Coronavirus Sacrifices ‘Squandered’ As Infections Reach Critical Levels In South, West | MSNBC

The record job losses, closed businesses and social isolation Americans endured to try and control the spread of coronavirus successfully flattened the curve – for a while. But Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow argue a lack of leadership at the top has led to a situation where COVID-19 is again reaching record levels. “We started to get it under control, under tremendous sacrifice that you made and we all made together as citizens in civil society. And it was squandered by our leadership and we’re going right back up again… it’s not just that the president has botched this from the very beginning, he’s actively made it worse,” said Hayes. Aired on 6/25/2020.
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Coronavirus Sacrifices ‘Squandered’ As Infections Reach Critical Levels In South, West | MSNBC


    1. @Tina Bush If she’s a christian, she should be aware that trump has broken 7 of the 10 comandments .

    2. No, we don’t have to take the virus the scienctist wanted us to stay home until August and test tracking the virus using the responsible way of opening up the states. Trump has destory the opportunity to save lives. It’s not to be forced back to work to die when our government could of stopped the spread and yes we could of gotten rid of it. But money greed and Trump and our governers put that first

    1. Fletcher Christian “people” like Tweaties have always been unconstitutional and un-American, now its finally official and by a conservative scotus no less.

    2. Michigan Wolverine naw Riney. I prefer voting, organising others to vote and then legislating away the racism, incompetence and corruption of this Administration and fixing the broken elements of contemporary America’s political, economic and social inequalities brother.
      Will you still be trolling for the status quo? Might as well be fighting for the Confederacy cupcake.
      Traitors and losers…also known as the Trump Administration…

    1. @Tina Bush no real debate just silly mic drop one liners based on your fragile emotions. Are you one of the triggered ones looting? I look at the crowds of green and purple hair girls screaming nonsense at cops and thin to myself, I bet if the right guy came along with a little bit of money the majority of those dumpsters would become house wives. The issue is the pixie hair gals surround themselves with loser dude looking for hand-outs. Attention loud mouth goth girls, do yourself a favor, take a shower..get back to your natural hair color and find a guy who you can trick into supporting you and your Zoloft habit. No handouts are coming, go home!

    2. @Chris Schwanger WOW. You are a clear example of what’s wrong with this country. And exactly why people are protesting. You’re lack of education AND experience combined with blind contempt for things you don’t understand lead you to say ridiculous things out loud. Unfortunately I fear that you actually believe all those false pretenses to be true.

      Truth is, you don’t know me at all. There’s a good chance I pay more in taxes in one year than you earn in two.
      And I’m willing to bet you’ve never met or had a conversation with anyone with blue and green hair. You didn’t notice, but I just pointed out your lack of education and experience just now.
      The truth is. You don’t care. You don’t want to actually have a conversation and find out why that girl has green and blue hair and is at the protest. And not just her. How about that black guy open carrying a gun in the chop? I’m willing to bet you don’t want to talk to him. You don’t really want to know what motivated him to come to the protest. Because if you actually had a calm conversation with those people. Sitting down with them. Sharing some coffee. You’d start to realize that Tucker Carlson isn’t telling you the truth. Sean Hannity has no idea what he’s talking about.
      And that my friend, scares the crap out of you. Talking to actual real people will start to crumble that wall of hate you’re living with. That you’re COMFORTABLE with. That hate that makes you wish horrible things happen to people you don’t even know.

      I live in Seattle. I’ve seen what’s happening with my own eyes. You’ll never believe this, but what fox news is telling you is wrong. And designed to generate hate and anger. What people don’t know is the “chop” is about 2 miles from downtown Seattle and the waterfront. It’s an area smack dab in the middle between two colleges. There’s lots of bars and concert halls there as well as the big park you see on TV. For the past 50 plus years this has been the party zone in Seattle. Look up “capital hill block party”. And that’s what they’re doing there. Partying. With no police. No one’s raping and murdering and looting. Some looting happened the first day 2 miles away in a different part of Seattle.
      I’ve watched fox news alot lately. They use the same footage from weeks ago. From places outside capital hill. And make it look like that’s what’s going down every day.
      You’re being lied to. But you demand to be lied to. It’s a very sick cycle you’re stuck in.

