Cooper: Trump’s outrage doesn’t matter. Here’s what does

Anderson Cooper discusses what really matters now that President Donald Trump has been defeated but the coronavirus is still devastating the US.

#AndersonCooper #AC360 #CNN


    1. Will J, you just used a slur against Vice Prez Elect, good that you know that slur cuz your birth giver is exactly that. Karma will mow you down to pieces.

  1. Remember that time a bunch of morons voted for a reality TV game show host for president, and then he lamely attempted a coup? That was weird.

    1. How so so much you lie Anderson but God and Jesus will not be mocked! Hate me if you want, but we know Mr Vanderbilt how much you lie and lie and lie!! Get over it, Us Poor people are done with your lies! your arrogance and snottiness… us that live in poor America will not be mocked by your arrogance and rich crap lies!! This was pure fraud!

  2. Perfect response to a narcissist whose constant plaint is “Love me is you can, hate me if you must, but don’t ignore me”

    1. Burisma Biden will always be considered an illegitimate President by half the Nation. Nothing Burisma Biden says matters. Nothing Fake News CNN says matters. CNN is FAKE NEWS verified. Watch the Fake News networks die without Trump to slander. Burisma Biden = Illegitimate, irrelevant, incompetent, puppet imposter. Democrats are traitors and Communists. CNN is the enemy of the people. MAGA Forever!

    2. @Redman Law 99 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣i just can’t with you😂😂😂😂😂😂😂stop it🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

    3. Trump is text book narcissistic sociopath. The narcissist demands constant attention, the sociopath doesn’t give a passing thought for another living person. What a creature to have leading America in the worst crisis for 100 years. Thank the Lord for Biden et al. Support them, they deserve it. It’s a helluva task they’ve got

    4. @Redman Law 99 nothing Trump PUTIN did matters for now we have to move forward because Trump 😠 left us with your Additudes and disgrace like a mile high whale turd.

  3. What matters is that we move forward as a nation. Put Trump behind us, prosecute him and spend the rest of his days in prison while we heal our nation.

    1. Yeah…. Donald Trump should be exiled in a remote island without any communication…. Now he’s like a troublemaker

    2. @mozamioo _ Burisma Biden should be held accountable for being a worthless corrupt politician the past 47 years who has accomplished nothing other than enriching his family at the expense of the people. Trump Made America Great Again, Biden and Democrats are delusional traitors who make our lives worse. Libtards are indoctrinated morons. You reap what you sow. Biden will never be accepted as a valid leader by half the nation no matter what. Watch him fail and watch Democrats fail as usual. Enjoy your Fake News while your life gets worse as always under Democrat rule. MAGA!

  4. Outgoing Presidents get Libraries named after them .
    Trump should have the Covid 19 Viruses named after him.
    He truly is responsible for the deaths of Thousands of Americans

  5. What’s the famous alt-right saying??? Something about facts not caring about feelings…??? Yeah, facts don’t care about trump’s feelings.

    He needs to man up and accept defeat.

    1. Looking forward to seeing the orange turd dragged out of OUR house by a couple burly Federal Marshalls. Hope they put him in cuffs so he can get used to the feel. (LOVE “Orange Teletubby” nickname!)

    2. @Great Trump fool,right this moment he is losing his hair and what little sanity he ever had…they will throw him out on his ear

    3. @lokeedone might not toss him to the lawn but to court or even prison soon considering how many allegations on him

  6. I thought Trump said COVID-19 was “turning a corner”. Trump repeated it so many times, COVID made a FULL CIRCLE & is in FULL EFFECT 😡

    1. @Mark Campbell actually 72 mil and yep they were wrong right along with him, but we all know cowards support cowards, idiots support idiots, liars support liars, etc… etc….

