Cori Bush, a progressive activist and veteran of the racial justice protest movement, defeated 20-year incumbent Missouri Rep. William Lacy Clay in a Democratic primary. #CNN #News
Cori Bush unseats 20-year Missouri incumbent

Cori Bush, a progressive activist and veteran of the racial justice protest movement, defeated 20-year incumbent Missouri Rep. William Lacy Clay in a Democratic primary. #CNN #News
“20-year … incumbent.” This is one of the many things wrong with US government.
@Ok Boomer …and you think just any ole “Joe-Blow” can walk in off the street, already qualified to step into that job???
For as long as she’s been at it, I think “Mama-Merkel” has handled herself decently. Particularly, with regards to keeping Putin at “arms-length”. Besides, the people love her, and that matters as much as her qualifications. Too bad we can’t say the same for this American president.
Seems like the only term limits in Congress is death by old age or incarceration.
She ain’t any better… thought AOC was better cause age… she still has same b.s. demacratic ideology…
Nathan Knaebel … making public policy is a skill that takes time to learn, the idea that incumbents need to go just because they have been there for 20 years is not something you would say about any other profession. However, if your doctor, your plumber or your politician is not doing what they need to do then they must go. Time in service should not be an issue if the person is doing a good job.
She seems real, I like her.
Real dumb
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures
God created us to be with him
Our sins separate us from God
Sins cannot be removed by good deeds
Paying the price for sin, Jesus Christ was crucified for us, died and rose again
Everyone who trusts in him alone has eternal life
Life with Jesus Christ starts now and lasts forever!
How to be saved in Jesus Christ….
The ABCs of salvation
A- Admit you are a sinner
Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
B- Believe that Jesus Christ paid for your sins at the cross
Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
C- Confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and call upon him
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are born sinners.
Jesus Christ meets us where we are at and changes us after the fact.
Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
JUSTIFIED= Just if ID never sinned in the first place
Hebrews 10:17 And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
Psalms 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us
Repent(Change your mind about your sin condition and understand that you are a sinner deserving death) and be born again in Jesus Christ….
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Receive the Holy Spirit….
John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
Then read the Holy Bible- Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth….
2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
Accept Gods Salvation Today!
It’s a free gift!
You are so easily impressed… 4 minutes of interview is enough to believe someone?
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Defund should be de-militerise get rid of complicit unions and immunity. So the bad cops can easily be removed
I think a lot of people deliberately misunderstand the phrase defund the police. This interviewer doesn’t ask good questions
@Squish Squall The PHRASE “Defund The Police” is MISLEADING in the first place. *It makes MORE SENSE to say:
or something similar that is CLEAR on the objective.*
Yes! I am a supporter of cops, but these thugs who can hide behind these unions with no disciplinary actions for terrible abuse of their power, this is what needs to change.
If I suck at my job, I get shown the door. Why not a cop?
EXACTLY…..just like you described !
@Chas Stack 31million of tax payers money…..Jezz. It should be coming out of their pensions and their union dues.
As a Republican I’m glad this happened. WE NEED TERM LIMITS!
@shobvious well said as long as we’re divided they win

@SmokeRingHalo what do you call it tho….when the rich elites (majority repubs..but that’s ok..they are the party of business) get tax breaks, promising to give american jobs…only to outsource them. not saying they don’t pay taxes… but , relative to the average person..they don’t pay as much. also… bezo and other rich people make their own money right? it’s their money….wealth built on the backs of normal working class people. i don’t understand why average republicans are so loyal to the elites of their own party. baffles me. they screw us…. but we take it out on each other. people hate social welfare…’s nothing compared to corporate welfare..but people say nothing.,
point is… dems..progressives.. liberals..whatever…. aren’t socialists or commies..any more than republicans are. it’s a stupid talking point. it’s like when the left talks about the a.r. rifle… the reaction republicans get is that of the same when libs get the socialism crap thrown at them.
Why are you republican? They hate your community,
Yes. Limiting trump’s term.
Luis Portillo Reyes As a proud independent, I agree with you.
Finally a real representative of the people!
@Ok Boomer also watched a documentary from when she ran the first time.
@Claire defunding the police doesn’t mean we get rid of law enforcement. It means using their resources more efficiently to handle the wide variety of situations they deal with in a daily basis.
@SmokeRingHalo dude, there are homeless and rioting people because those who have representing us have done a crap job of it.
@Delage Eric I’m sorry, I don’t understand your last. What’s the squad?
God bless her! From a native Missourian & a nurse myself, we need more nurses in the halls of Congress. By default, she KNOWS how to be an advocate for people , because that’s what nurses do, advocacy with common sense & compassion! May you make it all the way to DC!
She is just another evil Democrat.
