President Donald Trump announced that Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) will no longer be nominated as director of national intelligence to replace Dan Coats. CNN’s Anderson Cooper takes a closer look at the former nominee.
#CNN #News
President Donald Trump announced that Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) will no longer be nominated as director of national intelligence to replace Dan Coats. CNN’s Anderson Cooper takes a closer look at the former nominee.
#CNN #News
Remember, commenters, there is still beauty in humanity. Don’t let them take your soul.
A poem, by Les Murray
Everything except language
knows the meaning of existence.
Trees, planets, rivers, time
know nothing else. They express it moment
by moment as the universe.
Even this fool of a body
lives it in part, and would
have full dignity within it
but for the ignorant freedom
of my talking mind.
JAMESqJOHNS, here’s a fact for you! The only thing that Dumbass Donald can do, that would help this country, would be to drop dead, the sooner the better! Some animals just need to be put down! I have seen more intelligent behavior in a dung beetle, than President Dickhead Donald!
Curtis Ray, oh yeah! Let’s elect the feeble minded child of a total dumbass to be president! Great thinking, stupid!
JOSHUA GOFF, Democrats help the poor people who get fucked over by President Dickhead’s dumbfuckery daily! Republicunts are just too stupid to recognize the moronic incompetence of the Tweeting Tangerine Twat! Go read a book, dumbass!
“He was being slandered by all the fake news media”
“The news vets for me, a lot of you do a great job doing that”
My brain just broke.
@kcabyats *
In less than five minutes, Trump calls the media Fake News and then praises them for doing the Whitehouse job of vetting.
@KB Peters lmfao you have the most black and white thinking ever. He called certain media fake news, not all media. Then said that all media can vette for him. Saying that the media can and does vette nowadays, does not mean they are off the hook for being dishonest. If i say a murderer is a bad person but he was always good dad. Does that mean i condone the murders because i acknowledge he does well in other areas?
@kcabyats *
The word is ‘vet’.
Come on…Trump calls anything he does not like as Fake News. He even called Fox News Fake when they aired polls that show him behind Biden. When he visited former PM May in the UK, he called The Sun (owned by Murdoch) fake news. At rallies, he points to the press area and calls them fake news. I don’t have to remind you of what he has said about the NY Times or the Washington Post.
“Watching @FoxNews weekend anchors is worse than watching low ratings Fake News @CNN, or Lyin’ Brian Williams (remember when he totally fabricated a War Story trying to make himself into a hero, & got fired. A very dishonest journalist!) and the crew of degenerate Comcast (NBC/MSNBC) Trump haters, who do whatever Brian & Steve tell them to do. Like CNN, NBC is also way down in the ratings,”
Trump called The Sun fake news. He forgot that the Sun is published by the News Group Newspapers division of News UK, itself a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. It is the printed version of Fox News.
His voice is on audio tape during an interview with The Sun where he throws May under the bus and states that she refused to listen to his advice as if he knows what to do….jeeeeeeze.
Next day, while trying to grovel to May, pathetically apologizing, he calls The Sun story fake news.
Guardian: Standing next to May, Trump opened the event by saying the interview he had given to the British tabloid newspaper the Sun, in which he criticised May’s handling of Brexit and threatened to kill a prospective US-British trade deal, was “fake news”.
There are numerous different clips from different rallies where Trump points tot he press corp and calls them fake news.
“I think I’m a student of the press”. – our very own acting president.
Translation: Everything I know about this country I learned from fox and friends.
@cj p Keep drinking that Trump kool-aide.
John lockhart You grow up. You’re the republican that can’t make an argument and just resorts to grade d insults
Liberals are STUPID

Captain Q Tip Is An Idiot.
Radcliff is unquantified…plain and simple. His experience is sh*t. Good riddance!
I bet you are a great MOOCHER.
@B.J Cameron Yes. Ratcliffe would be good at espionage. I’m sure Vladdie was all for him. But we have enough Russian spies in the Whitehouse already.
@Carl Campbell we are all for investigation of the Republican party and its members’ involvement with the Russian government. Let’s start with Moscow Mitch.
An incompetent proposes someone incompetent for the position to be filled.
Don Lemon’s sister drowned in a boating accident, I guess anchors do really run in the family. Also, I would like to thank Ilhan Omar and the Squad for their unhinged banshee screams and their far left social justice policies, it will ensure a Trump 2020 victory. Now, let’s hope Kamala Harris wins the nominee so she can continue play the woke identity politics, Trump would win in a landslide better than the mountain that destroyed the tiny Iranian villages during the Earthquake 3 years ago
Don Lemon’s sister drowned in a boating accident, I guess anchors do really run in the family. Also, I would like to thank Ilhan Omar and the Squad for their unhinged banshee screams and their far left social justice policies, it will ensure a Trump 2020 victory. Now, let’s hope Kamala Harris wins the nominee so she can continue play the woke identity politics, Trump would win in a landslide better than the mountain that destroyed the tiny Iranian villages during the Earthquake 3 years ago
@No scope the pope troll
“I was reading the press.”
“I think I am a student of the press.”
Both lies. Trump doesn’t read and is not a student. He even sued to keep his grades hidden.
@Brandon Alloe
Unless you’re a founder, your chances of making it to the top job without a degree are virtually non-existent.”

