Cory Booker Responds To The Firing Of Officer In Eric Garner Case | The Last Word | MSNBC

Senator and presidential candidate Cory Booker reacts to the NYPD's decision to fire Daniel Pantaleo, the officer involved in Eric Garner's death, and talks to Lawrence O'Donnell about his plan for stopping gun violence and ending white supremacy in America.
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Cory Booker Responds To The Firing Of Officer In Eric Garner Case | The Last Word | MSNBC

Cory Booker Responds To The Firing Of Officer In Eric Garner Case | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. Agreed.. The Officer may have been a Decent Cop at other stages of his Career..but on the day the young man was killed.. the Cop was not a “Good Cop” there should have been Charges is not right that the man was killed in such a terrible senseless and horrific.

  1. Thousands of people get fired everyday in America for far less things than taking someone’s life. He’s actually lucky he’s not in prison. Deadly force is only authorized when your life, or the life of others is in danger. It’s clear from that video, that no one’s life was in danger….,well, except for Eric Garner life.

  2. Cory Booker speaks the truth & fights for justice on behalf of the American people. Strangely it seems like the only people doing this today are Black Afro-Americans.

  3. Background check policy stalled by MOSCOW MITCH now…surrendering American child liberty. Do the right thing pass gun background check now!


  5. Corey Booker is a total lightweight he was asked a simple question on his opinion about a Republican who has thus far refused to visit a place like the Mother Emmanuel Church and he just rattled off obviously well memorised and planned talking points not pertaining to the question directly… Jeez, what does it take to give a straight and unambiguous answer to such an uncomplicated question?

  6. Oh, Sen. Booker, you disappoint me in your answer about dealing with police accountability. You basically said that you have no policy. You add that Pres. Obama did, but you don’t seem to know what his commission recommended, just that it existed. Or are you afraid to say on national TV what it recommended? You didn’t need to go off on that tangent at all, though. Mr. O’Donnell asked you what you would tell your attorney general to do. You answered nothing about your Justice Dept. policy in this matter and made it sound like all we need is a president with a different point of view and a greater interest in the issue than Pres. Trump. Excuse me, but, duh. Democratic voters already know that. Perhaps this kind of answer employing lots of words to say nothing (“a whole constellation of things…”, while you mention not a single one of them) is part of the reason you are stuck at 3% in the polls of Democratic voters. Your heart’s in the right place, but who has confidence that you can actually make a difference as president? I would like to know what policy, from among your successful policies as mayor, would continue to enable police to apprehend drug dealers, black market gun sellers and other felons who are complicit in the deaths of our citizens, rather than hinder their chances of arresting such felons or increasing the danger to their own lives, and yet protect the lives of petty criminals, like Eric Garner, just trying to make a buck, not a million bucks, selling untaxed cigarettes. Do you have an answer for that? And Mr. O’Donnell, why no follow up when you knew perfectly well that Sen. Booker had ignored your question?

  7. Sen. Booker, please drop out of the Dem race for president. Help a true competitor, because you really don’t have a chance. Time to move on.

  8. Why do so many Americans like/ back even enjoy violence and brutality from their police…. the skill in any policing is to deescalate , to not need brutality or violence ….., and while these skills offer us peace n possibly…, in many nations outside the US…, they take time & professional training to learn.., but then your communities have them.
    Re read the posts.., it’s as if there is a part of the “American culture” in places..?, where the public desire the police n prison service to take the criminal and brutalise them enough so as to undo that the crime ever happened..? What is that about?

  9. 18 comments in a day, 1.500 views, 67 likes… no one cares about Booker and his statements. Just another 1 percenter in the Dem basket of the deplorables.

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