College presidents discuss the financial challenges they will face during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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#COVID19 #Coronavirus #College
Nic video abn farst wach and like comint
pK funny vlogs mix collection what did you just say?
These physical locations are outdated & unnecessary. Don’t work harder to go backwards work smarter to sustain relevance. C’mon guys
Anyone that has gone to college understands how important physical location is for the college experience. It’s why so few people traditionally sign up for online college.
@Ncrypt Solutions that sounds like some elitist’s way of saying anyone that’s gone to college would agree with me. Well, I went to college and I disagree….
I got my AS in 1998 and we had online classes back then. I can’t believe colleges aren’t nearly 100% online by now. Just think of the traffic issues that would help alleviate…
Some major require face-to-face classes like medical and labs, etc.
Hey GUY! That is why I said ‘nearly 100%’
@Nate McAlmond I would disagree and say only 45%. I’m a C student. My grades are about to go up
I’ve made arrangements with other students. Were taking our tests together!!!! Open book, open notes, open EVERYTHING!!! I’m so happy! No more stress! A++ for everyone!!! 

Corona-Virus Healer Easy, the major tests could be in person. Just like we used to do when I was in school.
There are things greater than oneself, you sacrifice for god, family, and country.
And now they are on the spot, Ay?
Since most colleges today are little more than Communist recruitment camps, pushing psychotic and evil leftist narratives, I have no sympathy for most of them.
I wonder why these professors who believe in socialism so badly, aren’t teaching the students for free?
It is always nice to see industries that have always been a scam fall victim to Covid. The only people that think of collage as a requirement or even just an option are those without a degree. Not one honest Masters – Doctorate will ever tell you that any college or university is worth half of what you paid. These places are worse than a military recruiter. The two first lessons every young adult learns; the college scam and the military career scam.
Let me give you college kids a little wisdom on life..
86% of billionaires are NOT college educated…
(Stop being sheep.. and start being smart…
And when I say smart, I dont mean intellectual.. )
Thank you…Gold advice
So what are the other options? How do I make it without college?
We need to move away from the Ivy League College Campuses to a “Virtual Internet Learning Environment” (LIVE) Huh….. I just coined this phrase 2 seconds ago