Cori Bush: The Government Has A Duty To Take Care Of Essential Workers | The Last Word | MSNBC

Cori Bush, Democratic candidate for Missouri's 1st Congressional District, shares how her struggles have shaped her views about how the country needs to respond to the economic crisis caused by coronavirus. She tells Ali Velshi, “I know all the holes in the way that the system is built, so I’m not willing to shut up about it.” Aired on 8/6/2020.
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Cori Bush: The Government Has A Duty To Take Care Of Essential Workers | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. Where’s BERNIE when we need him. Universal health care is a start. Mental health counseling would be good. 70% of people dont get treatment.

    1. Bernie hasn’t stopped working for you.
      The others haven’t started working for you.
      Bernie would be there if there had been less talk, talk, talk and more vote, vote, vote. The people let him down not the other way round.

    2. @Sandra Hunter indirectly that’s true .
      I don’t vote for the team I am not a team player or loyal to any party . So I will do a write in vote for Bernie Sanders

    3. Bernie aggressively campaigned on behalf of Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman and raised money for their campaigns. Don’t you know?

    1. Which tells us that progressives can win ANYWHERE. The Establishment Dems had better wake up… because none of their jobs are secure anymore.

    2. In particular since Crowley lost to AOC. He was Pelosi’s “chosen one” to replace her someday as Leader. But of course they thought that the 4 Progressives were just a fluke (it was Pelosi I think that tagged them as “the squad”) and all they did was embrace the label.

    1. She was actually the first member of the Justice Democrats before AOC, ilhan omar, rashida tlaib, and ayanna pressley. They all come from the same group.

  2. We need more working American class in office NOT career politicians who do the bidding of multinational corporations, wealthy individuals donors, and special interest groups.

    1. bigpimpdaddy69 Bro, these hypocrites are beyond delusional. They’re in desperation mode since their career politicians are losing big. So they resort to WEAK Ad Hominem tactics 😉

    2. @Cant_Touch_This As long as Mitch McConnell is in office the USA is doomed; but if Pelosi gets voted out then it will be a great loss for the country. You see, both career politicians but one fought the good fight and continues to for the people. And Mitch just fleeces America and hurts the average people. Trust me, if it comes down to having Hillary Clinton, or AOC on your side in Washington; I’d much rather Clinton because she knows the system and can get things done. The fact is there are good people and bad people, good salesmen and bad ones, good lawyers and politicians and bad ones. The bottom line is, if you need brain surgery then you want a brain surgeon; and if you want a better country then you need to elect better(more educated) leaders. You don’t want some hick farmer that doesn’t know anything about the economy running the country; that just leads to idiocracy.

    3. @Tidbit Don’t forget that Pelosi was a young woman just learning the job too at one point. AOC is a highly educated young women who is learning the job very quickly. We need the future as well as the past.

    4. @Margaret Nicol Does AOC have much of an education though? I don’t think she studied history or politics at uni; does she even have a law degree? Don’t get me wrong, I like her and I’m glad she’s there as a Representative, but only because the majority of dems do have advanced degrees and can guide the party. For instance her Green New Deal was very poorly written and included a lot of pseudo science instead of real facts. And I agree we need younger people in politics, but they need to be well studied in order to deal with the world; they need to understand the system before they start changing it.

    5. @Tidbit There’s quite a few senators who only got through high school. Grump, of course, had no idea how government worked. This is AOC. I’m sure you’ll agree she’s worked hard for her place. I hope this helps. She is the future.

      ”After high school, Alexandria attended Boston University and graduated with degrees in Economics and International Relations. During this period she also had the opportunity to work in the office of the late Senator Ted Kennedy. Her role in Senator Kennedy’s office provided a firsthand view of the heartbreak families endured after being separated by ICE. These experiences led the Congresswoman to organize Latinx youth in the Bronx and across the United States, eventually, she began work as an Educational Director with the National Hispanic Institute, a role in which she helped Americans, DREAMers and undocumented youth in community leadership and college readiness.

      Following the financial crisis of 2008, tragedy struck when her father, Sergio Ocasio-Roman, passed away, forcing her family to sell their Westchester home. Alexandria pulled extra shifts to work as a waitress and bartender to support her family during this time, deepening her commitment to issues impacting working-class people.

      During the 2016 presidential election, she worked as a volunteer organizer for Bernie Sanders in the South Bronx, expanding her skills in electoral organizing and activism that has taken her across the country and to Standing Rock, South Dakota to stand with indigenous communities, then back to New York’s 14th Congressional District to launch her people-funded, grassroots campaign for Congress.

      Since her swearing-in to Congress in January of 2019, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has remained committed to serving working-class people over corporate interests and advocating for social, racial, economic, and environmental justice.”

  3. Every working class American should be asking why repubicans have been against raising the minimum wage for years now.

    If the stimulus bill was for corporations, banks and Wall St, Republicans on Capitol Hill would be holding hunger strikes in order to get it passed. But the stimulus bill is for actual real people, real working class Americans,  so naturally, republicans couldn’t care less if it passes or not. In fact, they would prefer that it didn’t pass.

    Why anyone who isn’t a billionaire or multimillionaire, would still vote republican today, is beyond me. The Republican party finally threw off it’s veil of deception when it created “Citizens United.” That was the day the Republican party finally owned up to the utter contempt it has for the American people. That was the day the Republican party spat in the faces of the American people, and then turned around, and embraced corporations and Wall st.

    1. You can replace Democrat with republicans in this rant. They’re two hydras of the same party. That party belonging to the 1% and lobbyists. Cori Bush’s primary challenger, who is an establishment democrat, never supported $15 an hour minimum wage. Never supported single payer healthcare. He stood with the status quo, that’s why he was deposed at the polls. We need people like cori who can stand up to both establishments and take on the hard fight for the working class.

  4. Thank You for persisting and winning!
    Hope you go all the way to the Top!
    What a sincere, vocal, logical Goddess you are 👍😍👍

  5. If we had done what European countries had done, aka pay people to stay home, you would have kept the businesses afloat while keeping the economy afloat at the same time. Republicans were so angry that poor people would get ANYTHING that they were willing to tank the whole economy.

  6. America one of only 5 Countries without paid maternity leave. The others are Liberia, Lesotho, Swaziland and Papua New Guinea.

    America the ONLY Industrialized Nation without Universal Health Care.

  7. Maybe she can talk about the Michael Brown Hoax that she has been a part of? Hands up don’t shoot never happened

  8. This took msnbc long enough very little coverage of a momentous political event. Wow msnbc is biased. Thank you Velshi!

  9. The Democratic and Republican Party are both corrupt. They’re two hydras of the same cancerous Neo-Liberal party. That party belonging to the 1% and lobbyists.

    Cori Bush’s primary challenger, who is an establishment democrat, never supported $15 an hour minimum wage. Never supported single payer healthcare. He stood with the status quo. Thats why he was deposed at the polls.

    We need people like cori who can stand up to both establishments and take on the hard fight for the working class. People are finally waking up!! ✊🏿

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