A new Associated Press analysis shows how African Americans are dying from COVID-19 at alarming rates around the country. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on the glaring disparities across the country and the inequalities that cause them. Dr. Selwyn Vickers argues African Americans are experiencing “disproportionate suffering” from COVID-19 citing preexisting conditions that are “significantly higher in African Americans” and social inequalities in “access to health, poverty, living in high density areas [and] limited opportunities for economic growth.” President of the National Urban League Marc Morial asserts the pandemic is “shining a spotlight on” the “continuum of slavery and segregation and health disparities and social inequality in this country.” (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 04/29/2020.
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Coronavirus Death Toll Shines Light On ‘Inequality’ In Health Care For African Americans | MSNBC
More Cultural Marxist Bulls**t and Hate. Just who out there is stupid enough to buy into this nonsense?
The Dems…
@Gud Boi you sound a little upset probably just mad your daughter takes black angus
@Malique Dixon <-- found the person stupid enough to believe it.....
Leave black people alone. No one us dying
msnbs calls racism, what else is new
Is there some reason I should care?
@IgorD Have you not done that already.
@Chad Bradley If what I was saying was not true it would be.
@MarchOf TheLorex Bro, how are you still thinking this way? Don’t you see all the other comments? People are waking up. MSNBC is propoganda. There is a reason they have lost over 30% of there viewers. Stop being brainwashed.
@MarchOf TheLorex Racism doesn’t exist. It’s a marxist warfare term. Either it’s evil or it’s good.
Remember: Racism divides us. Differentiating between good or evil will unite us.
You’re being played believing in racism. Think it through.
MSNBC can literally turn any subject into racism. Pretty sad.
@Gus Grizzel As soon as the victimization stops the claims will stop. Oh and you will have to go back in time when it was all set in motion.
@Onasurftrip That’s so white of you
@TruckinTom38 The very fact that African peoples were bought here against their Will is Proof of Racism you Moron
@Rich Mc where did the Europeans get African slaves? From the African people, right? Black men selling black men. Was that Proof of Racism? No. There were other races and nationalities that were slaves. Was that Proof of Racism? No. White people weren’t the only people who owned slaves. Was that Proof of Racism? No. So no, slavery, especially African slavery, wasn’t Proof of Racism, you uneducated dullard.
@MarchOf TheLorex It’s 2020 and they’re still blaming “slavery” after all of the free passes and leg-ups they are given. Jobs, money, free this and that, special treatment, and it’s still the continual blaming everyone else but yourself thing.
One of the roles of the mainstream media (aka Project Mockingbird) is to sow racial division to keep people angry and divided. If a virus combined with other major health problems kills you, it doesn’t matter if you receive high quality healthcare or mediocre.
Finally somebody that understands the truth most of the comments are aimed at black people/minorities but fail to realize what power does any normal citizen have over the media 0% im black my entire family took precautions when the virus “first” hit the news
Except hospitals aren’t denying anyone care who has covid 19 regardless of healthcare coverage
@Tim By the way my life is great so don’t be sorry for me! I just cannot stand when people discount the fact that racism in the US is real and that there are disparities between the treatment of black people in our society. How about white people admitting some responsibility when injustice occurs instead of sitting on the sidelines whining about black people’s experience? We have a voice too!
Yanie Black your life is great? Problem solved. White people have done our jobs. I’ll report back to the Caucasian caucus and let them know that equality has been achieved.
Yanie Black No one gets rejected, you just get a big fat bill a couple weeks later
@Tim White people have done their job?? I’m not thinking about white people. You all are the least on my mind. I just wonder why you all so concerned about our experiences, especially people like you who try to disprove our experiences!
@Jericho Jezza plenty of people are turned away. Plenty of people get substandard treatment too!
Race baiters! Give it a rest.
Had to work it in somewhere otherwise victimhood might be forgotten
@Yanie Black Literally nothing you said wasn’t racist. People like you are the problem, no matter what color they are.
400+ continuous years of slavery in this racist nation, leaves far more than just victims, with white supremacists, in power, still conducting their enterprise of systemic racism. Support ADOS101.COM
@BEN GHANA get a job
@john cram I have better than just a job, if you’re looking for future work. Support ADOS101.COM
and the BS begins……stay away from your TV.
