In this special report, MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent highlights the damning bribery evidence House Dems are using against Trump. Melber reports on how the mounting and ‘explosive’ evidence from first hand witnesses, including Trump’s staffers, in the historic hearings can be used against Trump, as he is closer than ever to impeachment. Aired on 11/22/19.
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Cornered: Trump Faces 'Damning' Bribery Allegations As Dems Draft Impeachment Report | MSNBC
We need to see his Tax files and that will show money from Russia his geting for screwing America , the Gop is corrupt and they all need to be eradicated.
Yep. Trump has income sources he doesn’t want anyone to know about. Why else would he show one from 10 years ago and not one recent…
ByGod he is disqualified to be on any ballots until he turns them (Tax Returns) over! ESP now with all of this,…even more collusion and obstruction. That ALONE should keep him from running on the 2020 ticket! He’s not fit to be president! Like a freakin freak side show.
Let’s grow…….. please tell them he shouldn’t be allowed because he never complied. If we complain enough maybe they won’t let him run.
@Source Fractal OOTB haha! What size tin foil hat do you wear? Your crazy! President Trump has been nothing but good for this country. With all the fake media stories and phony ongoing and endless Democrat investigations its amazing what this country has accomplished! Go USA!
The Russians have been giving money to other Republican senators, what about Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Graham???? The entire lot of current Republicans need to be voted out of office.
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” George Orwell
@Stephen Cook oh yea…..because I can’t reference some stupid quote an English man wrote in a book. If I thought you could be any less culturally biased, I would have expected you to say anything else because not knowing 1 quote, out of who knows how many in the world, automatically sets the notion that one hasn’t studied literature. My god…as this world changes, I’m sure some people are gonna have a very hard time not accepting the revocations of their persuasions. Unfortunately for you, I’ve already passed the 2 literature courses required to obtain a degree.
@keyboard freedomfighter It was an indictment of Communism. Communism was supposed to do away with disparity of wealth and opportunity. Communism didn’t deliver, though. Instead there was a different sort of inequality : hence Russian and Chinese billionaires – and Kim of North Korea. Therefore “SOME are MORE equal than others”
A good quotes from a good book
Long Live Napoleon Long Live Animal Farm
Trump: ” Well thats what the word is”. He NEVER has facts.
The1Returner ….Here say, I believe that’s here say….isn’t that what the Republicans call it ??
The main obstacle in the senate comes thanks to all the gerrymandering that’s been going on over the years. Any republican senator in a gerrymandered district(especially those in already red states) have unwittingly created a situation where they have more to fear from the republican base then the voters in a general election. So long as Trump has a majority of the republicans in their district under his spell, they fear a primary challenge from them more then the rest of the voters in a general election. I almost wonder sometimes if maybe the answer is getting independents who support impeachment in those districts to join the Republican Party just to offset that variable. Mind you, I’m not sure how many there would be if it’s that badly gerrymandering. Just trying to think of anything to get republicans to wake up.
If the senate sends a message that they will acquit and not remove the president no matter what, then what reason does Trump have to obey any rules/laws going into the election(since even if he gets caught, nothing will happen, while losing would mean the loss of that protection)? Districts with only electric voting machines and no paper ballets as backup could be a nightmare in that situation.
It’s always a lie and he thinks he is covering himself by blaming a pretend group of people.
@Patricia roe also he will be impeached. That’s the result of the house boat. The question is whether he will be removed from office. That would be called the Senate convicting him. And it is clear they have no intention to vote for conviction. They said before any facts were found that they would vote down conviction.
Republicans have become authoritarians and anti-democratic. We need a new conservative party.
Giuliani has said from the start that the work he does is on behalf of his client, Donald Trump. Ukrainian matters are not excluded.
This guy is like the stereotype of a confused old man repeating things he’s heard from infowars or brietbart. No wonder he’s Putin’s guy, he’ll do or say anything that he’s told and his interests are solely self-aggrandizing. At least, that’s what the word is…
@Bud Fudlacker He didn’t actually clear Trump if you understood his testimony. But he couldn’t indict a sitting President. But he left a roadmap in a lot he said, or quite a few hints. And many in the WH and Congress are following it as we see now.
@Mark Haddox You are very foolish if you think this country can rely on a foreign country to give us the truth. Bringing in anything from another country into our politics is dangerous to our democracy. And what countries will future Presidents decide to ask? The only thing the Senate will try to do is play the favorite republican game: DEFLECT.
@Patricia roe how do you feel about a foreign born Ukrainian jew being the only guy on this phone call who thought there was an issue? This woman Hill is foriegn born English woman at the highest levels of our foreign policy? The yovanovitch woman is also a foreign born jew. When her family defected west they were to dangerous to become American but instead had to go to Canada first. Foreign born citizens undermining our elected president and then attempting to remove him. I agree we should all be against foriegn influence.
