Coronavirus In Trump’s America? Nurse Diagnosed With Virus Initially Denied Test | MSNBC

A nurse on the frontlines of America's health care system was initially denied access to a coronavirus test, even though she self reported symptoms and was concerned about possibly passing the virus on to others or patients. Speaking via Skype from isolation, Lisa Merck recounts how doctors performed some tests to diagnose her symptoms, but not a coronavirus test, which has been limited in the U.S., in this interview with MSNBC's Ari Melber. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 03/18/2020.
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Coronavirus In Trump's America? Nurse Diagnosed With Virus Initially Denied Test | MSNBC


    1. You people saying she should’ve stayed home. How stupid are you ppl? She had to work, has bills to pay. Not everyone lives off of the government or someone else. Ppl do actually have to work for a living. Stfu and leave her alone.

  1. Should have been preparing for this since SARS 2003. Everyone in government since then can share the blame. Three presidential administrations and all of the long time Congressional Representatives.

    1. Trump took it as a big joke and failed to act quickly….
      All other presidents overreacted quickly, and made sure to keep Americans safe, and nothing came of it because of the overreaction.
      Trump failed to act at all, waited weeks even a month before taking this seriously, and now Americans are dead, and at risk.
      TRUMP did not act quickly, and now Americans are dead.
      All the other presidents reacted very quickly, and saved American lives.

    2. Failure? we had a pandemic task force set up by the democrats. Trump eliminated it in 2018, yeah everyone’s to blame

    3. @kil koh You mean like how he declared an emergency after 1 death, whereas Obama let 1000 americans die before he did anything about swine flu? Short memory huh

  2. She’s a nurse and didn’t have the common sense to stay home?! By mid February the virus we well known about AND she just came back form traveling. This lady is the epitome of irresponsible and should not be used to prop up some hit piece on the commander and chief of our country. Doesn’t matter if you like him or not, grow up. Survival doesn’t care about your feelings, I don’t either.

    1. Our President was telling folks that this was just a flu in February and was seriously downplaying what Coronavirus was. He showed absolutely no urgency in encouraging Americans to stay indoors or be vigilant about this illness. He even went so far as to say that it was being played up by the media.

    2. I just found out about this virus and Trump let me down. I have to listen to someone with facts but thanks for the check suckers!

    3. You guys know if China told us 3 months earlier how easily it would be to spreed trump would have been able to stop it better. China is a big fat communist lie.

    1. My aunt would take my cousin shoes back to the store after a year and demand a refund .She would ask to see the manger than yell they were chaeply made .in the 70s it’s true

    1. We had to develop a test because the ones on the market were giving 48% false positives.This nurse knows exactly how things work.They want all the idiots running in demanding tests to put a political spin on it.Trump was the first one on the planet to stop flights from China on Feb 1st and was called a racist by these same fools.This is China’s fault and they should pay dearly for the WUHAN VIRUS

    2. @Vicki Ross Tudor did the government have to tell you what to do when you got sick before.This is a problem all over the world.If the test kits on the market actually worked we wouldn’t have had to develop one.They were giving 48%false positives.

  3. need to test all people so that people with 0 symptoms or mild symptoms can stop spreading the virus.

    1. Works smart not hard if we test people with no symptoms or any suspect of having the virus that’s a waste of not only TIME but resources

    2. @Jodi Duan that is what they did in 1 town in italy to stop the virus. they tested everyone in the town bec many of the spreaders had 0 symptoms.

    3. colonyofcells iamamachine2 yes if they have BEEN in contact with someone that has the virus. Not just EVERYONE randomly

  4. My daughter is a nurse at a hospital. She had fever and chest pain. Was diagnosed with lower lobe pneumonia. She asked to be tested. Nope….because no test. Now two weeks later, she’s coughing but no fever. Still denied the test due to not meeting the criteria! Crazy.

    1. My mother and father both have respiratory illness. They are in Florida. No one has tested them. My mom has a horrible wet cough. She can’t come home on a plane till it clears up. She has been sick for two months.

    2. @Capronice did you call anyone to get them tested? 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 I’m sorry to hear about their situation, it’s sad

    3. @DJ Architect They are OK. My mother is a nurse, she is 72 but still work 8 months out of the year. She asked to be tested about 5 weeks ago and the doctor told her that she did not have Corona. In reality that doctor did not know if she had it or not. He did not test her so how could he say she did not have it . She was diagnosed with pneumonia. I think her doctor was a little ignorant and in denial of the situation. My mother is pretty strong. She has lived through colon cancer and breast cancer. Nothing gets in her way. She could retire but she works as often as possible. I am glad she is not at home because she would be working in the hospital which is the worse place to be right now.

  5. I’m a nurse at a big hospital. I called in sick because I developed a fever and cough, as well as my husband. NO ONE will test us. I’ve called the state health department, our county health department, the hospital I work at employee health/nursing supervisor, and my primary care doctor. They all say the same thing: I don’t meet criteria. I am asking if I can take FMLA or Vacation days to stay home and do a self-quarantine and I haven’t gotten a clear answer yet and it’s causing me extreme anxiety. I don’t want to be told to go back to work without having the COVID-19 test! This has been a nightmare…

    1. I hope you get the help you need!! I really hope your will be okay! I will pray for you and your loved ones. Hang in there! I appreciate your service! You will get through this!

    2. This isn’t true. Your story rings with false hood. If you are a Nurse and looking at your profile pic you are young so the virus is no danger to you a Nurse would no that. So if you are a Nurse your not a good one. You should also understand with the limited number of test available and the amount of panic libatrds like you caused they are holding test to test the old and people with respiratory problems first again if your were a nurse you should know that.

    3. @Nathan Temple The reason I was worried about not being tested is because my work wanted me to return and I wanted to make sure I didn’t have it so that I don’t infect patients. Luckily, after about a week of begging I finally did get tested and I was negative for COVID 19 so I am back to work. I was not worried for myself, I was worried for my patients. It was only recently added to the guidelines (FINALLY) that healthcare workers are considered “at risk” and are eligible for testing”. It’s not really fair to call me a bad nurse when I am trying to make sure I don’t have COVID 19 before returning to work at the hospital. How does that make me bad exactly?

    1. that’s the point. she doesnt even wear a mask in the skype. and nobody tell her she should have mask on her face

    1. Brisco Crisco
      Yeah, see I’m a massage therapist & I’m very concerned as we are still open. We’ve cut hours but I’m not comfortable at all being that close to ppl.

  6. I wonder how many she infected. She got a massage (infected the maseusse) , went to a run (infected other runners) infected his nephew then infected her co-workers.

    1. An old colleague of mine was put in quarantine in Singapore after testing positive.
      They found remains of COVID-19 in his body, I don’t know how many people he possible could have infected in the 2 weeks he was for work in San Fransisco.
      He is doing most of his job in coffee bars and also meet customers in those bars.

    2. Protect XRP from HK rioters Than he is responsible for killing others. If he knew. Totally self centered narcissism.

    1. Si es verdad . Accountable you are correct .We need to pray because this is going to hurt my wallet . This stay home virus because I have aches and pain and the we are in this together propaganda is expensive .Lord help them because I am not rich.

  7. Qualifications for Covid-19 test:
    *Must be an athlete or public figure*
    *Must be dead or dying*
    Got it.

    1. Yes, but the plague and corono virus will not affect Donald trump selling golf clubs at the Olympics?

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