Could The 2020 Senate Majority Be In Play? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The panel discusses if the Senate majority could be in play in the coming elections. Aired on 5/6/2020.
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Could The 2020 Senate Majority Be In Play? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Could The 2020 Senate Majority Be In Play? | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Here in Maine we are very excited to get rid of Susan Collins, she was once beloved but became something of a Trumpist, betraying the majority of Mainers in the process.
    Sara Gideon is her challenger and Maine is ready for a change!

    1. I was just looking over some polling data, and it looks as the though 3rd party candidates/Independents could help swing the election back to Collins. That scares me. I hate to be the one to say this, it seems to anger a lot of people, but that’s why I’m not a huge fan of 3rd party candidates. I mean, I remember 2000 Presidential election: Ralph Nader, in my opinion, cost Al Vote his victory. If not for Nader, Gore would’ve won FL by about 90,000 votes.

      I get it. People want more choices. But not enough people. If this were parliamentary system, it’d be fine. In most American jurisdictions, there’s really only a 2 way race. In some places, Independents do stand a chance. But not enough.

    2. Poor Susan, she walked the plank for Trump and come election November 2020 it wii be time to face the consequences. 😶🙄🙄

    3. I feel for you. We have Tom Cotton & he’s buzzing in Trump’s ear that covid began in a lab! Pompeo pushed this, too. There IS NO positive PROOF of this this from Five Eyes Intel.

  2. Vote all republicans OUT! They should have impeached trump!!! They didn’t do their job!!!

    1. Maybe they didn’t impeach him because they didn’t want to lose their seats in the Senate.

    2. @Peggy Ferrera Trump wanted to get jobs out of China In the first place.😆 you are so one sided. There are things that I don’t agree with 100% that Trump has done. But some PEOPLE don’t give Trump any credit at all. He is a business man. And China lied to the world about the Virus. If Trump was a dictator and the USA was not free we would have more jobs here. But it is the USA companies that want to make more money for cheap labor, anyone with a brain knows that.

    3. @Kenneth Vaughan He’s got dementia! He can’t even talk right. I don’t care what you think,he’s a sick old mean. discussing animal!

    4. @Peggy Ferrera not really what I think. He actually tries to get jobs in this county, fact. Look at Nancy she’s messed up in the head.

  3. Imagine it. A blue tsunami and America rises like a phoenix from the ashes of the Republican Party. Fire and flood. Wipe them out.

    1. @natalie harless I’m sure Joe’s prostate has more energy behind it than your BLUE TSUNAMI. TRUMP 2020!!!

    2. No one wants your ignorant, anti-American liberal policies. Obama was a big failure, and we all know it. The Dem Party favors illegal aliens over U.S. citizens, and that’s the truth.

    3. @01bigtrev The problem with your nonsense is that the Dems never repair anything for the U.S. citizens. President Trump has a proven record of economic leadership. Wake up.

    4. TropikalWaves oh come on you fool the dudes been bankrupt numerous times, he runs casinos into the ground everything he touches becomes corrupt and now is overseeing the worst economy ever. The only thing he is good at is skimming money off government institutions and funnelling it back into his failing business.

  4. Some reasons to vote against trump, get rid of McConnell and flip the senate: The Environment, Supreme Court, Department of Justice, human rights, Women’s rights, freedom of speech, USPS, the Arts, Science, fair wages, National Parks and preservation, Healthcare, qualified government appointees, Wildlife protections, over sight, equality, access to education, advances in sustainable, green technology, access to truthful information, justice, if you care about the future for children- the list goes on. Or continue for 4 plus more years with crooked, racist, self serving, business failing, wanna be dictator trump and his crooked cronies stealing and wasting our tax dollars instead of using it to improve American lives.

