Can you contact the novel coronavirus from your pet? How effective are face masks? CNN's Kristie Lu Stout asks two experts some of the most common questions and claims about the virus.
#CNN #News
Coronavirus fact-check: Separating fear from facts

Can you contact the novel coronavirus from your pet? How effective are face masks? CNN's Kristie Lu Stout asks two experts some of the most common questions and claims about the virus.
#CNN #News
You’ll be safe from coronavirus as long as you wear a condom!
I’m on the bus and I’m wearing a condom… So for far no coronavirus 👍👍
@Biscuit Man Shoot it on her foot.
@Juan Gallegos Short bus?
@P Le EW!
as long as the condom doesn’t break
“It will go away in april” lmaooooooo
star child
Warren sucked. Who wants their nagging middle school principal as president?
@star child oh no. Please no. Not again with this sexism stuff or diversity or whatever you want to call it.
@ifie ejiroghene
, hy
@star child Move to the UK. We don’t need you here saying we’re not a good country because of something you and the media made up.
@star child I thought the Democratic party was about diversity. But two cannadites are both white men. Plus they are up for the job.
Bernie is socialist and socialism is horrible type government.
Joe Biden a Pedophile and getting money Burisma.
They tell you that you don’t need a mask, because there are not enough masks to go around. They need them for the medical staff.
@Stella The coronavirus is NOT AIRBORNE, What the epidemiologists said was shorthand for the masses, not literal truth, and there is a very important difference. The virus is not airborne, but the droplets that carry them are aerosolized. They evaporate, “killing” the virus, and the larger droplets fall to the ground. And THAT is why masks WORK as protective gear. Of course they can’t stop the individual viral particles, but there are no pure, isolated, individual viral particles that are still “alive” and airborne All the masks have to do is stop the droplets, not the viral particles, and the paper masks are just fine for that. This is how all the cold and flu viruses are transmitted.
If the coronavirus truly became airborne, we’d be screwed. Only then would the masks be useless, and there would be no way of stopping. person-to-person spread. The viral particles literally become part of the air we breathe, and they are fully functional, even when they are dried up. The coronavirus could mutate into an airborne variant, but that’s a rare and difficult mutation to happen naturally.
Now the gross bit: Like so many diseases (polio, hepatitis a, shigelosis and other foodborne illneses, and cholera, to name a few, the coronavirus may very well be transferred by fecal transmission. I don’t know if there’s high-quality evidence for this being true or not, but in patients with the disease, they all have detectable virus genes in their stool samples. (That’s my evidence for raising this as a possibility.) That doesn’t mean they’re still “alive,” but if they are, that’s another major route of infection. It happens all the time with numerous diseases, even here in the USA. It’s difficult to wash your hands thoroughly enough to prevent this transmission route. That could be part of its rapid transmission – someone with the virus goes to the toilet, washes their hands, but when they touch a moist surface, they could leave viable virus particles behind for someone else to touch, unknowingly. Then they might rub their eyes or scratch their nose, and they become the next new case.
I just bought a box of exam gloves today. They will protect my hands from the virus, and I never touch my face with exam gloves on. That pharmacy was of course sold out of hand sanitizer. :-/
You can wear a bandana or an old tee shirt, especially on public transportation. Better safe than sorry.
@Jerry Take care Jerry, stay mindful. <3
@Beena Plumber The ability to persist in the air for a half hour is perhaps not the technical definition of airborne. However, the description of standard droplet transmission is inadequate in relating to the public what we are facing. It leaves people with the incorrect impression that they have to be in close proximity to someone who is coughing, sneezing or breathing and that is just not true. One could enter an empty room or even be walking.down a seemingly deserted street and become infected by someone long gone from the vicinity.
I thought she was saying “Mike Pence can give me the virus”
Ey, Mike Pence can get it, the virus
The Grudge 2020 Top three scares
Ah yes CNN talk about fear on media, quite ironic isn’t.
@entertainment level are you calling Mike Pence a dog? Lol
Notice the good Doctor said it was “unlikely” for the virus to be manufactured in a lab 😉 … Kidding.
@Blondie SL also , little dolt, u cant even read 1 line of English, he is saying america cover up the outbreak since last year way before any other countries, because this virus started in USA, but even up to today, ur backward shat hole still lie and cover it up and have no test for people , because u vitiligos are all dolts, LOL LMAO, 米国の愚かさは
@Kar LCE it does not mean it never had outbreak in those countries who eat bats, they did not report in last hundreds of years, they are mostly primitive tribes in southeast asia and africa, they had immune resistance to it already, so u dont see them in outbreak today
@Blondie SL lol , also, thats u little dolt, need a better translator since u are vilitigo, biggest dolts in world , LOL and stop stealing English from England, u vitiligo cant even read it, LOL and ur rubbish never make any sense, now keep repeating ur SAME rubbish , u little HIV product, stpppd Dolt , LOL only made IN USA, HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,,
@tiluu yeah, america is world largest bio weapon and chemical weapon maker , remember orange agent they used in vietnam war? they will pay for it soon
@xinyiquan666 I’m worried about you.
You need to take your meds.
You do have the 4 main indicators for
– Delusions (believing things that aren’t true)
— Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there)
– *Jumbled or confused thinking and speaking
– Odd and random movements like strange posture
May the force be with you.
Today is Pi Day (3.14). We’ll see what happens!
Remember what happened last year?
