Coronavirus Death Toll In Italy Officially Surpasses China | MSNBC

Over 3,400 people have died from the coronavirus in Italy, officially surpassing the death toll from the virus in China. Aired on 03/19/2020.
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Coronavirus Death Toll In Italy Officially Surpasses China | MSNBC

Coronavirus Death Toll In Italy Officially Surpasses China | MSNBC


    1. @Flashback Yea,I seen the videos of them welding the doors closed to apartment buildings. Then buildings mysteriously caught fire.

    2. @Solomon Nie Yeah, great idea to burn people in their apartments. With the doors jammed shut. That was sarcastic for those that don’t know.

  1. Meanwhile in Florida, people are still going to beaches because “iTs SpRiNG bReAK” while there’s hundreds of confirmed cases.

    1. @Hamza Talib : What point is there in saying that ? Your focus should be on your own welfare and that of others in your community. Pay attention to expert advice and behave responsibly.

    2. @Bob by you don’t have to ask anyone. all you have to do is look at the current death rates in italy & spane, then ignore all chinese data on the topic.

      new york is gonna start peeking hundreds of deaths a day from it.

      normal flu is a couple deaths a day

    3. @Red Pill Gaming I did look at Italian, it was something like 300k cases 10k deaths (about 3 days ago)

      That’s a fairly low mortality rate to shut down the world over, I’m no expert but shouldn’t we be more concerned about things we can cure that kills more, heart disease, diabetes, etc..

      I could be 200% wrong, but I feel like they should just let this run it’s course

  2. “There’s so many bodies they don’t know where to put th
    “H-Hey did you enjoy this video!? Smash that like button thanks for watching”

  3. I’m going to spring break.
    Corona: Let me introduce myself.
    Still going to spring break.
    Corona: Ahhh, so you choose natural selection

  4. This breaks my heart…my husband is from Italy and we lived many years in Florence…yes the health system there is typically excellent = (it saved my life even , when my appendix ruptured). We are watching from afar now, and talking daily with friends and family in Milan, Florence and Rome… everyone is trying to be part of the solution but still the virus keeps rampaging the Lombardy region- it’s terrifying to think about if the virus gets a foothold in the poorer less organized areas – particularly within the chaotic beauty of Naples. We pray it never happens.

    1. Bloomberg News has the story: 3/18
      Bloomberg News has the story: 3/18, “99 percent of those whose died from virus had other illness, Italy says”:

      “More than 99% of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country’s national health authority.”

      “The Rome-based institute has examined medical records of about 18% of the country’s coronavirus fatalities, finding that just three victims [!!], or 0.8% of the total, had no previous pathology. Almost half of the victims suffered from at least three prior illnesses and about a fourth had either one or two previous conditions.”

      “More than 75% had high blood pressure, about 35% had diabetes and a third suffered from heart disease.”

      “The average age of those who’ve died from the virus in Italy is 79.5. As of March 17, 17 people under 50 had died from the disease. All of Italy’s victims under 40 have been males with serious existing medical conditions.”

    2. @Le-Grande yeah probably. In the US it’s only 9% that’s over 80yrs old though. The majority (about 45%) are 40 and up. I think about 40 something percent of the dead are between 20 and 40.

    3. @proxy proxy well some people have parents they loved and are loved by…kinda and awful way to think… Most everyone gets older and weaker so there are turns for everybody!

    1. Good one!! We are deeply astonished here in SK watching fat Americans buy toilet paper and machine guns 😨😨😨

    1. @wingriffith The number of infected outside of China was 3x higher than it would have been of the Chinese numbers were accurate. Communists lie, do some homework on that marxist shill.

    2. @Not Todd Howard And capitalists don’t lie? That’s funny. Look at Donald ‘this is a hoax’ Trump’. He lies every time he opens his gob.

    3. @WhyName WhyName China has 241 million old people as opposed to the 15 million of Italy though.

    4. @Seda Göktunca Correct, China is a dictatorship. They can shoot people in the streets or put them in prison for defying quarantine orders. Italy cannot. Not yet anyway.

  5. That’s because in Italy we kiss hello to every stranger on the street and family 😀

    1. China bought up the leather industry in N. Italy. There is a huge population of Chinese working/living there, with a direct flight to China. Add on top of that, an aging Italian population, lots of smokers (Italian and Chinese), a dollop of socialized medicine with limited resources = you’ve got a huge problem.
      Go look up from 3 years ago, how they attacked police investigating horrible working conditions in those factories.

    2. @Kevin Them nice ladies in Italy mwah mwah my cheeks. Love it. They mwah mwah my one incher in my dungeon at night.

  6. I believe the reason that Italy’s death toll is so large is because Italy has a lot of older families and people

    1. Bryanna S I believe it too. Because that’s a factually accurate statement. So since it’s empirically true, I second this.

    2. whole world stop only with coronavirus still no cure till today god help 🙏🙏 bless you all be safe pray we gonna go back normal life soon

  7. don’t worry everyone the absurd amount of toilet paper and hand sanitizer y’all are buying will save you

    1. Plus they were denying older people doctor visits as soon as this happened. Now it’s getting out of control.

      They should have denied younger people visits and only given care to the old and people with weak immune systems/other medical problems.

    2. Renaldo Awes They made the decision to treat the young and healthy over the old because the old have basically already lived the majority of their lives, while the young have not. Its sad, it seems more fair.

  8. Most of the elderly men in Italy were lifetime smokers, this has something to do with it. Believe me I have family in Italy.

    1. JSTR you don’t have to have medical credentials to have common sense and notice things and what medical credentials do you have to have to have to discuss smoking in older generations?

    2. That’s why China’s numbers cannot be trusted almost 60% of China smoke. 80k but lower death rate what bs.

    3. Dio Brando yeah I know that’s why we can even figure out the accurate numbers so any information is likely fabricated

  9. some countries treat the patients with mild symptoms to prevent them getting worse, but some countries just ask these patients to stay home.

    1. @Archer Lansky
      American medias seem to me very politicized. It’s the result of your two-party political system I think.

      They have to choose a side. You don’t even have a public news service like many other countries. The lack of political diversity leads to a manichean vision of the world and information, in my humble opinion.

    2. @ambigious nah the death toll is actually less than what is reported. The death toll in Italy is only from those who were confirmed cases before dying. You can expect at least 10% more ppl that went unreported

    3. That’s right They don’t! They have asked the military to transport the caskets. If you don’t know what you’re talking about you should keep quiet and learn. Everyone be safe!

    4. @ambigious is america just full of idiots . Do you know how many legal blocks that have to be gone through to determine the cause of death. Do you think one person decides the cause of death. Use your head

  10. Italy, seriously you should have been prepared for this, after the plague twice smallpox, malaria cholera, Spanish Flu.

  11. Italy’s health system IS one of the best, but when the disease came with amazing numbers, got overwhelmed is understandable.

    1. Italy’s health system is one of the best? (better maybe than Albania). I most have been in the wrong hospitals in Italy.

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