CNN's Anderson Cooper points out that President Trump's canceling of a meeting with Taliban leaders after inviting them to the US shows a pattern in the President's behavior.
#CNN #News
CNN's Anderson Cooper points out that President Trump's canceling of a meeting with Taliban leaders after inviting them to the US shows a pattern in the President's behavior.
#CNN #News
I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a more Pathetic person than trump.
“more Pathetic person than trump” or DANGEROUS.
Five Minute Moron
cj p Don’t be so hard on your self just because you weigh 400 pounds and can’t get out of bed! Enjoy those balls on the field
They did a mistake???? Trump cannot speak English. He sounds like a 3 y. o.
@Holly GoHeavily
He should have invited them to the DNC OFFICE and the CNN OFFICE…!! Right after they visited Newsome and his family.
@Cindy Ford
Lets pray our Great President Trump follows N.Korea rules on all Demo’Rat voters.
@Bobby Nelson wow, even for a bot troll youre extra stupid.
@Holly GoHeavily _Shhhhh!_ It was a super secret meeting. Don’t mention it to anyone outside *public domain.*
Trump is a weak leader, easily influenced by the war mongers around him
@kingpest13 you should ask Trump cult followers that question
Obama would had been impeached within 1 hour had he set this up
@Luis Rosales the money Obama gave to Iran was their money to begin with.
@Dong LeMoan
Prove it
Knowledge Will Increase Stupid idiot. It’s like saying the bank robber is helping to expose the evil banks.
Vo X go away Gagging Fag
trchump only wanted a way to make himself look like a miracle presidunce. to solve afghanistan??
He said he was the Chosen one, and ONLY he could fix it. Poor Guy. Lets all quit picking on him now.
Joan Bowden please throw him a bugs bunny bone! The one with the dynamite inside!
@Della Russell
We don’t have to look far. Its called hatred, bigotry, dishonor, racism, treasonous, etc, anything good is just a figmatation of your imagination.
Bringing the Taliban here is absolutely traitorous. We don’t need any deals with the Taliban. They kill a soldier every other week. That’s BS. Trump doesn’t want to admit how stupid he and Pompeo are for this whole absurd plan.
@mambojazz1 Hell. It shouldn’t be safe for Trump here!
so you ignore the fact obama paid isis and taliban to cease fire, they made huge money on Obamas deals, or didnt you know that???
Losing face in the world is worse than war, thanks Obama.
@Tess Watkins Yeah, but he cancelled it after a terrorist attack in Kabul killed 12 people, including a US soldier.
@yo dasxi. No thank Trump
It’s Trump who has made the United States a laughingstock of the world!
Bryan McDohl
Crackpot. Choosy traitors choose Trump!
@Tom Smith Mmmmm. Are you stupid because you’re liberal or are you liberal because you’re stupid?
The Supreme Moron Naked Emperor Donald J tRump!
Go home! Your 9 year old sister is waiting for you to marry her! Mommy who is daddies sister will be sooooo proud! They bought ya a double wide trailer/meth lab!
@Bryan McDohl start proving then.
“I didn’t even discuss it with anybody else.” Only Trump would think that’s brag worthy
@tRumpet troll Killer failed troll nothing new no issue.
@Freewheelin’ Franklin a breakthrough? Carry on sir you’ll be noted as valuable no matter you position on the subject.
@philosophicalreason fair enough not ruled by emotion. We will live to see this opinion proven false though. It doesn’t make you a bad person I like you.
Awesome job Nats great string you started here
Bless you sweets start another one. Choose another that is short and sweet like this please. We’ve killed this string the point is now moot.
Politicians that voted and supported endless wars need to be voted out of Washington.
I know Trump will be. Anybody else is just gravy.
Even Democrats
I’m having a “Very Special” Dictator’s Ball on 7-eleven @Mar-A-Lago!
Special Guests Include: Comrade Putin, Kim Jong Un, The Taliban, and the Saudi Sword Dancers!
Are you gonna kick it all off with a nice round of golf?
Donald THE Dictator ….
Bud Fudlacker is a pud licker
Bud Dicklicker go home! Your 9 year old sister is waiting for you to marry her! Mommy who is daddies sister will be sooo proud! They even bought you a double wide trailer/meth lab
Oh sh*t,he’s from Puerto Rico,trump going to change his mind tonight by 12am
James Hill I imagine him saying in his head “he should have been thankful for the paper towels I threw him!”
You know T-Rump has no idea about that….lmao
Bryon Kidder you know that’s sad but it’s the truth
Trump: I took my own advice becasue, after all, I’m a stable Genius. I’m an expert on everything.
Don’t forget he’s also “The Chosen One”
@The Supreme Lord Emperor Donald J Trump CNN is reporting the same thing as every other network. I guess everyone is lying about Trump being a fucking train wreck.
@Bud Fudlacker wtf – trump wanted to meet with them just before 911, or as he called it 7-11.
As he sticks up for vlad , kim, bibi , and the saudis.
I did it myself because I’m a big boy!
kingpest13 ….Trumpy now wears big boy pants and drinks out of a sippy cup now that Stormy and Melanoma refuse to nurse him…..
Considering there is literally nothing he’s ever done by himself, ever…
They did a mistake…
~don the con
Make WAR never a mistake, just a US thing. Nuke Hong Kong free.
Jaqen Higar they DID a mistake? Great job, drumph
He’s three years old. He did a mistake and got playing with a Sharpie. Somebody needs a spanking from a magazine with his face on the cover.
He’s a proud Wharton graduate.
Trump is lying my heart goes out to young man family
“I take my own advice”…Spoken like a true narcissist CLOWN.
A legend in his own mind?
Trump, is the “mistake” ..The taliban invite was pure THEATER .. Listening to no one
_SHHHHHH!_ It was a super secret meeting at Camp David. Don’t mention it to anyone outside *public domain.*
What a Draft Dodging non Military training having damn fool!
yep obam and clinton were good soldiers
@harry johnston oh how dare u .hahah
Aww poor little guy, was your delicate vagina bruised by freedom of speech? Go cry in a corner.
@harry johnston Clinton was a draft dodger too!
You mean Clinton right lol. Ahuh I didn’t inhale.
Enough of this. Really! We need to impeach him and put him in jail
“They did a mistake”.. god damn , basic English beyond him.. wow