Sort of like a trainer seal.
Trump is a simpleton. Why in the world will he still be spouting off about that same crowdstrike and server nonsense when his own appointees have roundly declared it to be a conspiracy theory?
Because all the idiots who only listen to him and even the conspiracy theory-infested, otherwise intelligent people, want to believe him. Desperately.
Trump is textbook….stupid
Because he is too stupid to listen to his advisors, he’s a real dumb know it all.
12 Patriots who are brave and heroes. Trump ( fake bone spurs) is a sell out and coward.
Putin’s puppet.
Presidential historians be like: “Prepare the asterisk.”
@eriknephron gfr Well thank goodness it wasn’t an umlaut!
Constituent A My gf is German. She threatens me with those all the time…
The asterisk is coming! Soon, very soon.
The most frightening thing that is crystal clear is that we as Americans are not as smart as we think we are…
A part of our country is filled with people that are misinformed, uneducated,corrupt and simply ignorant to all that is happening.
Our democracy and freedom is nothing more than a fairytale if we condone and accept the actions of our “Leaders”
If we end up with a statement like “It was unethical but not CRIMINAL ENOUGH ” WE are no different than Russia or any other corrupt regime in the world….
I was born in a Communist country and I have seen this play out before…
Bill burr just said something similar to what you mentioned I think he (Bill Burr) makes a good point.
@Tetaake Groves Or none.
Oh so half the country, being the ones who vote republican (due to temperament BTW) are “misinformed, uneducated, corrupt and simply ignorant”? Is that what you’re saying? When I voted, I used to vote Democrat and consider myself as a classical liberal (you know, before democrats moved the goalpost a mile further left). The left is insane today in most part.
How is it that all those pro-Trump comments here have no content on their sites?
Trump train 2020 landslide!!!
They’re all NO CONTENT BOTS!!!!!!
@Brian Kimball BOT
Cuz they are bots or trolls.
And yet…..Americans are failing civics. Trump’s crimes are worse than Nixon’s and America just shrugs because they stupidly think the economy is great and that Trump has something to do with it.
@sher 4lifeluvn Go scream your stupidity somwhere that you’ll be taken seriously. Like in the day room of a psychiatric ward.
Trump supporters are that stupid
@R Wags Just hope the ends don’t justify the ends.
the Republicans are betting the Farm America won’t Remember that they turned their back on the constitution
@Golf 18 *whines in debunked conspiracy theories*
@Drake Fire here’s the video of current Presidential candidate and former VP Joe Biden bragging about the Ukrainian extortion.–dj2-CY
@Golf 18 russian troll
@el bee sorry comrade you’re wrong. But check out the video of VP Biden admitting to extorting the Ukrainian government.–dj2-CY
He reminds me of a serial killer, taunting police to convict
That’s a good analogy.
Buzzroy: Lest we forget the classic, “suicide by cop” routine… designed to make officers “second guess” their career choice.
Guliani is a liar like his boss donny jessica trump.
Guliani “The Ghoul” is a very sick, twisted gramps who suffers actual Alzheimer’s syndrome and a criminal predilection.
Death to traitors!
D. Jessica Trump? Let me guess – a fan of Randy Rainbow, like me?
The last thing Trump should say in his defense is “take my word for it.”
@DynaMike –>> Hasbara troll
@DynaMike –>> Israel firster
@toney ingramHe lies when his lips move.
“Believe Me!” No thanks.
After Nunes getting caught,things are going to get a lot worse for trump and Co.
Nunes looks like someone who is going to start snitching to save his behind
@James Ricker No, he won’t, not with that brilliant attorney at law, Rudy “The Ghoul” to defend him.
Ian Mcgrath I can’t wait for more documents to come out to prove what the Democrats are saying. It will make no difference to the Republicans because they have their mind made up. For whatever reason, IS BEYOND ME!
@Sandy Ewald id like to see one document forget about more
@Rich C it was there you choose not to notice it.There are txt messages,emails,names attached to emails.Time,dates.tell me how can you defend that when his own people are telling on him
“The word is….” that a vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.
Stop that crap. I am so sick of hearing it. I a spent years covering the presidency. Putin had greater influence over Obama than he ever will over Trump. Look at the mess Obama caused in almost every foreign policy he pushed.
Wes Brazo
Oh you must listening to your god Hanidick or mr tuckless
@Wes Brazo russian troll
“The word”…according to WHAT imaginary or dubious source?? Everything with Trump is either so vague as to be useless or a lie.
Rick Wilson was correct when he said,k “everything Trump touches dies.”
“Everyone was in the loop!”
Yet, President Sharpie claims he was the only one who did not know. Oh the insanity of the trump cult…
“Well thats what the word is”. – Isn’t that ‘Hearsay’?
Hayling Lad