If you dare to walk in front of this couple's home, there's a rule you need to know: only silly walkers allowed.
RELATED: 6-year-old starts free ice cream truck for neighbors:
Liz and Karl Koto implemented a silly walk zone in their Michigan neighborhood to make their neighbors walks a little more fun.
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Wrong time to post goofy Lilly white stuff like this,, post more videos about the “peaceful protest” and the multiple countries who have now followed suit to show support and voice how black people are still treated so terribly in America .
Monty Python still making people laugh decades later
Also, the title needs work lol
Silly. Walks. Hell yeah!
*USA TODAY* Nice!! video
*USA TODAY* Nice!! video
Woww..I’ve never seen walking like that!
@skills life kh hi
nice content bro
As a Monty Python fan this is not only epic but awesome, too !
Excuse me. ….
Can I ask you any questions??
Also, the title needs work lol
why is she more dominate? and why is she with a weak beta male? she is a cheater. he should leave her and the kid is gunna grow up to be a sissy boy cuz of this..
why is a silly walk threatening, I did it in a store and they asked me to leave
Of course we all need laugh
Dont think i will try too first u do as i ask u