She’s an advocate for black people so if you’re a whitey then forget her representing your interests.
@Thyalwaysseek She’s just another evil Democrat.
@CJ Colvin Evil has no political boundaries, I observe it on both sides.
@Thyalwaysseek I wouldn’t say that I think she’ll be fair and honest
Let’s gooooo thank you Bernie Sanders for endorsing Cori Bush
why are people still saying “defund” the police. its more like reallocate how they spend $
Simple reforms
Most still want police, its just a different version
I think more funding will produce better police. I hear people say police need more and better training. Increasing funding, not decreasing it, for police will achieve that desire.
Yeah its not like they’ve voted to abolish the police in some places, just wanna divert some funds into something more useful. Oh and orange man bad
@I Will Dare .. people are out of their minds if they think that BLM is violent. one can only wonder! i mean, truthfully the radical right just doesnt get it, what is their problem? everyone knows that a person with a gun pointed directly at a cops head is not a threat! we must demand that police stand down, be polite and ask nicely if that person (regardless of color) would kindly lower the weapon and please come with me to the jail where we can have cake and ice cream. The CDC has verifiable, conclusive evidence that we can get eggs from goats; We believe in TRUTH OVER FACTS” “I am …nancy pelosi …barak husein obama .. Kamala D. Harris …jerry nadler ….chuck schumer …adam schiff …maxine watters’ …Ilhan Abdullahi Omar …Rashida Harbi Tlaib ….AOC…Juan Williams …Mike moore … and I will definitely vote for Donald J Trump in november!, I strongly recommend everyone else does too! just listen to all the stupid things i say” ..”I am Jill Biden and I approve this message!”
That’s the truth reassign the budget. Pay more attention to the needs of people who are suffering in poverty and illness. Homeless people as well. So many are hurt and betrayed. Telling the police to lock em up. Pretending those issues don’t exist is weak not strength. Even when bunker boi is out these problems aren’t magically going to disappear. This is going to take years of hard painful work. I have to believe though that most people have enough honesty to see that the top 1%won’t get you there it really is about regular people, your nurses and teachers shopkeepers etc. These are the people who understand the principles of hard work and how to act with empathy and honesty. The police are needed yes but they should never be taking their playbook from old time mafia henchmen that’s just plain wrong.
That’s the talking point from the left, us racist don’t understand.
Another no nonsense lady like Katie Porter! Lots of likes from Germany!
As someone who also lives in Germany thanks for appreciating Katie Porter, she’s a gem
@Delage Eric we need people who will work for us and that understand us. Not someone we think should be in charge because of their skin color and gender. Idc what color or gender these leaders are, they should be voted in because of their merits.
Warmed my heart, I’m cheering for her
“Political Dynasty” is one of the scariest terms anyone living in a democracy can hear.
@Austin Gibbs Everything you are saying is crazy ignorant.
@Mickey E How so?
Especially here in my fckn country the Philippines
Once you are “saved”, you will vote for Trump, ’cause that’s what all “saved” people do.
Religion makes people go into a full loco mode.
so that’s why I don’t like mixin religious view to my political view coz iz bullsht
Love Cori Bush, her story is incredible and It’s about time congress evolves to support normal everyday people
BBWsmash Champ i feel like there was a better way to phrase that. If your point is to get money out of politics, I’m right there. She has a better chance of introducing a bill to get money out of politics, let’s support that dude.
Hooligan Boogaloo their can be old black men in government. We just lost an amazing one on John Lewis. The difference is, again, the character of the person. Regardless of race at the end of the day people have a choice to be good or bad. Their was major in Detroit that was black stealing thousands and almost a million dollars from the community. That’s wrong. But that’s one case if you wanna talk about race. Compare that to all the old white men who look at self interest of their race and creating generational wealth for them, their families, and friends versus allowing natural equity. That’s called systematic racism. There’s so many things that go into this but you can either be educated or follow like a sheep like Trump. I’m not a democrat, actually I’m a republican BUT I’m a human first. Policy has nothing to do with party affiliation. At the end of the day we have to lead with love and morality because logistically that’s what works. You’d be ignorant to say that white racist Americans in power who have a clear history of racism like Trump and a lot of republicans aren’t the problem. Republicans care about money in the economy and Democrats care about people first. Right now in this very moment in history the economy is getting worse not better under Trump (do your research don’t just look at a number from Fox News
), and our people are paying the price. Right now especially are black brothers and sisters have been way overdue for equity and equality. You disagree you’re racist and blind or just extremely misinformed. You can get on the defensive or you can better yourself through education. That means independent unbiased research not a YouTube video from info wars or Fox News. Have a great day brother 
BBWsmash Champ Actually most of her donations cane from independent workers in the health care field like doctors and nurses because she aligned with COVID being real versus the person she ran against that regurgitated Trump bs. It’s an easy google search.
