In the Democrats’ first public House hearing since defining the impeachment inquiry process, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski dodged questions and insisted that the possible Russian collusion was a “false narrative” and harassment of President Trump. Later in the hearing, he buckled under questioning by Democratic counsel. Aired on 09/17/19.
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Corey Lewandowski Stonewalls Democrats – The Day That Was | MSNBC
“I have no obligation to be honest with the media”
Yeah that’s a good strategy when you’re planning to run for the Senate.
Must come from the DNC rules and regulation handbook.
Remember how Hillary screwed over Bernie and was exposed by Donna Brazile.
Corey treated the Dems like the jokes they are. My God, it was hilarious too!
Said Hillary
Julia Gee – Lying under oath and obstructing the hearing. You people are just the worst human beings in America.
AJK90, — > No obligation to be honest with the media also means no obligation to be honest with The People. And, he falsely claims “executive privilege” indicating that he is immune from telling the truth under oath.
—- > The original Constitution didn’t make a provision for any “executive privilege” but guidelines were established in United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974) Page 418 U. S. 713
… “We conclude that, when the ground for asserting privilege as to subpoenaed materials sought for use in a criminal trial is based only on the generalized interest in confidentiality, it cannot prevail over the fundamental demands of due process of law in the fair administration of criminal justice. The generalized assertion of PRIVILEGE MUST YIELD to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a PENDING CRIMINAL TRIAL.” .
So, Corey confessed to LYING to America, crashed his Senate Ambitions into the Wall of Truth and confessed to Obstructing Justice. But, Trump’s fans continue to Fake, “Believe,” just so long as the economy doesn’t melt, and Trump stays RACIST, CRASS and GREEDY, like them . . . SMH
@Ash Roskell …and no. Trump is not “racist and greedy.” You’ve literally sunk to the lowest level of debate, because that’s all you’ve got. Sad.
Ash Roskell Yet Mueller had him subpoenaed and questioned him and yet he was never charged with anything. How is that possible? Take your blinders off SHEEP.
That’s right Rob Li. It is the exact same way the mafia operates. To me Trump telling all these people to keep their mouths shut is clearly obstruction and witness tampering.
@VB Get back to me when you can reply with something that even makes sense.
@Bill Safrit get back to me when you have a brain.
@Bryon Kidder in the name of Allah, I suppose.
@VB stop saying Allah, you heretic.
@J. Noble
Thinks he’s above it
Leslie Nembhard god give everyone common sense and that’s all it takes to figure out what is going on these days.
@Don Williams Yeah because they are, referring back to my previous statement UNEDUCATED.
@Gertrude Simpson-Collins Well it seems many people have rejected that gift from God.
Leslie Nembhard they only use it when it’s beneficial to them.YOU HAVE A BLESSED DAY AND A WONDERFUL WEEKEND!!!
Let’s print thousands of copys of Muller report and pass it out for free.
@Randall Carson you live in a goddamned fantasyland.
@Shawn Corbin idiocy from you.
Yeah we got one. And it states on page 2 volume 1 neither Trump nor a member of his campaign colluded or conspired with the Russian government period the end. Time to move on.
Along these lines, Corey admitted to LYING to America, smashed his Senate Ambitions into the Wall of Truth and admitted to Obstructing Justice. Be that as it may, Trump’s fans keep on faking, “Accept,” just inasmuch as the economy doesn’t liquefy, and Trump remains RACIST, CRASS and GREEDY, similar to them . . . SMH
AHH! How obnoxious arrogance is deployed by a nobody.
Gas & Diesel – Pennsylvania REPUBLICAN State Senator Michael Folmer charged with POSSESSION OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.
Show some respect to the next senator of Rhode Island !
True, Fat Jerry is a disgrace.
Apprehensive with fear trepidation chains on their necks
Protective of fool
This guy is a jar head joke. I hope he runs for Senate. Left alone to speak for himself, he will fall apart and spill the beans.
Shawn Corbin – Corey is going to end up charged with a felony and begging for a pardon. Just like Michael Cohen. We saw how that worked out.
He’s the best there is hahaha
@radigass you have really low standards. Hahaha
a. barker his name should be changed to Le-WIN-dowski hahaha
@radigass He has moved to the top of the scum heap and will be living his glory out as being another Trump goon. I’m sure he made his family proud in KKK land.
Lewandowski made himself look like a fool. Making it so obvious that he lied, did something illegal and Trump attempted to obstruct justice.
Obstruct justice on a crime he didn’t commit? How does that even happen
Andy Cockrum
Attempted is the key word, and would’ve if lewandowski would’ve actually listened and delivered the message.
@Andy Cockrum Attempting to obstruct justice is as bad as attempting to obstruct justice and being successful. Now you know how that happened.
Wasted time on a punk who was always a nobody.
@Terry Daktyl whatever – symbols have meanings and if you attach one to yourself you are labeling yourself
@Nathanael Smith Irrelevant. Religious liberty.
@Terry Daktyl Yes – we are all free to do what we want but none of us are free to escape the consequences. I am free to run out in front of traffic but I am not free to escape the consequence of injury. Likewise you are free to use satanic symbols for your avatar but you are not free from the associations that go along with it. That my friend is common sense.
@Nathanael Smith Enjoy playing in traffic. Just keep in mind that semis can’t stop quickly.
@Terry Daktyl enjoy being a moral relativist just remember that its bollocks
These idiots don’t realize that the more they stonewall the more guilty they become. If you are innocent of any criminal activity, why not just answer the questions??? He’s definitely hiding something.
Sally Daniel look who’s in charge of the DOJ & the Presidency, also the Senate. The Democrats are weak, we’re a laughing stock
LOL that backgorund music. Sounds like an episode od 24.
Thanks to the lawyer that busted his privileged filled pinata .

off to you dear man
If you people dont realize how wrong you have been for 3 years then there is no helping u
Four Years and counting, it did not start with the election but with his joining the campaign.
Maybe right is just wrong in your world.
Stopping short of bending over and reaching for the Trump soap. NAHHH. He did..
Looks like the further they investigate the more they discover that Hillary Clinton lost the election.
It wasn’t the worst day for Lewandowski ; he must’ve been extremely pleased with his performance
—- > Lewindowski has presented himself to be a self-confessed liar to the public, and to be immune from telling the truth under oath .. in violation of the legal precendent in U.S. v Nixon in claiming “executive privilege”. The worst day for Lewandowski will be when he and Trump are charged with Perjury, Obstructing a Congressional hearing, Witness Tampering, and, maybe, even Conspiracy against the U.S..
However, DEMs would have to win the 2020 presidency first because Coverup General Barr is not going to uphold his oath to protect and defend the Constitution or for equal justice under the law.
Lewandowski is a typical liar. Which is typical of all this administration. Meanwhile, the republicons did their very best to join in on the obstruction of justice. Start throwing them in jail for their lying, oath breaking and generally traitorous behavior.
It was hilarious to watch this. If congress wants to waste tax payer money on a meaningless investigation, they deserve meaningless answers.