CNBC's Dominic Chu joins Morning Joe to discuss the impact the coronavirus is having on the global economy. Aired on 2/28/2020.
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Coronavirus Continues Rattling The Stock Market | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Fox news refuses to report on stock market plunges
now that is a lie unlike MSNBC they just dont hound on it because that is all they have to make trump look bad. This will be all you hear from msnbc just like the rusians are coming. Now all you hear is the virus and stocks because it is all they have . So show me what the dems have accomplished in the past 4 years besides wasting over 400 million dollars trying to get rid of trump.
now that is a lie unlike MSNBC they just dont hound on it because that is all they have to make trump look bad. This will be all you hear from msnbc just like the rusians are coming. Now all you hear is the virus and stocks because it is all they have . So show me what the dems have accomplished in the past 4 years besides wasting over 400 million dollars trying to get rid of trump.
@Joseph Inman More serious than the unicorn virus…….Hee Hee Haw Haw….
@Boyd Focus on something other than hating on your omander and chief Comrade!
when trump said on Monday the market looked good, I pulled out, don the con has no credibility.
Ill bet a million dollars the stock market goes back up once the elite who want socialism in the USA are done pulling all they have out. Then they will no longer have control so it will go up. They will have to put their money back in so they can crash it again in October just before the elections. Unfortunately for them they are so rabid about making Trumps poll numbers go down it makes them predictable. and just like the impeachments this too will backfire on them. How many people know that a certain company bet 2 or 4 billion dollars that the stock market would crash by march of this year? Ill bet Soros, gates, or rockerfeller owned this company. This was a planned stockmarket crash and that is why the dems raised the fear level on the virus to make it look like the virus is responsible. here is the link
Almost like they planned this virus. funny how I seen a tweet between Hillary and her daughter say how great vaccinations are just before this outbreak. What is even funnier is the ABC news report that said back in aug or 2019 that a mysterious corona virus is killing pig farmers in South America. About the same time The Bill Gates foundation was testing vaccinations to many viruses just north of South America.
Ill also bet you are one of the aholes trying so hard to make him look bad. But just liike all the dems before you who failed so did you.
Ill bet a million dollars the stock market goes back up once the elite who want socialism in the USA are done pulling all they have out. Then they will no longer have control so it will go up. They will have to put their money back in so they can crash it again in October just before the elections. Unfortunately for them they are so rabid about making Trumps poll numbers go down it makes them predictable. and just like the impeachments this too will backfire on them. How many people know that a certain company bet 2 or 4 billion dollars that the stock market would crash by march of this year? Ill bet Soros, gates, or rockerfeller owned this company. This was a planned stockmarket crash and that is why the dems raised the fear level on the virus to make it look like the virus is responsible. here is the link
Almost like they planned this virus. funny how I seen a tweet between Hillary and her daughter say how great vaccinations are just before this outbreak. What is even funnier is the ABC news report that said back in aug or 2019 that a mysterious corona virus is killing pig farmers in South America. About the same time The Bill Gates foundation was testing vaccinations to many viruses just north of South America.
Ill also bet you are one of the aholes trying so hard to make him look bad. But just liike all the dems before you who failed so did you.
“when trump said on Monday the market looked good, I pulled out…”
If only his father followed your great intellect.
I foresee a significant correction in the executive brand market by year’s end.
So does that mean CEO for JP Morgan Jamie Diamond will now be earning $35 million / year, and the employee will now be $12:50 /hr?

@John Edward Correct, market-driven economies cannot function well with unions standing in there way. Hence when Ronald Reagan (1984) introduce the concept of Market-driven economy to America, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (1984) was doing away with unions the only voice for the workers. The world just followed suit. Millionaires, billionaires, Big business, Corporations, banks, etc just ruled the roost. Joe public wages stagnated for 30yrs (in my country), while the cost of living increased. Politicians and wealth did not hesitate to adjust their wages in accordance with inflation at the expense of the worker. Privatization of government assets doesn’t help a country economy neither my country went from bicultural to multicultural overnight as the government of the day was forced to open borders to foreign investment or money just to keep the economy afloat. The problem with foreign investment is when they re-patronize the profit of shore. The wealth disparity quadrupled the middle class dissipated and homelessness became the norm. My country is just coming right when Present Trump decides to play tariff war with China add to this Coronavirus. I have had to close/ slowdown my business, for now. I get the odd contract that allows me to squeeze in between my wage job. One still has a family to put a roof over there heads, food in their bellies, schooling and the idea of retirement, that’s all it is an idea. I’m going to be working till I drop dead.
