Cooper rolls tape on what GOP senators said about replacing a justice in 2016

The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg just months before the 2020 presidential election sets a political dilemma for some Republican senators, who in 2016 said that Supreme Court vacancies should not be filled near the end of a president's term.
#CNN #News


  1. It’s so sick to watch these men lie, straight to our faces, and there’s nothing that we can do but gasp is utter disgust!

    1. @Roland Drummer Rudy In a perfect world I would be a Republican. In this world I am so far left that Democrats look like 90’s GOP. When the GOP practice what they preach all this bullshit ends. Balls in your court.

    1. @KLJohan Correct, our intelligence has nothing to do with their hypocrisy. It’s them going back on their words that makes them hypocrites. Do as I say not as I do simpleton mentality.

    2. all 3 lost to Trump…….and 65 Million Hillary supporters lost to Trump……..Trump Won….he appoints….so simple

    3. @dr byker then why was President Obama blocked on his choice. Maybe you don’t know the meaning of the word used….. “hypocrisy.”

    4. @Shonce Silas you really want the real answer? HE WAS BLOCKED because THE REPUBLICAN SENATE had the VOTES TO BLOCK…100% political and 100% fair…… TRUMP CAN NOMINATE within the next 10 minutes…AND HE HAS THE VOTES TO PASS IT…WHY?/ BECAUSE THE REPUBLICAN HAVE THE SENATE….very very very simple and very very frustrating for the opposite side…..It’s tough for ya…but now ya know…THANKS FOR ASKING

  2. A different tone?: They stole your wallet, your wife and your dog. They won’t be satisfied till they get your clothes as well. At what point?

    1. @Bubble O Bill I don’t believe in souls, but yeah, I get what you mean. But you know what, F*Ck them they don’t get to write the rules.

    2. @Steve-O_88 Trump has not been given his due. He is much more effective in 3 years than Biden in 47. Biden would be a willing stooge if he is not put out to pasture.

  3. I’m almost 50 years old and I now believe when they say “the people”, they mean certain white people

    1. @Polly Ticks ..Obama had a big majority in the house and a filibuster proof majority in the senate on 3 separate occasions….the republicans couldn’t stop them from doing anything.

    2. Kenny Taylor what is white privilege ? where are the kkk . george soros , chuck schumer, heads of all major media outlets ect what tribe do they hale from ?

    1. @KLJohan The Muller report and bipartisan intelligence report AND Ukraine transcripts are all EXCEEDINGLY damning. The AG deploying secret police against American citizens is extremely damning. I think his own admittance that he squandered valuable early time during the pandemic is DAMNING. I don’t care what you think he’s accomplished, nothing justifies the abject cruelty, weakness, and stupidity of this administration. I bothered to read them, I bothered to be informed by more than one or two conspiracy outfits born out of /pol/ or 8kun. This conversation isn’t worth having because YOU are trying to justify anti-American actions. At leas you and your ilk are self defeating and one day soon you’ll be driven back into the darkness where roaches belong.


    3. Surprise, surprise, Biden flips like a pancake… from his position in 1992 to his new position in 2016 back to his old position today and you better believe he would flip again if he was president right now. READ IT >>> *_In justifying their decision to block Merrick Garland’s appointment to the Supreme Court in March 2016, Republicans at the time cited a floor speech Biden made as a senator in 1992 in which he staunchly opposed the idea of holding confirmation hearings for prospective justices, calling it the “Biden Rule.”_*

      *_But Biden, by then the vice president, blasted the GOP justification as “frankly ridiculous,” saying that such a rule “doesn’t exist.”_*

      *_In justifying their decision to block Merrick Garland’s appointment to the Supreme Court in March 2016, Republicans at the time cited a floor speech Biden made as a senator in 1992 in which he staunchly opposed the idea of holding confirmation hearings for prospective justices, calling it the “Biden Rule.”_*

      *_But Biden, by then the vice president, blasted the GOP justification as “frankly ridiculous,” saying that such a rule “doesn’t exist.”_*

      *_”I was responsible for eight justices and nine total nominees on the Supreme Court – more than, I hate to say this, anyone alive,” Biden told a group of law students at Georgetown University in March 2016. “Some I supported, a few I voted against. But in all that time, every nominee was greeted by committee members, every nominee got a committee hearing, every nominee got out of the committee even if they didn’t have sufficient votes to pass within the committee”_*

      *_In his floor speech in 1992, Biden advocated against then-President George H.W. Bush nominating a potential justice until after the November election that year._*

      *_He subsequently explained in 2016 that he made those comments in the aftermath of the “bruising and polarizing” confirmation process for Justice Clarence Thomas, whom Biden described as an “extreme candidate.” He also explained that his principal argument at the time focused on Bush’s nomination without consulting the Judiciary Committee, which Biden led._*

    4. @Idigam Studios well, your first 2 lines are completely false, which confirms my point and the rest of it is subjective narrative which proves my ‘intellectually dishonest’ point. And you end with name calling. Literally, to stupid to be part of the converstion. “Its easier to fool someone than it is to convince them…… tbat they’ve been fooled” Food for thought…Crybaby. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

    1. @henry newton go ahead, it didn’t work last time, and it would show your true colors. I’m sure all your democrat stay at home mothers would love to see a woman impeached. 🖕 lol

    2. Scott Hay : You won’t find the truth on the Communist News Network. I’ll let you research the truth yourself snowflake.