    1. @Don’t SSleep Lol those aren’t my opinions genius they’re facts. Fact… a majority of young college age Democrats believe in censoring “hate” speech. Fact…Democrats do not want to stop 1 million illegal immigrants from flooding into the country every year and many of them do not want any borders (Hillary said herself that she envisions a world without borders) Fact…Democrats fight against charter schools and Republican fight for charter schools. Fact…Many of the Hollywood elite were well aware of what people like Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, and Jeffrey Epstein were doing to women (along with many other men) and they covered up for him for years. What Harvey was doing was well known in Hollywood and people like Hillary were good friends with him. Hillary also viciously went after the poor women that came forward after her husband Bill had sexually assaulted them. Fact…Democrats never call us “Americans” they call us African Americans, Asian Americans, Jewish Americans ,etc… every time they speak in public. Those were the 5 facts I listed, those are facts not opinions, I don’t have to do your homework for you by providing sources for you, if you want to disprove any of the facts I listed be my guest.

    2. @0817kings So people are only human if they believe in “your” political views and opinions and anyone who dares disagree with your political views and opinions isn’t human? Good to know lol.

    3. @john smith No of course not; I wasn’t speaking about politics, I was speaking of the inhuman things he has done as a person.

  5. I still struggle with the alleged pro life party willing to lose lives just to get a hair cut.

    1. @WA S Hey, I’ve been having it out with this quack for the last day or so. He couldn’t care less of anything you wrote, I found this out. He’s avoided all information, dodge my questions and has a simple one track mind.
      The one question he will not answer is when I questioned him on his statement that ” a woman had an abortion one day before giving birth” he will not answer it!
      Don’t waste your time with this one cell brain Trump drone

    2. John Paul Reed they are only pro life until after birth then they are pro death very sad but very simple and oh too true

  6. I hope he is the down fall of the racist,bigots Republican Party
    They let him do it. They deserve it

    1. Like the virus they may be down but always come back in good time to bring horrific times to the people of this world.

    2. Its my sincere hope that the republicans who did not stand up for Trumps impeachment do get ousted. I hope they have to worry about losing their jobs due to him just like we have to. I hope that some of them lay awake at night thinking about the time they could have gotten rid of him but didnt.

    3. Real Sugar Hope springs eternal. As for them having regrets you can forget about that . A conscience is required for that.

    1. Crimes against America? What about seperating families and letting children die in cages? What about leaving our allies the Kurds to get slaughtered by Turkey.

    1. Lol, you kidding? This is USA. Nothing happens to him. I think he might become President again. Just look at the number of followers he has everywhere.

  7. Trump is using our tax dollars to get his cronies paid while allowing us to die. No testing, no ppe, no mandated rule for meat packing plants. He’s letting americans die.

    1. @Sandra Arnal I spent seven months in Russia. When they write in English, they have difficulty choosing the most appropriate words to use – their sentences do not look right. If they use a computer translator, their sentences are just awful, both in structure and words used.
      If you can stomach it, watching/listening to a FOX program (Hannity, Limbaugh, etc.) for five minutes will give you your answer.

    2. @TropikalWaves The facts (yes I know something you don;t believe in) show Trump just piggybacked on Obama’s economy. Again , actual facts back it up. do some actual research ( I know you won’t and you will probably reply withsomething lame from the kool-aid playbook)

  8. It’s difficult to believe he still has supporters considering everything he has said and done.

    1. @William Ziehl Trump wasn’t talking about himself or his family. Royalty isn’t bound by the same rules of behavior as the peasants…

    2. @Sam Bacon – “Madness is rare in the individual. But in groups, crowds, and mobs, it is the rule” – Edward Gibbon

    3. lol USA are filled with low IQ degenerates. Of course he still has supporters and Trump is gonna get re-elected again lolol

    4. @xaylus You putting money on that ? No way is that grossossity getting back into the White House without cheating…

    5. @Sam Bacon – I don’t see that he is “steadily losing his base”. His polls that I have seen have been fairly steady in the mid 40%’s. His support has ebbed in some key Electoral College states – but these numbers fluctuate more than his ‘base’ numbers. He still has a chance of winning – especially if Biden manages to have a major foot-in-mouth moment right before the election. I wouldn’t advise underestimating his chances

  9. Wouldn’t it be inglorious for the GOP if the Senate shifted to 53 Democrats to 47 GOP happened in the 2020 election. Even if POTUS 45 won his re-election bid…he wouldn’t survive another impeachment.