@A S I lost my virginity
stephen hawking died in 2018 on pie day
14 03 2020 is not Pi. Hello from the UK
@Not Me Not Me in the US we right dates as months first then days. So here its 3-14-2020. 3.14 being pie
…it keeps going so I’m just gonna add an e
Ivanka Trump works from home after interacting with official who tested positive
She had interacted with Australian minister for home affairs Peter Dutton, who later tested positive for COVID-19.
Lol these trump supporters talking about this what democrats want for use. Like are y’all slow are something lol. How is this democrats fault when the u.s is ran by the republicans right now and trump didn’t do nothing to contain it.
CNN only reports false facts,fear and hatred. Plus has lowest ratings.
Ryan C are you special?
Owen Raleigh nah he just a real person who follows actual facts not bias media’s that support racism.
Rico Taylor ok
Hello, we are getting it in Australia now. And its summer here.
@Ryan Baumgartner I meant my other comment.
@Epoh Ecnatsnoc yeah, you’re right.
@rvpstudioscanada Do you have to say anything?
Why aren’t you in China?
@Barry Midikiner About what?
All the “UNLIKELY” and “MIXED” stamps really cleared up the facts for me.
That’s how biology works… there’s always exceptions/outliers. Science isn’t black and white when talking about subjects like this, especially when concerning such a new virus
Shane Samarasena yup because “Should we wear masks, yes or no?” is definitely the kind of question subject to rare outliers. LoL nice try though
@Shane Samarasena definitely understandable but when ask if it was made in a lab they should just skip the question.
Austin Hansen Well the actual question was whether the masks are actually effective against the virus or not, not whether you SHOULD wear a mask. If they were asked your question, then it would definitely have been a yes or no answer since it’s an opinion-based statement. But saying that it 100% does or doesn’t protect against the virus would be misleading since there can/is always outliers in situations like that, so that was a perfectly acceptable answer.
@Austin Hansen I think you should quit while you still have your dignity and 3 subscribers Shane doesn’t look like he’s fucking around.
so all of them laughed at it disappearing in april
Youtubers rule Youtube i do too
I wasn’t laughing! Our president’s response to this incredible pandemic is miracles, lies, and pretending he knows more about epidemiology than the world’s best experts at the WHO and the CDC. All he’s concerned about in his public comments is protecting his own image first (another of his major incompetencies), then businesses and the economy, not the American people for whom he is responsible. Is there anyone left who is proud of putting him in office, now that his irresponsibility and incompetence has resulted in countless dead Americans, all so he could protect his fragile ego and not be humble enough to consult with the experts?
Beena Plumber
he spoke about it though
Wearing mask is to avoid a virus holder infect to others when there is no symptoms at the first couple days. If it is required for everyone in public, it will prevent spreading.
The masks are bs is anyone’s house or apt air tight either ?
@Daniel Baugher No virus can travel long distances in air…
@Daniel Baugher I think what the OP was saying is that the mask serves to keep coughs/sneezes maybe even breathing (if close) emitted by an infected person from travelling to surfaces or to other persons. And that the masks do indeed do! That is why you see ubiquitous masks in the Asian countries that have done a much better job getting control of this than what you are about to see in the U.S. (Not sure if true, but I read that if was a govt mandate to wear a mask outside in several or many Asian countries.) And it is very likely that early stage infected are the highest transmitters. Therefore, mask – even the flimsy ones or even scarves – are not a bad idea.
Covid-19 symptoms
-Dry cough
-An irresistible urge to travel all over the world
@外国火锅Foreign Hotpot there the same thing now! When did they mix together?
The Wraith That is strange, but true. It seems people are more concerned with t.p.than any other item.
Dale Anderson Apparently you don’t take showers.
Is it sexually transmittable and will a condom prevent it?
The death rate depends on the health system and state of the country though.
@Karen Olayinka Just you
lol comment of the week!
@stelley08 👍👍
@Grievous Angel You had influenza, and a nasty strain from the sound of it, which has nearly identical symptoms to COVID-19. A lot of people think they’ve had the flu, but few get the real flu, and some strains are nasty. When you get influenza, you understand how so many people die from it. BTW, Colorado’s first two cases of coronavirus were not until March 5. The first case in the US wasn’t until January 21. For the next 5 weeks, cases in the US were confined to WA, IL, CA, AZ, MA, & WI.
It’s important to know you had influenza because I bet you’ll never miss a flu shot for the rest of your life (which is what happened to me – bad flu in the 90s, never missed a shot since), and if you actually had a flu shot this year, public health people need to know they missed something in this year’s vaccine. (They only make the vaccine to protect against the 2 or 3 most common strains expected to hit the US.)
@Digvijay Singh Dry cough and productive cough are both symptoms of COVID-19 and influenza. If differential diagnosis were that simple, the medical community wouldn’t be screaming for more RT-PCR test kits.
the music is making this horror sound fun
Straight up
It’s part of the fear mongering
All the media is doing is spreading panic, it’s actually starting to get on my nerves
@IAmaPersion People come here to mock the presstitutes, not listen to them.
Another reason to cry fake news and praise trump and Fox News 😂
The ever authoritative “unlikely” myth buster.
Even the Coronavirus doesn’t want to live in West Virginia.
Quick! Everyone go out and sink their life savings into toilet paper!
Yes please do I put my savings in toilet paper stocks😁
“UNLIKELY” part i already know this is a source that i should not believe.
So how is the mask part “MIXED” when the dude literally said it is the most important thing in terms of infection control. He even added that it not only reduced Corona cases but also influenza.