A new report from the New York Times says coronavirus may have been circulating undetected in Washington state for six weeks. Gadi Schwartz reports from Kirkland, Washington. Aired on 03/02/20.
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Coronavirus May Have Been Circulating In U.S. Undetected For Six Weeks | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
News just announced five new cases in Northern California
Wittzzz it takes 18 months to develop a vaccine.
hugh jorgan I don’t know what news reports you see, but death rates from flue are always reported.
@Wittzzz Actually, odds are with how far it’s spread already, and how infectious it is – it won’t go away. It’ll stick with us year after year from here on out like numerous other viruses do. Next year we could hear – ‘Well, it’s cold, flu, and covid season, so wash those hands.’ Bad thing is there’s a lot more (to the tune of 20-30 times as many) people who will die if they come down with Covid than if they come down with something like the flu, so it’s bad that it’ll likely stick around.
I was thinking with the health care system the us have, this might finally make everyone realise how important it is to ya M4all…a right that you guys can get tested/treated without going broke….even dying is not an option.
How are people going to pay their bill? If their told to stay home cuz they have the virus.
@Ivanka speads for Quincy Jones
I’m sick and tired of listening to the democrats lie and try to destroy Trump with a 1000 cuts.
Why did you choose Bernie? Do you like his strong socialist viewpoint? Or, the stuff he offers that appears free?
@1TalldrinkH2O that was nicely written but why did you use Russia as your example?
@1TalldrinkH2O I like Bernie for one reason. He’s going to get rid a billionaire corporate money out of politics. That’s why the swamp fears him and the middle class loves him. I thought Trump was going to drain the swamp and lock up Hillary? How did that work out?
@1TalldrinkH2O Trump destroying himself.
@Ivanka speads for Quincy Jones Russa was the most clear cut example.
The information I found from Cuba is that they forced the doctors to go as goodwill officers to other countries spy on them and any money they made was to be handed over to the Cuban government.
Health care regarding Sweden was that most people have to pay 49 to 60% of their wages in taxes for it.
Coronavirus may have been circulating? It’s obvious to anyone with a brain that it did!
Rain Walker

Trump’s telling people to say risk is low so that the markets don’t get spooked. He can be read like the pamphlet that he is. Totally predictable.
@Support your Troops & Atheletes That’s partly right and no need to tell me. I have front line medical experts keeping me informed. They are family members at high level institutes. So, I know perhaps more than most including you. Update: I was told today to ignore our so called leaders’ advice about masks and get some asap. Stock up on supplies of non perishables. There’s a reason why our fearless “leaders” are telling people not to wear masks and it is NOT good. In fact, the outlook is far worse than people understand. This situation could be worse than the 3 Wave Flu Pandemic of 1918. I hope it’s not, but I’m actually ok with it. We haven’t got much choice but to ride it out. Good luck everyone.
@Support your Troops & Atheletes Since you watch CBS, you might wanna see what this expert says: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-infection-outbreak-worldwide-virus-expert-warning-today-2020-03-02/
@R&R …. I have front line medical professionals from nurses to Specialist doctors in my biolgical family within my city as well and we all have our personal medical doctors and personal specialized doctors that treat each and every member online , all are friends and family but news flash, no doctor knows everything there is to know about this new virus just yet so I do not really care who your source of information comes from and I don’t care if they are family nor where they work either. They do in the past two months have more knowledge than the general public however with working on the front lines but they to do not once again have all the needed information. Since it is your family in the medical field such as I do, does not mean anything. As far as anyone is concerned, you may be a MacDonalds hamburger flipper just out of high school that has family in the medical field or a black sheep sort of speak who’s unemployed with family in the medical field. Also visa versa, you would not know who I am either on that note.
The point is, don’t sit there acting like you know all about something that has been causing medical issues with periodically taking lives quickly in a 2 month area. Even if it did not cause sickness or death, you should still not. I guess you do not know your laws in the professional field though neither of us work in the medical field on that note but even nurses can’t advise treatments or give a direct diagnoses in the field. So Mr. “I may know a bit more” obviously you don’t respect the governing laws surrounding the medical field though your family is employed based on your statement. If they are, I only wish them the very best for the patients they will obviously be seeing with this virus going around. But I will suggest not making direct comments on this new strain untill at least the bare minimum on letting the front lines in medical figure all this out at least keep narcassist comments away.