    3. Lemme just explain it in simple words for the leftist snowflakes here. What CNN refused to tell you is the Democrats were also pushing for obama nominee for suppreme court in 2016 to be appointed by the Senate. mitch didn’t go ahead with it cos Republicans were the majority in the Senate and Obama is Democrat they would never vote for his nominee. Right now Republicans control both the white house and Senate. It is common sense that the republican senate majority will accept whomever the president nominates. If the roles were reversed the Democrats wouldn’t waste that opportunity either. Dems lost here just take your L.

    1. @Steve Smith The President is actually elected by the college of electors, not by a popular vote of any kind.

      More actual human beings voted for Clinton than trump. 65.8 million people voted for Clinton, more than 3 million more actual people than voted for trump.

      The people rejected trump.

    2. @Steve Smith I love how trump supporters try to twist everything because they know that a majority of Americans are against trump.

    3. @Ryan Cruz Lol talking to people like you is like talking to a child, I’m not debating Hillary won overall popular vote nationally but state to state popular vote she lost 30 states to 20 states

    4. @Steve Smith You said that “the people” elected trump, with is a lie. The people elected Clinton. The electoral college elected trump.  

      The American people rejected trump. This is a fact.

      What are you going to do if trump loses?

    1. We’ll see if SC republicans are willing to re-elect a BOLD FACE LIAR rather than risk electing an African-American man as a US Senator. The legacy of John C. Calhoun & Strom Thurmond matters more to those type of people. By that I meant Southern BIGOTS.

    1. @paul lochman Are people not allowed to be marxist anymore? What happened to the first amendment?

      Are you a fascist?

    2. There is a real shortage of poll workers this year. These positions were filled in past elections by patriotic senior citizens who are at higher risk for Covid. Don’t care what party you belong to, please google “poll worker” followed by the state you live in.
      Volunteer and help people vote. Thank you!

    1. Actually it just proves that you don’t remember why they said it…. Obama was a lame duck president and wasn’t going to be re-elected EVER after 8 years…. and you forget just how much the country hated him because of Benghazi.

    2. @Joy Phillips He wouldn’t be able to get re-elected after 8 years anyway because a U.S. President is only allowed 2 terms. 4 years each. So… there.

      Arguably he could’ve given Trump a run for his money if he was allowed a third term– Obama’s approval rating was above average for a president in his second term– around the 50% range I believe.

    3. @Joy Phillips you know your argumentative style is that of a hardened BLM person because you think that rules don’t apply to you. Like the BLM protestors that basically said it’s ok for them to protest but not for the equally stupid anti maskers. A position is a position and any person can stand by their position regardless of anything around them. It may or may not be the case Trump is a lame duck president, a vote soon will decide that. Many Americans hate Trump because of the 200,000 body bags which is certainly equivalent morally to errors made with Benghazi. Some would argue more so because dealing with covid 19 was not you have a few hours to make a decision, a decision could have been made at the end of February so over a month to get things right, now look at the US. I am not American so none of my business but I do understand what is decent and honourable and what is not. Making an error versus what is occurring now is different in my opinion.

    1. Honestly, what is the point of having rules or law in this country if they are not going to be applied to everyone equally?

  4. ” I’m so proud of americans going out too vote early”!!!!! Let’s do this. We the people our opinions matters

    1. moral fiber ? what morals this place has turned into sodom & Gomorra . with the help of democrats a perverts like anderson cooper

  5. Why even care about what they’ve said in 2016…they’re all pathological liars, so you never can take them by their words…never…

  6. I have a friend in Canada who can’t believe how low our country has fallen in leadership around the world. We are a laughing stock to others. It’s very embarrassing.

    1. You know what’s the saddest part? Almost half of the country supports this administration. We truly still have a lot of horrible people in this world.

    1. As the dems hide bidens severe mental decline in an attemt to back door in kamala harris who was incredibly unpopular, and dropped out of the race…

  7. They literally refused to EVEN VOTE ON IT, it’s not that they voted and he didn’t get the votes they straight up REFUSED TO DO THEIR JOB

    1. @Ryan Cruz are you serious?? The Repubs controlled the Senate, why would they. If Dems controlled they would have. I think Obama was the one who said ” elections have consequences”… lol

    2. Rick Cook
      , That’s because Trump doesn’t respect the presidency, he’s abusing it like an absurd dotard. If you think he’s done facing consequences, you’d be mistaken. Whether he is held to account for those consequences, is a whole other animal.

    3. Rick Cook
      What’s up troll, riddle me this, do you think what you have what it takes to meddle in our election? I don’t think you do, take a seat clown

    1. D according to republicans, there has never been a SCOTUS justice confirmed in an election year for over 80 years, so why are they going to break that record?

    2. @Joy Phillips I guess you studied them hard at the FSB school in SPB? When this is all over, we’re gonna tariff you ivans to the point where you’ll be using tree bark for kotex, ivanka.

    3. keith2092 tarifs are what your citizens pay, it doesn’t really affect other countries other than importers might import less, though at this point they usually just raise the price of the products

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