It a phenomenon worldwide.
@Good and Evil Yeah. Neither does Jamie.
But but but, El Presidente Pastel de Frutas has things under control! He has his sharpie cocked and ready to draw!
The folks who voted for this guy are going to rue the day, as their loved ones succumb to the virus and all the prayin’ to GEE-zus in the world does no good.
@grow forit tired of winning yet junior?
grow forit racist moron
The germaphobe gets CoVid-19 wouldn’t that b something. It’ll be ok tho, April’s only month away prez bonespurs
By not testing people he will prevent an outbreak.
@grow forit It’s either “you’re” or “you are”, not your. Just curious but have you ever been to Bugtussle?
Silver lining: all MAGA rallies are canceled for the foreseeable future.
Jeremy Backup Bet u love living in California’s filth. Btw the racists are the democrats for destroying black communities for the last 60 years.
Unfortunately not, but covid will spread very well with the unwashed masses.
@William H Music 2020 no they don’t. I don’t condone either. Trump is a pos.
And elections
Global fear when pocketbooks are at stake, we are a pathetic species.
It’ll make sense why we take care of the stock market it just means u did terrible in history class
@Good and Evil apparently neither did you. Brush up on 20th century history and come back with some credible data.
ONLY some of us.
I’m at about 50 rolls of toilet paper now. How many do you got?
Haha, I got your fifty, and I’ll raise you another fifty!
I’m growing my own
Here’s the real scary thing that people aren’t talking about, people who have no symptoms (Asymptomatic) can transmit the virus
And they’ve only been testing people who have symptoms this whole time
Very good point!!
I’ve been broadcasting this in message boards and comment sections at newspapers wherever I can. Even more frightening, China is NOW QUARANTINING PATIENTS IN WUHAN WHO HAVE RECOVERED FROM COVID-19 because it turns out many of them can STILL PASS ALONG THE VIRUS TO OTHERS. Oh joy. This has been reported at least three separate times now during the past 2 weeks. But nobody seems to be paying any attention. Of course, there is a TON of news to get through daily. I’m retired, I have the luxury of spending 4 or more hours a day informing myself on what’s going on in the world, particularly with respect to COVID-19!
@ J Annibal unfortunately yes exactly, it’s very likely that Coronavirus is a virus that has a viral Latency trait similar to hepatitis or HIV, if it is a virus that has Latency, it’s possible that once people catch it once, they have it for life.
The medical community hasn’t studied it enough yet to confirm it, but given how information about this virus has been suppressed already by several governments, will the medical community be allowed to tell us about it ? Everyone has a right to know the real risk
Trump will go on record and say the economy will be booming in a few days.
The economy is booming based on every economic indicator. The stock market is reacting to the worldwide coronavirus. Have to heard anything different?
Stable Genius will blame Obama !
The only people who should be worried are the very rich, not the middle class
Oh no, not slowing down of corporate profits! How sad.
Price gouging on health supplies is already in full swing.
WHICH IS DESPICABLE AND SOMETHING tRUMP WOULD DO ! Hey, he sees no problem with Big Pharma ordinarily gouging people.
Look up surgical mask on EBAY. Pirate pricing…
@ARC Services Where?
@EDM Electro Swing at the dollar store…
“Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials.” Looks like his daddy just threw him under the bus.
@gurujr Or, a Mel Brooks moment. After consulting with the burning bush, “All pay heed!” (pause) “The Lord has given unto you these 15 commandments.” (drops 1 tablet that shatters, short pause) “Uh, these 10 commandments!)
Wes Bernard Boy you stupid
Wes Bernard sad to hear you have kids
Wes Bernard sorry 4 yourself
@Wes Bernard take 20 cc’s of reality juice from your transparent WH then comment.
