Dr. Anthony Fauci tells CNN's Chris Cuomo the reasons why young people should take coronavirus very seriously, and why this pandemic is much different than swine flu. #CNN #News
Coronavirus expert’s message to young people

Dr. Anthony Fauci tells CNN's Chris Cuomo the reasons why young people should take coronavirus very seriously, and why this pandemic is much different than swine flu. #CNN #News
Fauci. Glad to see you. Was worried.
CNN’s favorite corona propagandist is never too far away.
Fauci works for trump. Hes on every network. How is it propaganda?
This man is 79 years old. We need to put him in a spacesuit or something.
@Rene Miranda It’s propaganda because these people think all science is propaganda. According to them anything that involves logic, evidence and facts is “‘propaganda” but drinking silver and using magic cures (that work like a miracle) are solutions.
This is the worst government we have these the truth..
As an American just want to say our health care sux
Then become a doctor or nurse and fix it rather than complain.
kay armstrong that’s a dumb statement. A politician would be able to change it.
@kay armstrong I’m a nurse. It sucks
@kay armstrong that response is so dismissive and ridiculous.
Why can’t people like Dr. Fauci be our President?
drumpf lowered the bar by cheating his way in.
Its not that desirable, or credible anymore of a job when all you do is golf.
@john smith how about you run for president then einstein
Because stupid Trump supporters don’t want anyone smarter than they are so they vote for the stupid.
@SCIL Films trump is a nothing expert.
Honesty never wins elections. That’s why.
” It’s a hoax” “It’ll all go away miraculously” “Anyone who wants a test can get one” – If anything the past has shown us is that he is not proactive and not getting ahead of anything.
@Wherehouse Music He was talking about liberal fake new reporting of the virus because it’s no worse than the flu and everyone is freaking out…liberal media is pushing fear for no reason.
@Ike Diamond I think you need to understand math. This virus has not infected as many people as influenza. THe case fatality rate is at 10% now, and it’s been proving to be more deadly. Your logic is as valid as saying The US is more dangerous than Haiti because there are more gun violence here, ignoring the diffence in the size of the population. There is a reason we compare crime rate instead of looking at the absolute value of crimes. ( fatality rate is analogous in this case)
You just can’t get a task if you ask for it ..the only reason you get a test is if you have been out of the country.. if you have not been out of the country ….they will NOT give you a test
Too bad Traitor trump cut Meals on Wheels.That would be a much more effective way to help feed the elderly in times of chrisis
@Ike Diamond why would you look to influenza to get information on Coronavirus?
He really shouldnt be performing sorcery during a crisis and invoking things. It can get dangerous.
Ikr. He might cure us, but then we have to be frogs or something.
if Mexico close the border the food will be short in America people

500 hundred deaths in yes one day in Italy
is making Mexico thinking to continue opening the border or closed
8654 infected 3/18
well, the big question for mexico is if mexico don’t open border to export goods to the US , where do they get the money ? Remember Mexico economy depend on the goods export to the US.
Trump is going to be pissed that this doctor didn’t spend his time praising him!!
I’m 16, and have a underlying health condition asthma i am healthy but am i to fear if i he tthe virus
Take precautions and you will be fine. Look up Dr John Campbell here on YouTube.
I have asthma too I’m terrified
@Jimmybeck14 lol that’s fucked up
Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Past repeats itself.
Shut your face dummy…you heard that this week and now you think you are original by regurgitating it..
Take a break from all this and come watch some hiking vids
I’ll take you up on it!
We need more Dr. Fauci’s if we want to have a chance at getting any real solutions.
Dr. Fauci is 79 years old and wow he is a machine!
Annie S. He better not catch the virus ima be so upset
I wanna use a quote from the stable genius, anyone agrees with me?
“lock him up”, “lock him up”!
Message to young people: Vote!!!
@Amon no I dont think I will
And how about stay at home while this virus dies down.
Not for trump. There is no body as blind as he that doesnt want to see
Message to young people: Help your fellow Americans!!! Do whatever you can to help your fellow citizens. #StayHome
I think Mother Nature has had with trump and the other fascists. She’s put her foot down and inept trump is under it.
When the smoke clears from all of this, the world is going to be a very different place.
Moon Turns The Tides youre so right
Biden will be the president who will lead us to a better future.
@William H not a chance , your boy is a pos…
I’m really glad we have good medical experts/doctors like Dr. Fauci. People like him need our strength, especially during this time.
One thing Trump lovers and Trump haters can agree on: Anthony Fauci is a HERO in this event. A straight talking, smart, level headed guy that is putting in 20 hours days at age 70 to keep news coverage SANE during this mess. Hats off.
He’s 79, a trooper!!!
“18 months”
Oh no…. He wants to prolong this crap to call off the election in November…
You win the stupid comment price
@Aldinho And you win the illiteracy award!
Go lick some door handles at Breaktime to prove to us this is a “hoax”.