    1. Buck Browning you fool! trumps killing your people and you pointing finger at me ?? You are so deluded! Smh

    2. @Abid Sain Fool?..I’m not burning my community down and calling for the defunding of law enforcement😂

    3. This administration is all in deep with China and Russian loans . tRump and his cronies are scared because it’s time to pay the piper . Moscow Mitch and Barr need to be removed now .

    1. And like the golden calf, self-interest, self-importance, arrogance, and hubris of our leadership have led us all to slaughter. This dog and pony show of a pandemic and the Trumpian politico-socio-economic tumult have all the makings of a modern day Greek tragedy-comedy.

    2. The Tweatles are you eight? Or just generally puerile?
      I think it is bedtime cupcake. Also, it can be a point of pride to admit your sexuality, so don’t be afraid, we will celebrate with you not denigrate your so obvious cry for acceptance.
      C’mon brother be brave…be best.

  1. You who demanded reopening, are only prolonging the pain and squandering sacrifices made. You got what you wanted.

    1. Mary Ziel – Not wrong, however

      Liberate Minnesota! Liberate Michigan! Liberate Virginia! – Tangerine in Chief

    1. @Walt Schmidt Naw, we’re sick of RWNJ Cops denying people their Civil Rights, Sergei.

    2. Walt Schmidt wrote, “Blaming the Republicans for garbage happening in Democrat cities is plain stupidity.”

      Trump 2016: I alone can fix it.
      Trump 2020: I accept no responsibility.

  2. What’s wrong Texas? This is just a Chinese hoax remember? Ignore the Gov. You know better. God will save you lol. Trump’s now taking away your healthcare. Good thing. You don’t need it. Not when you can just inject sunlight.

  3. 15 trillion in the garbage can, not 1 bridge built, not a road payed for trump is the biggest conman of all time, thanks republicans were done !

    1. @brian bowes so how did filling big Corporations help you…or how does feeding there lobbist money….but hey the stock market is doing ok…that’s’s a farse…this pandemic and people dying .. president trying to make money off people’s deaths….. shhhhh

    2. Brian don’t forget to use that tax break for people that owns planes or you’re children go to private school….ya . Shhhhh

    3. @Manuel u mean when they protested to reopen..or when they protested armed to the teeth stormed capitols..

  4. “Never follow an empty wagon nothing ever falls off” Fred Trump..Dad knew who Don really is

  5. Wear a mask..we can now freely travel around EU, mostly because ALL OF US wore a mask all the time and even now we wear it in restaurants and shops. WEAR A MASK

    1. @Eric Lord Never seen the new setup in Restaurant in HK? Restaurant reduce capacity, have clear partition to separate each group. Take Temperature test before getting in, put on mask after your done eating, is really not that hard. Restaurant never had a “shutdown” in HK, is just science, no space magic.

    1. its a beautiful virus. its the best virus. no one virus’ like the US. and its all because of me. i’ve done more for virus’ than any other president. thats what he should be saying.

  6. The CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES is alive in many states, mostly in the south, were another confederacy once thrived. Can not these people think? Do science and numbers only apply to amassing money and political power.? Not wearing a mask, not social distancing means the liberty of death.,assuming there is liberty in death.

    1. brian bowes – Last I checked Bill Barr heads the DOJ, Trump is POTUS and they both have the Senate’s blessing. What are they waiting for?

      That ship has sailed, mate

    1. I knew about a SARS like virus in wuhan China from a YouTube comment in mid December… If I knew about it before the US intelligence that is really bad and if Trump knew and didn’t do anything that is criminal negligence

  7. Crazy, this world. A president kills his own people. The next 100,000 dead are actually killed by the bunker boy. Trump can actually be called a murderer.

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