    1. That’s what I’ve been saying. The only thing that can save that Orange Hippo is a critical election and it ain’t gonna happen. His future is JAIL where he’ll most likely die.

    2. He won’t survive because he would drop dead that night because he knows he is done for.

    3. I wonder if “double Jeopardy” applies in IMPEACHMENT?!” If so, just change one sentence or word in the ARTICLE OF IMPEACHMENT… and do it again!

    1. @Mark bodman lol. Yeah right. Well that was a good one. I’ve actually never heard that one before. Yeah for we’ll see! You people are what’s wrong with this country. It’s freaking sickening you need to call back under your rocks.

    2. Mark bodman they havent come out in any election since he took office…Blue spankings nationwide.

      We will see you very soon, Comrade.


    3. @Mark bodman You mean like the 20? 21? 22? for Trump?? Oops Lost count. You don’t even want to bring this subject up. Matter- of fact, I hope they bring the 20 women up and have them sit 6 feet apart in front of Trump in one of the debates. You know the stunt he did on Hillary Clinton. Got my popcorn ready for that one…

    4. @Kathy Franklund The date is set in article two of the constitution, and replacing it is mostly a no go, whether earlier or later.

    1. And after the Great Depression, and after 2008.
      Republicans make their pals richer and leave the nation in a mess,
      Democrats clean up, repair the damage and put things back on track.
      Then another GOP (with a minority of citizens votes) does it all again.

    1. @P J A lot will depend on the vote by mail and Hit er I mean Trump is already trying to sabotage the US Postal Service. He said he won’t give them any funding unless
      they raise prices for Amazon and other package delivery saying USPS is a joke. Another Republican wanting to dismantle and privatize a sacred American institution
      for political gain. Ben Franklin (the first Postmaster General) would be furious. btw I think your prediction is wrong….

  10. Dishonest donnie brought the republican party close to extinction, the American public will end republicans in November.

    1. Larry Hogan, Mitt Romney, John Kasich, and Meghan McCain will pick up their Republican Party’s fallen pieces and start over from scratch – after Trump destroys it!

    2. @John Swo Where is Sleepy Joe right now? Does he know where he is? Talk about corruption and incompetence. LOL…..are you serious?? Joke.

    3. TropikalWaves Mate you appear to be the joke. Standing in in line just behind trump and his minions.

    4. @R McElhaney not Meghan McCain.
      That “entitled political class” … along with the Hollywood mums buying their kids education …. THAT’S how #AgolfTwitler got elected.

      You’ve normalized Nepotism.
      And now you’re led by a Narcissist.

  11. Moscow Mitch needs a stunning defeat. Kentucky, bring it home for America. It is time for the turtle to go.

    1. @Matthew Alley I disagree there are many things mitch and the president disagreed on however the know how to compromise the dems don’t if you don’t agree with their narrative you are a racist or zinaphobic That’s what the always resort to when the don’t want to believe the facts that are out in front of them. Look how the dems tried to set up general Flynn. There are hand written notes and 11pages of documents to prove it. If your not afraid to learn the truth go online and read them .

    2. @Nancy Hewitt but you are a racist.
      McConnell and Sessions are Klansmen.
      #AgolfTwitler hasn’t got two brain cells to rub together. But those AROUND him …

      From the outside looking in … you’d have to be a racist bigoted misogynistic arsehole to STILL be supporting them.
      There’s no debating this anymore. Because folks outside the USA read books and can see the parallels between Fascist Germany and the USA today.

      My grandparents ENTIRE generation left instructions on how to deal with Nazis and their supporters … in the history books.
      You’re the minority. You’re not going to like how history will record this time …

      #AgolfTwitler AND his AmeriKKKlan enablers are the 21st century’s shitstain on humanity.

      I’m proud of my grandfathers and their brothers who fought in WWII. I know I stand on the shoulders of giants.
      You grandkids won’t be feeling the same: guaranteed.

    3. @Nancy Hewitt HA! THAT is so laughable. He has one of the POOREST and most uneducated states in the nation because he DOES know how to steal their money. HE knows they wont question his hypocrisy, LIES and kkkoruption. He is a KLAN wizard and his “people” support the KLAN and many are also members. DONT try it.

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