Here is a Chicago house party from over the weekend, check it out, it’s speaks volumes https://www.tmz.com/2020/04/28/another-packed-chicago-house-party-features-stripper-coronavirus-pandemic/
Says the guy who religiously follows Fox News. Lame troll.
Or just inequality in people’s behavior and life style choices. Once again, more dishonest, meritless race baiting.
Putting quotes around ‘inequality’ in the title is exactly right.
Ken Kilgore that’s a very good point! Yes.
That darn CCP really has to stop creating racist viruses in their level 4 bioweapons labs. Or is it just reckless behavior in the inner cities?
Hmm. probably both
You still don’t get it and you choose not to ever understand.
@Chris Johnson ok npc
My question is, how did this bs get into the “top news” section?
Thanks for Ari, everything must be about race. What about Native Americans, Latinos and other invisible minority groups?
@Liona Let them take the vaccine us black folks arent taking it
BS? tell me why you think its BS to stop unneccessary deaths by providing universal healthcare? WTF is wrong with you? How is it brown and black people are supposed to work the worst jobs, and then crawl off to die out of your sight lest they offend you for asking for healthcare? Its NEWS because racism is RAMPANT in this country. You dont have to like that truth, but it is TRUTH.
Every model, every projection has been wrong and now they are moving to race. Man oh man, pathetic!
Exactly… Unfortunately, We The People came to realize that we were tricked too late, just like the 2008 financial crisis. We need to start putting our foot down right away from now on. Everybody stop wearing masks, stop “social distancing” (A leftist cringe worthy term), and stop being quarantined.

Exactly. I’m sick of hearing about all the “inequality” garbage. It’s all buIIshlt.
Yea I don’t know how they swung this one around like this
maths is racist
Wanna know why blacks are so affected? See racist black comments under this video> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c-WwYnRxyU&t=227s
The masses are waking up to this garbage. Soon YouTube will remove comment sections
Should be called TheirTube
Quality of life always goes down when you allow the government to “fix” your life.
@Joan De Arc “Safety” = CONTROL
They already remove certain videos that they do not politically agree with or de-monetize YouTubers who used to get paid from them if they push strong Republican views. Ex: Louder With Crowder.
@Bella Adorn Boutique RIP Conservative YouTube. I hardly knew you.
This is Marxism at its finest!
Deception doesn’t work on me!
Y’all a bunch of bad actors!!
Now there’s a seventh, the coronavirus is prejudice
Drug addiction has disporportionaly affected white people and we deserve reparations. Systematic neglegence and anti white policies have created a whirlwind of death and despair for white communities
@Justa Computa Any kind of help that gets put up for a vote gets shot down. I’m in a top 5 drug overdose state and “we” look down on addiction because it’s the victims fault. Doesn’t matter the race.
As soon as the black communities get their drug addiction reparations for being flooded ON PURPOSE – with crack cocaine in the 80s.. howz that. GET in line, asshat. The reason Sacklers fkd you good is because the whites had insurance to purchase the good stuff from the pharmacy, jagoff.
@Nick th Are you even American? Why do u care
Wanna know why blacks are so affected? See racist black comments under this video> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c-WwYnRxyU&t=227s
Sadly, there are quite a few misinformed individuals in the US that will believe this concept, and they will spread the misinformation.
Glad we’re waking up to this BS
Maybe the lethality of Covid-19 among blacks is due to the same reason that STD rates among blacks are through the roof, or murder rates are sky high. Culture matters.
What culture? They have one?
Atari Gothica ironic coming from a white person I believe?
@Train Hard Belief and reality are not the same. Woops -wrong guess. Anyone can pose a question.
Behaviour matters.
@manoman0 Yup
I really love how MSNBC get’s ratio’d into the ground on every single one of their videos, yet they are *always* at the top of recommended page. Strange.
Interesting point! Their content is always garbage, but yet they get prominent placement. HMMMMM!
Yea I noticed something strange too… No matter how many times I give them thumbs down and say I’m not interested in videos, they still come up as the “news” in my feed.
In fact, EVERY channel that comes up as “news” in my feed are channels I’ve constantly criticized and given thumbs down (ABC CBS NBC BBC MSNBC CNN)…
Really bizarre