Coronavirus ‘Will Blow Right Past’ Trump’s July And August Claims | The Last Word | MSNBC

Dr. Michael Osterholm tells Lawrence O’Donnell that he believes the president's new timeline for the worst of the coronavirus is not long enough. Dr. Jonathan Quick tells Lawrence that a strong federal response is needed, instead of piecemeal state responses. Aired on 03/16/2020.
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Coronavirus ‘Will Blow Right Past’ Trump's July And August Claims | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. *”We won with poorly educated, I love the poorly educated!”*
                      – Trump, 2016

    Trump supporters: i dun no wut dat means but make america grate agen 2020!!!1!

    1. @john brooks well played! When impersonating Drumpf cultists I spell it murkkka…You were kidding right?🤔

    2. @Douglas Lowe most of the folks people are calling stupid are the same folks with the heart that made this place why would you value spelling over heart or scince over god whoes foolish profits over values is main part of ther progreming please wake up. the homeless are our brothers and sisters not zombies the value of people isnt ther usefullness twords your agenda breathing heated air kills corona smart people are foolish scince is corupt so are you

    3. @i minabrons iam not one to corect the smart group but when you breath heated air it kills corona viruse ther lieing to. you dude smart people are dangerous scince is lieing to you. god is real duh late fool

  2. Why would ANYONE ever believe Trump? The markets show the lack of confidence in Trump or any of his followers.

    1. L B Yes! tЯump might be a corrupt lying bigot… but he’s our corrupt lying bigot!!! And just look at that beautiful economy! The Coronavirus is a Democrat hoax and there are only 15 cases! That number goes to one or zero… because April! And because we’re too inept to test, but we will catch up to Iran and Mongolia!! Some day. But I doubt it.

    2. @L B Anyone who can’t see the incompetence of your president is delusional. The Trump presidency is effectively over as most everyone sees how inept he is at dealing with a crisis. Not you of course, you’ve been blinded by the Trump lies and watching Fox News.

    3. If we would have closed the door like trump wanted we would not have been infected you dumb liberals

  3. Trump did away with the Pandemic Response Team as a cost cutting measure. That’s like saying, we haven’t had a fire in awhile, so to save a few bucks, I’m going to lay off the fire department. True “genius”.

    1. @Dan and Lilly He was impeached..just not removed..same as Bill Clinton. You might want to check your facts before posting.

    2. @doomgoddess1405 So then…please tell us what did that reporter ask that deserved an insult from Trump ?

    3. Philip Clarke uh trump was not impeached dude lol you may want to check the facts yourself my guy haha because he was deff acquitted.
      Do you even know what impeachment even is?

    4. roberto R lmao no he was acquitted. Do you even know what an impeachment is? Or how the court system works?

      Can’t be impeached if you was acquitted

      Basically what you’re saying is that OJ Simpson is guilty of murder even though he was acquitted….but I’m the stupid one lol

    1. @Last place Rebel Faked?? Right out of Trump’s mouth. Fools like you will be a carrier until it consumes you. The only one who will be surprised is you.

    2. @Diarrhea Latte Wasn’t Obama Pres…like 3 years ago? Isn’t Obama the one who set up a Pandemic Response Team? Trump’s version of his Pandemic Response Team is a call center in Manillia.

  4. Trump couldn’t even run a casino, or collected charity for himself, Trump University a fraud, and lately he said”I got a hunch it will disappear in a couple of weeks like a miracle…😁

    1. @MA 292 He made a business out of money laundering for Russian mafia. Money made on the pain and suffering of everyday people. Trump is dispeakable.

    2. @r385671, he would also like to rewrite our LAWS and our CONSTITUTION, you know the one he called PHONY!!!!!!!!!

    3. @Sir Ronald, Trump was NOT elected, he was placed into office by Republicans who ABUSED the ELECTORAL COLLEGE for the FOURTH time so they could PLACE another LOSER into the White House. Trump got into office the same way Hitler got into office.

    4. @MA 292 he’s not a billionaire, many billionaires question his claim, also the only businesses of his that succeeded were the ones he himself had no hand in running, like his real estate empire. Not only that hes such a risk, majority of places in the west don’t want to loan him money, that should tell you something

  5. It spread like wildfire through China even WITH their swift action and lockdowns. Trump Dilly dallied for two MONTHS.

    1. China covered it up at first. If they acted earlier they could have stopped the pandemic. But they didn’t. The Chinese bureaucracy led to cover-ups that meant no one in a senior position really understood the threat.

