1. The very first thing that came to my mind when I first heard of the coronavirus was popping blue bubbles with both hands. I’m not playing 😂

    1. I’ve played so much Plague Inc. I feel guilty as fk. But at the same time i remember that every time It starts in east asias, for this kind of Air spread virus It always stops because Health World Organization comes up with an Antidote almost right Away. But guess what, in real life is taking too long, or is this Just made up to scary people up and start somehow with massive depopulation!?

    2. @Kevin Guimaraes yeah me too i played it once and i failed. But i have killed millions of people and it made me so guilty and feel bad lol.

    1. Is it only human to human contact? Can the virus live on products? I’m worried if it spreads to all my Made in China appliances and gadgets in my home. Luckily my Toyota is made in the USA.

  1. Whoever’s playing this round is evolving their symptoms way too fast. It’s never going to reach Greenland

    1. Dio Brando or you can just devolve it until you get enough Drug Resistance, Transportation methods and Helix Reshuffle, then you just let it go crazy.

  2. “there’s 24 million people in Shanghai and I’m walking in the middle of the street”

    But you’re on a college campus…

  3. Doctor: “You dont have the Wuhan virus.”

    Couple: “Oh thank God ..”

    Doctor: “You got H1N1 tho.”

    1. @Hope Edwards did you see the reports? China doesn’t even know the true number because they aren’t ‘wasting’ tests kits on people who are already dead, just having the military mass burn them outside of the towns.

    1. What do you want them to do??? Put every US city under quarantine??? They’re already doing their best restricting travel and making a new vaccine.

    2. @Carl AwesomeDude well they better hurry before it really spreads like hotcakes. And really they need to cancel ANY flight toward China

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