Cory Booker Criticizes Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Cumbersome’ Wealth Tax | MSNBC

Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., argued the possibilities for Warren's proposed "wealth tax." Aired on 11/20/19.
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Cory Booker Criticizes Elizabeth Warren's 'Cumbersome' Wealth Tax | MSNBC

Cory Booker Criticizes Elizabeth Warren's 'Cumbersome' Wealth Tax | MSNBC


    1. cumbersome as in it cant realistically be implemented. We need the Value added tax, let the billionaires buy their lamborghini, just have them pay double and give that money straight to the people.

    2. Billionaires? Anyone of them is welcome to tax Haven country. You can pay zero taxes as long as you bring your investment and jobs in.

    1. @New Blue 2 so is everybody else would have a brain.
      I know it’s a problem for Democrats you know that space between your ears has never been filled up with anything other than some book learning that is absolutely fruitless go to your safe space

    2. @Fred Lenway So everyone else has nothing better to do than to troll channels on YouTube that they don’t like because they have a different opinion than they do? Everyone one else with a brain has nothing better to do than to be a right wing troll (note: because you’re right wing doesn’t mean you’re conservative)?

    3. Fred Lenway Life’s go to be pretty great having nothing else better to do but to troll comments on YouTube. But hey if you’re 400 pounds living in your parents basement this type of stuff must be really fun for you. Trump was right about somethings especially his YouTube and Twitter trolls.

  1. If you put a cap in a sentence in a certain amount of years that they supposed to be on welfare if they didn’t get no education no. No type of training with the time on it within three years it was time for them and get off that’s on them but you have to put a cap on welfare

    1. @CMDRZero01 maybe that’s her point. Higher education = more commas.
      I’m not saying that to slam her. I’m saying it because having someone judge another’s writing after the cut backs in education is just adding insult to injury. Literally. And it pmo, quite a bit.

    2. @Laura Lafauve I could agree with that, though given her arguments I’m thinking she’s either so old that they were funding schools rather well or from an area where those are the most common talking points used… and still bad arguments. While incompetence is a reasonable excuse for a bad argument, those people are also unreasonably stubborn which is rather dangerous if they aren’t willing to research what they are arguing. Makes as much sense as someone who lives their lives based purely on religion without considering if what they were told makes sense.

    3. @CMDRZero01 how old do you think she is? I remember cut backs in education starting in the 1960s. And I was in a fairly good school system.

  2. She has a better chance of raising money by selling unicorn rides than to get a wealth tax through Congress. How exactly is she going to determine their wealth when there are so many mechanisms to hide it? How do you include assets that fluctuate in value like real estate and securities, which could be located anywhere in the world?
    Truly Independent Trustees
    Irrevocable Trusts
    Foreign Trusts
    Limited Liability Companies
    Foreign Limited Liability Companies
    International Business Companies
    Limited Partnerships
    Corporations under Chapter C
    Corporation under Subchapter S
    It remains to be tested if a wealth tax is even constitutional.
    Those that believe that Warren could every get a wealth tax to work would be better off waiting in line for their turn on the unicorn. To “dream big”, the impossible dream.

  3. Why does Booker ‘ASSUME” that because Warren is discussing taxation that it precludes her from also having programs to increase employment? Booker needs to get out of the running now. He is not helping Americans by running and he isn’t going to win the nomination. Is taxing the filthy rich of America who own 90% of the wealth more cumbersome than raising the average American’s taxes and lowering wealthy people’s taxes like Trump has already done? It’s time to narrow down the crowd to the best candidates and sorry but Cory isn’t one of them. They can’t all win.

  4. MSNBC’s video title highlights the Booker criticism over Warren making her point but in my opinion Warren came off sounding way better in this exchange. She highlighted the issue and actually offered a strong plan to solve the problem (even if it may be flawed). Booker simply provides a weak criticism without much supporting argument while agreeing with her framing of the problem and not offering any sort of solution himself. He basically just spoke a lot and said almost nothing of value. Booker, if you agree that this is a problem, then WHAT’S YOUR SOLUTION? If you want people to vote for you you need to give them something to vote for!

    1. Will Booker thought it was obvious why you should vote for him he’s black.
      just like the blast black president he doesn’t have to know anything or be able to do anything he’s black you vote for him because he’s black to prove you’re not a racist otherwise you must be a racist

    1. OH Yeh! yes, me and my friends are couch potatoes, yes! really? $1000 welfare check a month for not workiing!! whoooo yeahhhh

    2. The mainstream media doesn’t want a real debate ideas they just want sound bites. I watch the Canadian prime minister debate and it was 4 hours long in English and it was really substantive, they had 6 candidates running and the moderators we’re asking real questions people actually cared about. They let them finish their ideas and they let the other candidates respond instead of changing the subject as soon as things got interesting while others had their hands raised.

  5. booker will never get my vote. he is corrupt. voted against cheaper generic medicine bill , because he is padded by pharma companies in new jersey. he sucks. this is another example.

  6. Chain Booker and warren together and drop them in the ocean more than 20 miles out
    This will save real Americans tens of millions of $$
    Bernie and wanker next

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