      It turns out that the US is not any smarter. The US had more time for their experts to learn about the growing threat and still didn’t prepare for it.

      Additionally, when China finally acted, they acted decisively and comprehensively. The US is still half-assing it. Worried more about the impact on wall street than the health crisis itself.

    2. @FromRussiaWithLove
      You think trump wouldn’t have done the same thing if he could have?
      Remember when he called it a hoax?
      The fake news you folks rage on probably saved your life if you survive it.

  6. At this point a chicken pecking at a random number generator would be more logical than Trumps response.

    1. If we would have listened to trump and closed the doors we would not have had this virus in the first place. It was the liberals who wanted to keep all the doors open cuz “racism” it’s your fault libs. Yeah I don’t agree with everything that he says but he was right about that I’m nonpartisan

  7. Trump’s Coronavirus team still huddling together behind him. Way to demonstrate Social Distancing!!! Show the photos of O’Hare airport!!!

    1. @terry hughes everybody behind him in any news conference bobs their head up and down. I’m guessing it’s his rule or they pay a price.

  8. Trump as president during this epidemic is literally the captain of the Titanic. We’re going down folks

    1. It’s like Homer Simpson on meth as Captain of the Titanic – full steam ahead straight into the iceberg even though he’s been told it’s right in front of you!

    1. Mordicus
      As thousands of posts on youtube show, most Republicans still don’t take this seriously. They just went from “The virus is a hoax” to “It’s just a flu. People end up in ICU because of the media hype.”

    2. @MR intel They showed a bunch of rich trump supporters out socializing and playing tennis on Sunday. They didn’t believe it was serious. Lady said she loved Trump because he was so *strong*. She was visibly old and is about 5%-10% likely to die to this. So much dumbness.

  9. A month ago: it will disappear, like a miracle!
    Last Friday: National Emergency, two big words!
    Today: it may last until August!

    1. @Mine Finder The biggest imbecile poster in America is Mine Finder. Clearly you;re a clueless Trumpanzee. Cuomo is out there addressing the problem as best he can. Unlike Deadbeat Donny Little Hands and his moron minions.

    2. @Mine Finder I think you’re on another planet. Cuomo is doing plenty. Fat Donnie on the other hand, is a damned fool, and I wish he would just STFU. Go play golf and let the adults fix this.

    3. Lili Bee
      Why do so many Americans vote for “imbeciles”? Is it that they want their political representatives to be just like them?

  10. Can’t “contain” virus, until we KNOW who might have it. Without universal testing, there will be NO containment..

    1. We already missed the window for containment. We’re in the delay phase–then comes mitigation.

  11. “I take responsibility for nothing….never have….never will….that’s the way my daddy taught me””

    1. I’m retired Army and was stunned at Trump’s full blown confession that he has zero leadership qualities and refuses to learn any. He is the anti-leader.

  12. trump is ignorant of truth and facts! Many Americans will die under his lying leadership and because of his government officials’ sycophantic behaviour. The trump leadership is deplorable!

    1. What you said is not true. Drumpf said that it will disappear like magic when the warmer weather comes along and I believe him because he is always right.

    1. *and if the dems were in power they would get in as many liberal judges as they could also… thats how it goes*

  13. And yet at this point Trump supporters still think this is a “hoax”. But they are the ones hoarding toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

    1. It was just one trump supporter and his brother, I believe he snatched 17000 bottles or so. Capitalism. Murica

  14. Evangelicals were quick to claim that Trump was chosen by God. Perhaps now they can also agree that God sent the virus to get rid of him.

    1. Trump is a demonic creature. How do u think he cam sleep at night. A. Wicked. Sociopathic mind allows him to not care about. Humanity

    2. Evangelical: Why god why have you not stopped this virus?
      God: I sent you Obama. Trump is all your fault.

    3. Unf a lot of good people have been taken. The evangelicals still dont understand the science about it. Whats going on is science not biblical theory. smh

  15. He has been busy with his son-in-law the pass two months trying to figure out they can make money on this . 🖕🏼🍊💩

    1. D R – Yes, he has. Kushner is heavily involved in a scheme to sell corona virus consultations (and presumably any available future vaccine) for a large profit. This scheme is being offered to mainly the rich, white Mar-a-Lago dickheads. When the scheme was exposed and Spanky was accused by the German government of trying to bribe one of their companies to produce an American vaccine he quickly made Kushner the scapegoat. But we all know who Kushner obeys and works for, don’t we?

    2. Maybe that explains why Trump offered a German firm $1B for exclusive rights to the vaccine when it becomes available.

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