CNN's Anderson Cooper shows all the times President Donald Trump has contradicted himself on who is affected by the coronavirus and how serious the pandemic is.
#CNN #News
Cooper: Are elderly people now disposable? Look in mirror, Trump

CNN's Anderson Cooper shows all the times President Donald Trump has contradicted himself on who is affected by the coronavirus and how serious the pandemic is.
#CNN #News
ask cuomo about the elderly
“it’s not who was right it’s about what is right”
Be quiet
This man keeps letting the diarrhea flowing
Cooper makes me sick

Hey, CNN, Jimmy Kimble did the Emmy’s
Why are you not condemning him for having put on a Black Face and using the “N” word?
(That was 100 percent racist! 100 percent hate speech! And don’t excuse this by saying it was a joke)
trump is in his seventies or doesn’t he realize that? He’s no spring chicken
No. He just eats them by the Bucket!!!

Are older people now disposable? Look in the mirror Mr Cuomo
That lunatic in the back that actually took his hat off!
For don, all humanity is disposable. In his mind we serve at his pleasure, or we should voluntarily die.
Ask Cuomo why he stuffed as many covid infected seniors into nursing homes killing thousands. Then ask the same thing of the governors of CA, NJ, MI and PA why they also did the same thing.
Of course Cooper must love that, because then he can blame Trump for all those deaths.
I’m pretty sure all of those governors told Trump words to the effect of “You’re not the boss of me.”
Yup it sure is a shame that we have a pig in the office today. It’s laughable how incompetent this man is at leading our country. I still can’t believe how he got elected in the first place.
Tens of thousands die every year from the flu.
And guess what . . . . . the vast majority of them are elderly.
Exactly. This is blown out of proportion because it’s an election year.
Trump 2020
Yes, tens of thousands, not hundreds of thousands.
CNN is basically the department of truth feom 1984 at this point
This just in … Cooper calls the president old and fat. There is your news today.
He forgot to say dummy lol
Cookie Monster I don’t remember that episode from Sesame Street
shid he is

Mis quote him, after he said it. Specualtion. This is why you’re fake news
So is Fox “news”
What is the Cause ? Where is the origin ? Where did it come from ? Science failed us big time ! Why the blame game mr. cooper ? Aren’t you interested to know the source rather blabbering on the symptom ?
Should he not be asking the question about disposable elderly to Cuomo?
Ask Governor Cuomo with his brilliant plan.
So sad for those families who have lost loved ones.

Oh knock it off, Anderson.