great wall? Or the CCP modern restoration
Steve Elynuik
CCP part of course they wouldn’t want anyone to see what they don’t want you to
Because the country is awesome, but the government sucks
@01001011 oh so its alot like Canada
@DJB Thousands of Canadians visit China annually, including myself, without incident. Why would these 2 be centered out for espionage charges. Being in the coffee and aide business and does not mean you were “Obviously not spying”. Something does not smell right here. I think there is a much bigger connection between these two and the 2 Michaels – by Sean Mahoney.
Don’t worry two Michael’s Trudeau is disappointed
Harper and the Conservatives did nothing for this couple.
Aide work? What the hell type of aide work does one do in China? Not to belittle the focus on Chinese punishment but, aide work?
Neale Von you can just click the thumbs up instead of saying exactly
@Robert Jordan EXAcTLY :_)
That’s China’s typical mentality.. bespite being one the biggest economy and advance country their tourism sucks because they treat foreigners like this
Do as little business with China and never go there.
Too bad everything is made there.
@Legendary Weapon I have some stuff that says made in the USA?
Peter Pelly you need to shout that in front of Walmart and Dollarama
Legendary Weapon that can change and is.
Yeah, they look like spies…
We might be able to do something for these Canadians if we had a LEADER!!
You’re blind to facts. But go ahead and throw your crap on one person.
@Andrew Boyce who is blind lol .
try fentenyl
Could hire mercenaries
Its really sad that I will never be able to visit some of the most historically rich places in the world, tensions between countries and the hatred between the peoples prevents me.
Thousands of Canadians visit China annually, including myself, without incident. Why would these two be centered out for espionage charges. Being in the coffee and aide business and does not mean you were “Obviously not spying”. Something does not smell right here. I think there is a much bigger connection between these two and the 2 Michaels.
Don’t worry, Turdy will express his ‘disappointment’ toward China for you.
Michael Barry
It’s been reported ….he raised an eyebrow to show defiance.
Trudeau’s govt. needs to press China hard to release them.
Canada need more in house manufacturing. Let’s start with $22 billion of imported oil.
Omg this is just plain heartless
Can someone tell TRUDEAU – Stop kissing up to China
SuperSilverRage that’s way too polite.
I’m not buying anything made in China.
Someone..Someone’s ?
Remember the hostages in the Philippines ? Trudeau let the captors Cut there Heads off..Dont expect much from this government
What kind of “Aid” work were they doing? Why go to China in the first place? Who were they aiding in the first place?