Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, answers questions about the coronavirus pandemic during a CNN/Facebook coronavirus town hall and says that he would take a second thought at flying on an airplane.
#Coronavirus #Fauci #CNN #News
Coronavirus expert says he has second thoughts about flying

3:40 Yeah, or maybe you shouldn’t let for-profit companies handle healthcare…
@Delicious Talk The health and sickness profiteers.
@Quinnsutube4friends Exactly!
Delicious Talk yes! and tRumpfy kept shaking hands with cros of cvs Walgreens Wal-Mart target quest labs etc wtf was that about they must be getting paid
@Delicious Talk Along with the greedy politicians…from BOTH sides of the aisle.
@emolachance Yep!
We need this man stay healthy 19 hours day geesh !
Lack of sleep is the fastest way to get sick. Don’t do that!
79 years old? Congratulations Dr. Fauci!

please, Dr. Fauci…. GET ENOUGH SLEEP ! we need your voice of sanity, reason, and prudence !
@HogglyWoggly It sounds like he is giving people happy talk. Why did he suggest people stock up on medications only to then admit that it’s impossible to do? He’s wasting our time. Why is everybody loving him I really don’t understand.
he got scolded by senators for standing around silently while Trump lied. He 79 years old. He has plenty of money and position. What does he have to lose if he gets fired from that position at this point? He’s not doing the right thing. He should have spoken up. Like do one thing right before you die. If you want real answers you have to go to doctor John Campbell on YouTube. I can’t even watch the rest of this video at 3 minutes and 41 seconds I’m disgusted
He is 79 years old. Amazing how he looks and how he still speak well
@Aramis3737 One must know WHEN one can speak up, and when not. To get oneself fired on the spot, makes ones influence nil. To be able to abstain when necessary, so one can speak up big time at many other occasions, is like having a score of 1 against you, but 9 for you.
It is easy to scold, especially when you consider someone a political adversary. But it is not easy to be wiser and find ones time.
@HogglyWoggly God I hope not!
@Mike Hall – #TDS is an STD contracted from Trump, who is patient zero, grabbing you by the p***sy.
Welcome to #TrumpFukistan!
“somebody should look at having to pay for medication”. Uhh Bernie Sanders…
It’s unacceptable for the USA not to have enough tests for covid-19 whole third world countries are testing their sick. Unacceptable!!!!
@Zeek Banistor Whoa, I’ll fix that for you, it’s the right wing republicans who cut government agencies like the one that was cut under John Bolton, which the sole purpose is to act during epidemics like this….nice try though!
@Gabby Hayes bottom line, CoVid is 10 times more deadly than influenza. Whether they ever develope a vaccine is to be determined.
@Zeek Banistor God you are stupid. Yes, Democrats regulate, and republicans cut government services….like the one that would have helped speed up the process in prevention of this virus!
@Jeffrey McAnarney how could we have prepared when the secvretive lying chinese who knew about this in probably october early novemebr refused to tell anyone what was unleashed?
To “shed the virus”means to be contagious.
thanks for clarifying.
We know.
He’s grown hoarse, working over- time for our benefit.
Thank you doctor
He has to compensate for that wretched creep in the White House who has purposely caused chaos for his sadistic amusement.
It shouldn’t all be on his shoulders. With this administration, this man is in a precarious situation.
Not saying he’s not, but it’s not just our benefit, it’s everyone in the world’s benefit, including his.
Yeah “we should look at refilling medications “ bless insurance companies remember profit comes before people enjoy America.
Mike Selim for real man, We should just move to Canada or Switzerland lol
See this guy is giving us real precise answers, much appreciated!
This guy is lying to save his own skin. Two Weeks. Two Weeks. Two Weeks.
What precision are you talking about exactly? He advised people to stock up on medications and then admitted insurance companies won’t allow that. He already knew what he was saying was impossible. So why did he start with that advice? The man is 79 years old and has nothing to lose if he gets fired. He has a long six-decade career of success and plenty of money. He had to be scolded by senators for standing silently while Trump told blatant lies. If at 79 years old you can’t stand up for the truth that’s a pity. I have no idea why this man is on television pretending he has answers when he doesn’t. He’s wasting our time and he’s part of the problem.