Styx666 has been ahead of the game 4-6 weeks already.. Legacy Media is irrelevant.
@Myles Raymond that’s why I have 14 likes, you should check him out he’s actually informative
@Myles Raymond People actually thought he was fear mongering at first, then this happens and people are now thanking him. Mostly everything he has been saying has been coming true unfortunately. Better to be ahead of the game then to be sorry later.
It doesn’t take an Oracle to realize that it was here longer than the liar in chief has eluded to. Styx is hot garbage, kids.
@Vanessa Costa the president tried to implement a travel ban early on in this whole deal. The Dems and their lapdogs in the media mocked him and called him a racist for it. Had they listened for once, we might not have so many cases. And have you ever even watched Styx or do you just like making asinine statements randomly? I think we know who is the garbage here. Generally the one who brings it up.
It’s out. It’s spreading. Wash your hands often. Avoid touching your face while in public. Read up on the symptoms. Consult your physician.
@Jasper Massey I lived in Japan. EVERYONE wore face masks there when they had a cold or, I guess, when they were afraid of catching a cold. But in the USA, I’ve NEVER seen anyone do that. So even IF we could get some people to wear masks, how about the ones who refuse to do so? Maybe we’re all going to have to learn to do it?
Tell me something i don’t know
So far, the new coronavirus has led to more than 89,000 illnesses and 3,000 deaths worldwide. But that’s nothing compared with the flu, also called influenza. In the U.S. alone, the flu has caused an estimated 32 million illnesses, 310,000 hospitalizations and 18,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
You are a fear monger
Wake up America government is broken we need a new one
@Cahoula Are you just saying that based on your own patriotism? Or have you done research and compared US’s response to China’s? US currently has no response, our government was the last country to stock up on supplies, so we are at a shortage, and the tests we’ve been using for the past month have been duds.
CDC will tell you the truth.
The republican party has improved somewhat over the past number of years. After all republican voters didn’t put a establishment candidate in office. Jeb Bush only got 3% of the vote in Florida in the primaries. And that was after a successful 2 terms as governor. We as republicans have libertarians to THANK for this. Thanks to the libertarians for spawning the tea party movement. And thanks to the tea party for waking up republicans.
The U.S. has no response? Are you sure you want that on record?
@Cahoula YES!!! The CDC keeps trying to tell you!! Stop listening to Trump, start listening to those in charge of trying to control the outbreak. We were the last to stock up on supplies and the test kits we have been using for months are duds. Stop listening to your party, start listening to doctors.
This 2019 Corona (CoV) is the 3rd of it’s kind according to the PATENT,#10104170, MERS-COV & SARS-COV came prior.
Real American Your point?
So far, the new coronavirus has led to more than 89,000 illnesses and 3,000 deaths worldwide. But that’s nothing compared with the flu, also called influenza. In the U.S. alone, the flu has caused an estimated 32 million illnesses, 310,000 hospitalizations and 18,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Houston Astros Trash Can well it’s easy to calculate death rate – flue 0.06%, coronavirus -3.4%, and it’s spreading. So, there is a difference
Understanding that COVID-19 exponential case numbers double every 2-3 days… #COVID19
*breaking news: epstein dies from corona virus*
I have no clue what u is saying.
Wonder how many daughters Epstein spread it to…
The man’s name was Harvey Weinstein. He just passed away. RIP Harvey
Suits my antisocial behaviour perfectly
same as my husband. hes always in isolation
You have to go out eventually.
@V maybe its you lol XD
@Jessie James haha Definitely not me .. My husband is an an extreme introvert and hardly leaves the house
I feel like the average child who’s played Pandemic knows more about the subject matter than this guy.
@William Bailey he’s been away in a Buddhist temple learning the mystical art of Sarcasm.
@Matthew W Hes a foaming at the mouth, know nothing lunatic liberal.