Save the EARTH
@Sukhbir Sekhon so is my Mom. But that does not mean that everyone in her ancestry is German. Or does that confuse you. Where are you from? Were you born here?
I think you did miss the Point, “AmazinG!”
If he is a student of the press he just got an “F” on the midterm and the final exams.
Don Lemon’s sister drowned in a boating accident, I guess anchors do really run in the family. Also, I would like to thank Ilhan Omar and the Squad for their unhinged banshee screams and their far left social justice policies, it will ensure a Trump 2020 victory. Now, let’s hope Kamala Harris wins the nominee so she can continue play the woke identity politics, Trump would win in a landslide better than the mountain that destroyed the tiny Iranian villages during the Earthquake 3 years ago
Acer Maximinus did Obama let his grades out? Has Obama run a single business or done anything outside the public sector? Nothing. Trump has properties that you can’t even afford to go into the lobbies of. What is your point Bag of Dicks? Trump has been successful and Obama has sucked off the tit of the people all his life. Educate before you regurgitate. You sound like an idiot.
D A actually the stupid is on you. To be more precise you are a clown
jonathan beatty I know right. Democrats are the most racist unproductive POS on the planet. They talk about racism as they put their brown shirts on and sing Nazi songs. I didn’t think someone could embrace fascism like the Democrats in this day and age. Amazing
He’s not a student he’s the teacher in the media is learning a hard lesson, it’s going to cost CNN 25 million dollars it has already cost almost half of their viewership
‘You (the press) vet for me…’

@Shadows and Dust Look squirrel….
David : Trump owes CNN some vetting fees, then?
Shadows and Dust – Whites, statistically are killed mostly by other whites.
David I’m not sure why that statement is so funny. Trump’s National Security advisor was an agent of Turkey, he was paid by Russian Television owned by Vladimir Putin, and now he is going to prison. Many on Trump’s campaign staff are serving prison time. Trump EPA Admin selection was using taxpayer money like a personal credit card, the HUD Chairman is a complete moron, his secretary of education has zero education experience and his head Economist was picked out of an Amazon reading list. Trump’s ability to pick good people is nonexistent.
No sure he knew who he was talking about. He was actually referring to Jeffrey Epstein, but than had to play it off. Smooth…….
Twitter is a joke!
I was always taught to “think before you speak”.
Twitter = where you can speak before you think.
Example A – Teenie Trump
Example B: these comments on CNN’s channel.
NPC 666 ouch,,,guna need a senzu for tht one
NPC 666 ayyyeeeee what’s up
Individual 1 is going to name another “acting” cabinet member, to avoid the confirmation process. The GOP breathes a sigh of relief, more plausible deniability. When he loses in 2020 Moscow Mitch is going to say he never liked the guy.
Ratcliffe is as bad as Trump which explains why Trump wanted him to fill a very important position withing the administration.
Ratcliffe sounds and looks very, very RACIST…………..
That dude was downright spookey in Mueller hearings.
Musty mueller is so creepy i agree.
he was just talking to trump
He gave you a peak of things to come!!

Mr. Student of the Press is about to be expelled from school.
Anyone who has ever listened to a JFK speech and knew a little history would know that CNN is all CIA propaganda , fake news . Unfortunately most people are intellectually impaired and don’t understand brainwashing .
@Sybyl7 1 you’re a useful idiot. name one thing that was factually incorrect in Cooper’s story. The one you’re commenting on right now. The truth is not propaganda. You might not like it but that’s not the point. Disprove any of the statements made in this segment. Or, since you’re responding to a post, make one that at least even remotely resembles something being on topic. I repeat, you’re just another useful idiot.
Hillary lost LOL! Is your mom Hillary still walking in the forest with Bigfoot?
Wait, trump wants the press to vet for him. But he claims the press is fake news, and doesn’t like the facts and truths the press finds. Oh, that’s a sign a of stable genius.
Young Frankenstein “Igor, would you mind telling me who’s brain I did put in(Trump)? Abby someone!…..Abby who? Abby Normal”.
They said it was unsinkable with Trump as Captain
I did not book passage on the Titanic’s maiden voyage
but I’m still going down with the sinking ship like everyone else
How can we avoid colliding with the melting iceburgh?
5:22 *Trump:* “No, you be president. You do a better job”
Trump says he is a student of the press.