@E Vill I don’t know who you affiliate with because I won’t just take your word for it but I can say this much about you, you don’t seem very wise with your comment on systemic racism and Trump’s supposed racism. Stands to reason that you are going to have more old “white” men in D.C. because there are a hell of a lot of white people in this country. Also, there is no evidence to support your claims of systemic racism or Trump’s racism. The only systemic racism I see is called “Affirmative Action” which is racism against white and asian people.
@E Vill She doesn’t fight for everyone, she fights for her own race, she is incapable of representing white Americans as equally as her own race because she blames white people for everything. If she wasn’t a racist she would fight for justice for all Americans not just justice for Americans who have a certain skin color. She is everything that is wrong with your country.
We need more working class Americans in office. Enough of dynastys, enough of CEOs of Big Business and Bankers.
*”We need more working class Americans in office.”*
No, we don’t. They are working class for a reason.
You do realize you need to be at least 35 years of age to run for president.
#facts and not a whole life package3of taken care of after leaving office
@Delage Eric diversity of skin versus diversity of character, belief, ideology, or thought. Christ almighty help you!!!!!
@Delage Eric diversity of skin versus diversity of thought, ideology, character, or ideas. Christ almighty help you.
Love her expression of joy at the end of the interview… Congrats, Cori! You rock- give ’em hell!
Cori Bush: “That’s why I been pushing Medicare for All”
CNN: *clears throat* “moving along”
Yeah they completely neglected to mention that among other things, shes a DSA backed socialist (which is great). CNN want to highlight all their woke-corporate identity self-righteousness to look like they’re on the good side but don’t want the class consciousness that *must* come with all of that. Notice Cori mentioned it in her opening statement though — working class.
@Zxy Abc socialism is the good side.
@Factsthat Hurtfeelings Yeah that’s what I was trying to say, poorly I guess.
old career politicians need to go have a seat that family was in office when I was a teenager . Her victory made me so happy
@Chas Stackshe’ll take your police and your guns then the only ones with guns will be the criminals. Who willl defend you then? Who do you call when your friends bleeding out on the ground. You think the ambulance will show up. Get rid of the cops and Noone will hear your calls for help. Your friend will die and Noone will find their killer because the cops are gone
@vaelyn p Just a note. What Americans think as “far left” is what most Canadians would call “centerist”. And Canada is consistently rated as one of the top five countries in the world to which in live.
And we followed the science when Corvid 19 hit, shut down, stayed at home, and worn masks and washed the hell out of hands. We beat Corvid, we are starting to reopen now, our hospitals have beds free, and EVERYONE in Canada can walk into a clinic and get a free test AND the results emailed to us with most in 24 hours, at the very longest. 32 hours.
We paid people at least 3/4’s of their wage during lockdown, and sent the military in when we found that nursing homes were hotbeds of the virus so the elderly were properly cared for. And on, and on.
If Cora Bush is “far left”, I really don’t think you have much to fear. Unless of course, if you fear properly funded schools, decent minimum wages ($15 Canadian per hour), and a society where anyone can get medical care, at no cost.
@Chas Stack NYC Minneapolis and Seattle have all seen violent crime increas since defunding and abolishing the police. NYC. The city of bullets. You want to see what will happen watch those idiots. In Seattle 2 people shot and bleed out the ambulance refused to help because they wouldn’t let the police in.
@MobyDicksWife in America we followed the science to fight covid to. We did alot of what Canada has done. Only here most our hospitals were empty to the point that they had to lay off staff. it’s not all bad I’m guessing since our doctors had lots of free time to make videos on tiktok. Our media wanting us to think things were worse than they were put up videos showing us dead bodies laying in the hallways. We later found out it was an Italian hospital. Not NYC like they told us. As far as our old folks homes..our political factions don’t care about those people. They put covid patients in them. Don’t believe me. Look it up. Medicare would bankrupt this country according to the experts.
Demand term limits.
No more career politicians that enrich themselves and family, but do nothing for the benefit of the country.
Damn straight.
Term limits would be terrible. Corporate lobbies would destroy the progressive movement this way. It is much better to unseat these people with progressives in the long run.
I voted for her yesterday getting sick of old politicians
It’s not the age of a politician but the integrity of a politician…
You seem smart
I wouldn’t openly brag about someone that’s so radical that they wanna defund the police. After all, black people need the most policing.
@Sandra K I want someone that will fight for the people, not a corporate puppet that takes money from wall street
Sandra K We must defund the police

Look at those responsible people wearing masks! Beautiful. How ironic a person named Bush unseated a political dynasty, right?
There need to be term limits. “Politician” should not be a career!