If you want answers go to Doctor John Campbell on YouTube.
@Aramis3737 He is not giving precision answers. Listen to what he is really saying. He spins, he deflects, he often does not answer the question.
Yes the system was designed wrong for EARLY wide spread Testing, And he was Two Months late in making changes.
Impeached Fat Spanky cut the budget too much, but gave big tax breaks to his millionaire friends. Vote Fat Spanky out.
Omg your silly this guys bashing Trump On a travel ban . But then right away says self isolate yourself for 14 days you Americans are so slowwww
I love how brutally honest and clear he has been over the past week!
Why don’t we just all stay home for two weeks everyone
@Highlights For now. Logarithmic statistics are flattening for Crown Virus/Rat Novel Coronavirus “RatNov”.
@DB Stevens Add a zero to your numbers for this disease. Do you really want to risk it?
@ChooChooChris the death rate is actully lower than u think In south korea where they tested 230000 ppl, they had 8000 infected with 70 death which is about 0.8 percent death rate. The death rate in other countries is alot higher due to lack of testing. Should be about 0.2 percent if tested every signle person. However, its infection rate is a lot greater which is why we have to be carefull and stay cleaneed
Because of something called the economy
Sure pay my mortgage, bills, grocery, utilities, employees, and yeah I WOULD LOVE TO!!!
The insurance industry RULES this nation because it’s been allowed to!!!
[They] sure do, and [they] wrote ObamaCare.
That’s a total of 3 tests per person. Good luck with that!
I swear he’s speaking in two voices simultaneously…
One up.
It’s so cool how Dr. Fauci’s expression goes into soft benevolent Yoda when he’s listening to people’s questions. God bless him.
Bonnie L
what a description
That’s very Specific.
But yea your right.
He explains things very thoroughly. It’s just that some people don’t listen to him.
He looks tired. We appreciate you keeping the public informed. Take care of yourself Dr. Fauci.
@Doll Facey
You actually think he and the president want it to spread?
More like the left do and that’s why they called Trump a racist for stopping flights and now they are trying to stop Trump from stopping flights entirely, when stopping flights to begin with, is what bought us time and didn’t have, happen to us, what happened in Italy.
Fym? I’m black and I’m racist. I agree. Stop flight travel
Saving lives
@Goose how can people put so much trust in the very same people that have been lying to us for decades?!
@That1Dude 44
I don’t think _EVERYBODY_ is lying… But yes, there are lots.
I’m 59 and have asthma. It does become exacerbated when I have a cold. It’s usually under control with exercise and medication. But I’m not going to be going out in crowds until this over.
I’m 29 and with Asthma, definitely staying inside
I remember back in the 70s when they advised asthma patients not to excercise. My best friend would never play ball.
Dam yall with asthma please don’t go outside! This isn’t a game, get your groceries delivered and work from home. Hope it changes soo. But please stay safe guys.
59 you look like 40
Everyone saying to stay indoors, going outside and getting some sun and fresh air is actually good for you. Your body absorbs Vitamin D from the sun. UV from sunlight kills ALL viruses. With spring comes moisture in the air. Breathing moist air helps your mucus membranes function. And fresh air is far better for you than stale recirculated air. You have 0% chance of catching the novel coronavirus from just going outdoors. You get it from other people, the air they exhale, and the surfaces they touch. Plus, being outside reduces stress
“Gets Coronavirus”
“Self quarantines for 14 days”
“hErE wE gO aGaIN”
Did he state you do not build immunity to the virus after recovering from it?
s. son6’s You have NO IDEA what you are talking about, stop spreading this nonsense information.
That’s exactly what’s happening to people in China because the virus is continually mutating.
@s. son6’s I’ve had 1 cold in 5 years.
s. son6’s wow you are an idiot.
Cold is caused by a type of Coronavirus
flu is caused by Influenza virus
Virus is a type of pathogen. Pathogen includes bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites
Get extra medication never mind getting approved how about people who can’t afford it? If this doesn’t make people realize we need Medicare for all then I don’t know what will.