Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland was asked if it's fair that big businesses are able to remain open, while some smaller businesses are being forced to close because of lockdowns, here's what she had to say.
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She thinks she’s in the house of commons with that answer
The data pointing to restaurants and bars as hotbeds of transmission comes not from the recent data gathered in Canada, because those data include the period in which non-essential businesses were in lock down, and so are not reliable non-indicators, instead those data come from outside of Canada and in past history of pandemics that clearly show that restaurants and bars have ALWAYS been hotbeds of transmission.
She doesn’t give a crap. If the smaller businesses can’t open up, they should also close Walmart. We don’t need Walmart to get groceries–that’s what grocery stores are for. Screw Walmart. However, the government only cares about making the richer richer and bankrupting the middle class.
That’s the Plan!
So Walmart locations should close and the many smaller shops should stay open?
To everyone speaking truth to power in the comments. I appreciate you. But these politicians aren’t reading the comments. Get out and protest. If we don’t go out in mass, the bs will continue.
World Economic Forum – Board of Trustees.
Sir, our virus psychological operation is achieving nearly full compliance levels from the public. Going forward we can socially engineer the herd into doing anything we decide to program, commander.
Most definitely unfair. Why 8s Walmart , lLowes, Home Depot and Amazon etc open. It not a lockdown if we all arent lockdown. This is most certainly to hurt mom snd pop businesses
Small private owned businesses have no place in the NEW WORLD ORDER
@Al Jonstone your stupid there is no new world older your definitely some middle aged ontarion who just believes every conspiracy you see in ur Facebook groups but they obviously aren’t doing this right and I agree with you there destroying small businesses while leaving the masisve buissnes opene witch probably have higher chances of spreading corona because there so packed and everyone is lining up at the same stores
Sir, our virus psychological operation is achieving nearly full compliance levels from the public. Going forward we can socially engineer the herd into doing anything we decide to program, commander.
If politicians want to enact lockdowns their pay should be stopped completely as well, just like the small business owners. Politicians are parasites
hundred percent agree pay stopppage for all who advocate lockdowns pretty simple
To everyone speaking truth to power in the comments. I appreciate you. But these politicians aren’t reading the comments. Get out and protest. If we don’t go out in mass, the bs will continue.
Unfortunately the best way to protest is your vote, and in Canada the west has no say in electing the government.
@Mike Dice “The West”, ok butthurt Albertan.
Hey we’re keeping you shut down but we’ll let you have some money….. But you have to pay it back
@Tamara Fletcher I appreciate our government.
@Buttery Lannister How about instead of using childish insults you debate with information. That’s what grown ups do.
@Tamara Fletcher Youre only typing hot air, dont give yourself too much credit.
@Buttery Lannister Quit projecting.
@Buttery Lannister thank you … your enraged

Did she even hear the question?
The Liberals are deaf to Canadians.
Politicians are trained to deflect questions they dont have straight answers to. Lol it’s not just a liberal thing.
@Tea Time they’ve just perfected it. They should wear a shock collar and be zapped every time they refuse to answer.
She’s just awful… so pretentious and condescending.
Yes you can see it right away
Very pretentious and condescending
these politicians aren’t reading the comments. Get out and protest. If we don’t go out in mass, the bs will continue.
I’ll take rhetorical questions for $1000 Alex
Se is smiling like she has a lot of fun. What a creepy person.
are we getting more tax breaks this year for home offices? companies are saving on office space and rents, so should we.
She is completely useless!!!!
This is enough.
How dare u ask that glare.
Govt workers continue to get paid while the taxpayers go broke? Hmmm
How can she understand?
An ‘answer’ straight from the floor of the House.
Once again,
Chrystia does NOT answer the question she is asked. Why is that?
They never do, crooks
Small business? Let them eat cake! – The Marxist Party of Kanada.
Pass the buck, sound empathetic, spew political rhetoric. Typical politician?!
Never trust a politician who speaks SO slowly………….it’s all rhetoric that is cookie cutter BS!
I think she has brain damage.