    2. I don’t even think it fully took a circle! I think it just keeps going down a road that’s number of cases just keeps getting worse everyday and I’m sure he’s that evil that the only care he has towards it is that he’s happy that people will die that didn’t vote for him and he’ll find a way to even blame those who did vote for him for not bringing more people in to vote for him. But what is he worth as a president let alone a human being? He’s less than nothing. I hope that this is the first stage of what he has coming to him and that this loss will only seen insignificant in comparison to what he’s going to face. That would be truly become a fairy tale with a happy ending. Maybe not a happy ending but one that feels Justified

    1. @Great Trump Please, have you seen how miserable she looks? I wouldn’t wanna be around that orange warden either.

    2. Burisma Biden will always be considered an illegitimate President by half the Nation. Nothing Burisma Biden says matters. Nothing Fake News CNN says matters. CNN is FAKE NEWS verified. Watch the Fake News networks die without Trump to slander. Burisma Biden = Illegitimate, irrelevant, incompetent, puppet imposter. Democrats are traitors and Communists. CNN is the enemy of the people. MAGA Forever!

    3. @Great Trump wife/Russian handler, you can see she doesnt even like him, doesnt want to even be touched by the orange coward, yet you think thats a wife, how stupid you are

    4. Really, God and Jesus will stop this falsehood and “Doctrine of Demons” one day… this man is a wolf and hates Jesus! All true believers in Jesus need to stand up now agains this evil!

    1. your talking about censoring which is always…always bad bc its ever expanded. and your doing it for socialism… which has never worked.

    2. @Great Trump Therein lies the problem. We get it, you have extremely low standards but it doesn’t matter. 😉

    3. @Great Trump Keep Trusting Trump, people might not be able to shut you down. But Corona can and will, just keep on keeping on.

    1. @Redman Law 99 Traitor trump will be forever known for selling us out to Putin, giving away top secrets, being impeached for corruption, and Eric, Donny, and Ivanka are going to be indicted. Dream on.

    2. Can’t wait til the hammer Comes down and all these liberal babies start crying..gonna be epic! serves you right for all your traitorous deeds.

    3. @Josue Salinas Yup trump’s, stephen miller, sessions, and rosenstein are monsters. And they’ll be getting alot of recognition for the horrors they ordered.

    1. Burisma Biden will always be considered an illegitimate President by half the Nation. Nothing Burisma Biden says matters. Nothing Fake News CNN says matters. CNN is FAKE NEWS verified. Watch the Fake News networks die without Trump to slander. Burisma Biden = Illegitimate, irrelevant, incompetent, puppet imposter. Democrats are traitors and Communists. CNN is the enemy of the people. MAGA Forever!

    2. Burisma Biden will always be considered an illegitimate President by half the Nation. Nothing Burisma Biden says matters. Nothing Fake News CNN says matters. CNN is FAKE NEWS verified. Watch the Fake News networks die without Trump to slander. Burisma Biden = Illegitimate, irrelevant, incompetent, puppet imposter. Democrats are traitors and Communists. CNN is the enemy of the people. MAGA Forever!

    3. @Will J I love watching your cult fade away into the dustbin of history. I have waited 4 years for this moment. Im sure you could tag along with some travelling circus?

    4. @Its Me You have waited 4 years to ruin America? Obviously. Democrats are traitors and idiots who hate America. Burisma Biden will fail and prove the losers of society wrong as usual. Burisma Biden will never be accepted as a valid leader. Democrats are a disgrace. MAGA Forever!

    1. I’m very sorry for your loss. Nothing can make that pain any less. We can only do what we can to support our families and each other. We may be divided politically and socially, but we truly are in this together.

    1. @Claude Williams funny how they released it right after the fake communistic news said sleepy joe had won.. you drew the line in the sand … i’m just defending my side.. no unity .. get ready for war.. you soft libtard

    1. @Sports Games As of now, six states seem to be undecided, as they are counting ballots. We will probably recieve an update again soon though, cause it looks like it is about the time for it.

    2. @D. B. Cooper Anyways, Trump has made a progress report on Operation Warp Speed, and given Fouci changed his mind about the vaccine, looks like there is success. Also, Trump signs in an order that will prohibit U.S investors from funding Chinese Companies that could be linked with China’s military, which will obviously be a blow to China and is probably making Biden’s teeth grind. More info soon.

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