If you have eyes and refuse to see then no one’s going to help you.
Who cares about the $. Showcase the medical professionals trying to find a vaccine and cure. The stock market won’t heal one single person
Michael C Who cares about the stocks? People that own these puppet networks, the govt, the global political systems. That’s what it comes down to.
And probably kills many
half the American pop owns stocks and there is like 60 people in America with the coronavirus so….
The fact that the largest equities correction in terms of a percentage happened under the Impeached donal is no surprise.
Obama was taking credit for the stock market last month. I wonder if he stands by that now?
Stop blaming trump on either way… you can’t say its not trump for economy growth or downturn
Also there’s a $23 trillion debt to factor in. Where’s the Tea Party when u need them.

Ryan Kibler if they raise the wages to 15 hr the small business I work for will fold because they can’t afford the increase. Lots of small business will collapse and that will raise unemployment numbers. Big companies will move overseas to avoid paying inflated taxes because they have that option. Then they can only combat that with raising tariffs on imported goods. If immigration isn’t fixed you’ll add hundreds of thousands if not millions to the population yearly the will want benefits and need job placement to pay their share of substitutes. You can’t force the system to work or it will collapse… look at past models that have failed. Our population and policies are way different then the models of Denmark that Bernie always refers to and they’ve been very vocal about distancing themselves from Bernies plan.
Proteus TG that’s why a lot of Canadians seek doctors here because the wait is so long on major surgery. Look it up! The waiting lists are long because people abuse the systems and our medical doctors and facilities are better staffed and equipped. Lots will go the doctor for scratches and minor non medical attention. Add an ever growing population and it’ll severely complicate the system especially if the working class gets tired of working for the non working class. You’re talking about quadrupling our yearly national budget just for healthcare not to mention the other plans like free college and a green new deal. While most bankruptcies are for unpaid medical bills not student loans. Are they gonna erase those too.
@Proteus TG So was ACA.
@Junkyard Hog Your not allowed to claim bankruptsy on student loans.
@Junkyard Hog Only rich people might go to the USA if they think its faster.
You forget that most people don’t have a choice. Canada wait times are not that different in the USA. Maybe even better in some places.
Wait for it: trump proclaims COVID-19 is a Chinese hoax like the climate change
And the Mueller report, and his impeachment
No, Obama created it. I mean Hillary. No Bernie. They all got together, opened a bio lab just to bring down Trump. What’s sad is if he claimed that, his sheep would believe it.
911, anyone ?
Is there anything positive to mention in the world?
,We must now be heading to the great depression of Trump
@Randy Cleveland The ignorant are living a blissful life
@27 Pinstripes You’re tripping, he’s a moderate in Europe.
@27 Pinstripes so you are willing to not apply for your social security payment as you age…..apply then give it to me. It is a socialist program.
Coronavirus Continues Rattling The Stock Market”. Proving, once again, the irrationality of the market and those who control it.
@Cindy So according to you, during a pandemic it is a good thing to have absolutely no border secxurity.
@Ryan Scott Maybe… outsourcing everyhting to china wasn’t such a good idea
@democrats are pedos so it’s true, republicans can’t read & comprehend what was said, make things up as they go. Nowhere did I say that.
Suppose the way ur lying numbnuts prez is handling the pandemic is soooooo much better. Cut budget for CDC WHO. can hire those ppl back any time. It’s under control, only 15 cases & next week all better. Stock market looks great. April’s warm weather will come & caronavirus will go away. Stifle the doctors @CDC & WHO when public needs to hear them. Put the person who had the most HIV cases under his watch in charge so he can pray us to death. Vaccine ready soon.
Contradicts the ppl who actually know what they r talking about. Blah blah blah the germaphobe gets CoVid-19, he did say there’s nothing to worry about. So he’ll b ok
@Jeanne 54 What is
*_The new way forward act_*
@democrats are pedosDr Anne Romoin provides good info about pandemics, CoVid-19, and travel bans.
Heck the guy driving the bus doesn’t even know how to drive a tricycle!