Coronavirus Task Force press briefing (LIVE) | USA TODAY

Members of the Coronavirus Task Force hold a press briefing in Washington DC.


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Coronavirus Task Force gives press briefing on outbreak | USA TODAY


  1. I wish they would stop calling it Coronavirus….that’s the family of viruses and it’s confusing people

  2. Coronavirus is good!
    They can charge the Coronavirus with felony charges if they can like they oppress minorities with felony charges on their records.
    Incapacitate the poor with harsh narcissistic petty criminal charges.
    Unable to get a decent job, the poor have to make ends meet.

  3. Holy crap. Tell the truth and save our country and Trump re-election…. lying is NOT helping.

    1. I like Pence, but “no I have no reservations about flying” is SO stupid to say… of course you have no reservations, you fly on Air Force 2… Holy Sh*t.

    2. What do you consider to be the truth? And no I don’t know, just curious what people are thinking vs what media is putting out

  4. They are not ready they continue b.s. I had apendix pain was sitting in er for 1.5hrs two years ago if epidemic hits wait time 48 hrs minimum

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