What do you expect? Emotional control?!
Great idea, Pandemic board game anyone?
I have been curious about all this strong flu systems…With no prior knowledge nor test…could many that thought they had a bad flu this year, really been the virus???
Symptoms are different. Corona has respiratory complications along with fever
yes, my buddy is an NP and he has told that the flu strain this year seems to be really bad, some of those patients could have easily had CV19 and not know it.
or no symptoms at all 80 percent are considered mild.. 3% have no symptoms 17% are on deaths door. 1-5% die based on quality of medical care
I have a friend that is in the hospital with the flu, she has been on a ventilator and they didn’t think she was going to make it, she finally took a turn looking for the better Sunday, and the doctor says things look positive as if she will survive now. Her family do where mask when they visit her.
Many people already suspect this virus had been the cause of the massive death in the past 4 months !!
They knew. They were completely aware of the virus spreading. They covered it up for as long as possible because the markets and stock holders are more important than us.
No they know the markets will drop. They downplayed it so homeland security and hospitals have time to prepare and stock up on masks. Supplies for masks cone from the same companies that sell to the populace. If you empty the store shelves then there is an order to fill in the system for that store. I agree that hospitals and govt agencies need the masks. But govt lack of planning is not my problem and i got masks and will use them.
The virus mutates and stays many steps ahead of us. Laying dormant for months until outbursts are a possibility
So how many people in the last 2 months “died of flu”, but actually died from untested corona virus?
The coronavirus is about 20 times as deadly. Do the math I guarantee you’re not going to like the result
So far, the new coronavirus has led to more than 89,000 illnesses and 3,000 deaths worldwide. But that’s nothing compared with the flu, also called influenza. In the U.S. alone, the flu has caused an estimated 32 million illnesses, 310,000 hospitalizations and 18,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
You’re a fear monger!!
There is genetic evidence of the virus family tree already !!
Think about it. HOW can this entire society remain in “isolation” for more than one or two days? People have to buy food…go to work…and wind up mixing with dozens of other people. And what does one do if one THINKS they’ve contracted the virus? Go to an Emergency Room…and possibly infect 100 other people? YES! Senior citizens who may have compromised heath issues MUST remain in isolation and must be supplied with food and services by people who aren’t. There is NO WAY this virus can be contained in the general population. NO WAY! Most of the deaths, so far (although not all) are of older people. We have to come up with a VIABLE plan to keep society moving while protecting the most vulnerable.
BADGUY 1 you are correct. Common sense, it instead officials will shut down 90% of the economy and it will be a disaster
@Damon Don’t know if they’ve done that…at least yet. But they can’t. Life has to go on. Yes some people will die who SHOULD have been able to survive this virus….i.e. People who are NOT in the “most at risk” group (i.e. Seniors). But what ELSE can we do? We have to EAT. We HAVE to go to the store. We have to WORK to get money to pay our bills. Life is a gamble…all we can hope to do is follow recommended sanitary procedures and try to get through this problem, while at least TRYING to keep the elderly at home and in some kind of isolation until this passes.
That is what is going on in China…
BADGUY 1 I think initially they’ll try to “contain” it which is silly. It will spread to every city unless everyone is locked down now. It’s just not realistic. At this point imo the best thing to do is just treat it like the regular flu. Yes, it will be worse but we will let it ruin our society or we won’t. After a few months the craziness will subside, I hope… we shall see. Gonna be a crazy few months.. I wish I was heading officials say things like this. Cause it’s the truth probably
yeah sure let them all fly right back home from iran, china, italy, etc. it’s a great idea!
WHAT KING OF “ HEALTH” worker comes back from IRAN who’s has a huge Corona Virus COVID 19 disease…Goes back to work…in a nursing home?. Sounds like a saboteur…that worker should be arrested!
It was circulating because everyone just thought it was the flu killing ppl in Washington.
Anyone with a IQ north of room temperature knew this already.
They didn’t close borders and potential carriers are allowed to travel freely.
You don’t have to be a Harvard PhD scientist to see how that’s gonna start a pandemic